R Markdown and Bookdown Templates to Publish Documents


This package provides templates to publish well-formatted documents both in HTML and PDF formats. Documents can be produced locally or hosted on GitHub, where GitHub actions can update the published documents continuously.

Long documents are the main purpose of this package. Along with a GitBook or Bootstrap 4 version to be read online, their PDF version based on the LaTeX class memoir can be highly customized (see examples 1 and 2).

Functions are provided to make the publication of the documents on GitHub very easy, including their continuous integration.

Templates include:

Available HTML formats for articles are:

Getting started

In RStudio, either:

Articles and slideshows are produced by clicking on the Knit button of the Source pane of their Rmd file. Memoirs are produced by clicking on the Build Book button of the Build pane.

Push your project to GitHub and activate GitHub Pages to make your documents readable online. The following functions help simplify that task:

Documents can be knitted by GitHub Action if continuous integration is activated:


The feather in the memoiR package sticker is from Wikimedia under license CC BY-SA 3.0.

The memoir LaTeX package is on CTAN.

The Stylish Article template is adapted from LaTeX Templates, that in turn adapted it from a LaTeX class by Mathias Legrand. Its licence is CC BY-NC-SA 3.0.

Full documentation
