=== Version 3.0.0 === BACK COMPATIBILITY ISSUES - When loading the package, the new default for lazyReportFormat is 'markdown'. - Another global option was added named 'lazyWeave_cat`. When set to TRUE, the output will be wrapped within cat inside the function. cat will also be added as an argument to the table and figure generating functions. It will not be added within the prose generating functions, since those should not be used in code blocks anyway. This should not affect legacy code. - `is.significant` is not `is_significant`. FEATURE CHANGES - markdown support. YAY!!! - `cattable`, `conttable`, and `catconttable` now accept `tbl_df` objects in the `data` argument. - 'lazy.matrix' now prints column names in bold text. - 'pvalue.QHS' is being removed and replaced with 'pvalString'. 'pvalue.QHS' was not exported, so this shouldn't have much effect on back compatibility. 'pvalString' will be exported and will include options for different styles of pvalue formatting. - Additional arguments have been added to 'write.ctable' and 'write.univ' that control the formatting of p-values. BUG FIXES - Additional arguments are added to 'write.univ' to allow suppression of the pvalue column. === 20 May 2014 === Some bug fixes have been applied, and the html counters have been moved out of the Global environtment into an environment stored in options()$htmlCounters === 10 Sept 2012 === The HTML output is now complete. You can toggle between LaTeX and HTML output by using the command > options(lazyReportFormat="latex") or > options(lazyReportFormat="html") The default setting when the package is loaded is "latex" The other addition to this update is the functions cattable, conttable, catconttable (all can be written to a report with write.ctable) and univ (write to a report with write.univ). I got more comments on my summary tables at UseR than I did on the package itself. So now they're available to anyone who wants them. === 18 June 2012 === Following the UseR presentation, I've decided to change my plans for this package a little. Instead of uploading a second package (referred to as lazyHTML), I will add the HTML functionality to lazyWeave. An option will be set when the package loads to determine if the output is LaTeX or HTML. This way, I only need to change the output option in options() in order to change the format of my reports. Also, based on a number of requests, I will move the functions cattable, conttable, catconttable, and write.ctable into lazyWeave. These were the functions that produced the summary table that a number of people expressed interest in. This move may only be temporary. I may move them back into CCFmisc when I get that package ready for CRAN (that could take a little while though).