glmglrt v0.2.2 (Release date: 2020-08-04) ============== Changes: * Added multcomp to Suggests in DESCRIPTION glmglrt v0.2.1 (Release date: 2020-08-03) ============== Changes: * Added confint_contrast and estimate_contrast functions * Fixed bug about infinite recursion of note() * Fixed bug about undefined force parameter in p_value_contrast.default * Fixed bug where family() had to work on all objects passed to pvalue_glm_contrast_wald * Fixed bug in pvalue_glm_contrast_wald where H0 defaulted to H0 rather than 0 * Fixed bug in pvalue_glm_contrast_wald that made it incorrect for polr because model.matrix do not match vcov matrix * Fixed bug in Rao's test due to improper interpretation of intercept when rebuilding model with glmglrt:::strong_fit * Added "method" attribute to output of p_value_contrast, estimate_contrast, confint_contrast and estimate_confint_contrast glmglrt v0.2.0 (Release date: 2020-03-19) ============== Changes: * Added numeric tolerance in tests to tolerate some floating point number errors. * Added specification of the minimum R version supported in DESCRIPTION * Import specific objects in package stats rather than the complete package * Removed bug in Wald contrasts of intercept-only models * p_value_contrast.glm now accepts contrast=NULL glmglrt v0.1.1 (Release date: 2020-03-19) ============== Changes: * Added references in DESCRIPTION * Removed Import from base in DESCRIPTION ============== glmglrt v0.1.0 (Release date: 2020-03-14) Initial version