metaBMA 0.6.9 =========== * Updated syntax for Stan arrays (thanks to @andrjohns) * Dependency on newest version of rstan (>= 2.26.0) * Updated references for tutorials on meta-analysis with model averaging * Bug fixes for passing of arguments in plot_forest() (#23 and #24) metaBMA 0.6.7 =========== * Transformation of effect sizes via transform_es() * Sensitivity analysis via meta_sensitivity() * New prior family: gamma distribution * Scale of default prior for log odds ratio in meta_default() changed using the scaling factor pi/sqrt(3) = 1.81 instead of 2.00 (thanks to Frantisek Bartos) metaBMA 0.6.6 =========== * Upgrade to new rstantools folder structure * New default prior for effect size: Cauchy distribution with scale=0.707 instead of normal distribution with scale=0.3 * New defaults in meta_default() wrapper function * Faster CRAN checks and tests metaBMA 0.6.4 =========== * bugfix: argument "ci" for credibility intervals not working * reference added: Gronau et al. (2020) metaBMA 0.6.3 =========== * increased stability and precision of model-averaged posterior distribution and estimates (based on density approximations) metaBMA 0.6.2 =========== * Moderator analysis: rename slope parameters "alpha" to "beta" * Bugfix for meta_bma(): Only use H0 models for averaging of "d" parameter * New tests: Scheibehenne (2017) metaBMA 0.6.0 =========== * new function meta_ordered() for order-constrained study-effects in random-effects meta-analysis * table with estimates shows convergence statistics (Rhat, n_eff) * meta_default(): new labels for effect = "d", "r", "z", "logOR" * minor bugfixes and improvements metaBMA 0.5.0 =========== * Major refactoring (breaks compatibiltiy with previous versions) * Possible to provide data frame via argument 'data' * Removed arguments "d.par" and "tau.par": priors are now defined via d=prior(...), tau=prior(...) * Possibility to fit random and fixed effects meta-analysis with moderators in stan (with JZS priors) * Computation of log marginal likelihood with Stan samples and bridge sampling (via logml="stan") * Improved numerical integration via integrate() [posterior distribution shifted to zero] metaBMA 0.3.9 =========== * Updated citation for CRAN * Added examples for meta_bma() and meta_random() * Minor bug fixes metaBMA 0.3.8 =========== * Data sets 'power_pose' and 'power_pose_unfamiliar' added * Data set 'facial_feedback' added * More informative description file * Requirements for CRAN metaBMA 0.3.0 =========== * First stable version * High-level functions meta_bma() and meta_default() perform model averaging for standard models (fixed, random + H0, H1) * Plotting functions for averaged/random-effects/fixed-effects meta-analysis via plot_forest() and plot_posterior() * Meta-analysis models are fitted by meta_fixed() and meta_random() * Effect estimates of fitted meta-analysis models can be averaged by bma() * Inclusion Bayes factor are computed by inclusion() * User-specified and default prior functions are specified via prior() [can be plottet via plot(prior)]