Changes in version 1.0.3: * Added `meiotic_dist_threshold()` * Added `meiotic_radius()` * Added `load_haplotypes()` * Added `recursively_set_generation()` * Added `get_haplotype_L1_no_error()` to `Individual` * Added argument `error_on_no_haplotype` to `pedigree_haplotype_matches_in_pedigree_meiosis_L1_dists()` * Adapt to change in `igraph::girth()` that now returns `Inf` instead of `0` for trees (issue #18) Changes in version 1.0.2: * Minor changes * Uploaded to CRAN Changes in version 1.0.1: * NEWS file * Renaming estimate_theta_* to estimate_autotheta_* to make it more clear that they assume autosomal types were populated first * New estimate_autotheta_subpops_unweighted_{pids, genotypes} functions * Infinite alleles model * Near matches (by a distance) * Partial matches (by ignoring certain loci) * More kits included: Minimal, Yfiler, PowerPlex Y Changes in version 1.0.0: * Initial version published in JOSS: