2013-03-15 wuertz * DESCRIPTION: Updated version number. 2013-03-15 chalabi * DESCRIPTION: Updated maintainer field, R version and version number. * R/builtin-xlsGdata.R: Removed depcreated .path.package() * R/zzz.R: Removed deprecated .First.lib() 2012-03-20 chalabi * DESCRIPTION: updated DESC file 2012-03-19 chalabi * NAMESPACE: added NAMESPACE * R/read-lines.R, man/read-lines.Rd: read.lines() is now a wrapper for readLines(). 2012-03-14 wuertz * man/00fImport-package.Rd, man/provider-listings.Rd, man/providerListings.Rd: minor updates in man pages * R/builtin-xlsGdata.R, R/class-fWEBDATA.R, R/import-fred.R, R/import-oanda.R, R/import-yahoo.R, R/methods-show.R, R/read-download.R, R/read-lines.R, R/read-links.R, R/read-lynx.R, R/read-split.R, R/read-w3m.R, R/read-xls.R, R/utils-yahoo.R, R/zzz.R, man/class-fWEBDATA.Rd, man/providerListings.Rd, man/read-links.Rd, man/utils-yahooBriefing.Rd, man/utils-yahooKeystats.Rd: minor man pages updates * man/import-fred.Rd, man/import-oanda.Rd, man/import-yahoo.Rd, man/read-download.Rd, man/read-lines.Rd, man/read-links.Rd, man/read-lynx.Rd, man/read-split.Rd, man/read-w3m.Rd, man/read-xls.Rd, man/utils-yahoo.Rd, man/utils-yahooBriefing.Rd, man/utils-yahooKeystats.Rd: minor updates in man pages * DESCRIPTION: description updated * R/utils-yahoo.R, R/yahoo-utils.R, man/fredImport.Rd, man/import-fred.Rd, man/import-oanda.Rd, man/import-yahoo.Rd, man/oandaImport.Rd, man/utils-yahoo.Rd, man/utils-yahooKeystats.Rd, man/yahooBriefing.Rd, man/yahooImport.Rd, man/yahooKeystats.Rd: smaller updates * R/builtin-xlsGdata.R, R/class-fWEBDATA.R, R/import-fred.R, R/import-oanda.R, R/import-yahoo.R, R/methods-show.R, R/read-download.R, R/read-lines.R, R/read-links.R, R/read-lynx.R, R/read-split.R, R/read-w3m.R, R/read-xls.R, R/yahoo-briefing.R, R/yahoo-keystats.R, R/yahoo-utils.R, R/zzz.R: minor updates 2011-09-23 mmaechler * DESCRIPTION: remove deprecated "LazyLoad" entry 2011-06-27 chaussep * R/import-oanda.R: Modified oandaSeries to allow downloads of series of any length 2010-09-22 wuertz * R/read-links.R, R/read-xls.R: readers updated 2010-08-04 mmaechler * R/yahoo-keystats.R: (uncommitted accidentally) * R/yahoo-keystats.R, man/yahooKeystats.Rd: fix bug; add example (+ cosmetic changes) 2010-07-23 chalabi * inst/DocCopying.pdf: removed DocCopying.pdf license is already specified in DESCRIPTION file 2010-05-28 wuertz * R/fredImport.R, R/import-fred.R, R/import-oanda.R, R/import-yahoo.R, R/oandaImport.R, R/utils-yahoo.R, R/yahoo-briefing.R, R/yahoo-keystats.R, R/yahoo-utils.R, R/yahooBriefing.R, R/yahooImport.R, R/yahooKeystats.R: files renamed for better search of functions 2010-05-17 wuertz * man/00fImport-package.Rd, man/class-fWEBDATA.Rd, man/fredImport.Rd, man/methods-show.Rd, man/oandaImport.Rd, man/providerListings.Rd, man/read-download.Rd, man/read-lines.Rd, man/read-links.Rd, man/read-lynx.Rd, man/read-split.Rd, man/read-w3m.Rd, man/read-xls.Rd, man/yahooBriefing.Rd, man/yahooImport.Rd, man/yahooKeystats.Rd: ebook reference added * tests: unnecessary tests directory removed * R/read-links.R, inst/unitTests, man/read-links.Rd: old unit tests removed, links reader added * R/utils-yahoo.R: function from datafeed moved here 2010-05-13 wuertz * R/read-w3m.R: options adapted * R/read-lynx.R, R/read-w3m.R, man/providerListings.Rd, man/read-lynx.Rd, man/read-w3m.Rd: w3m added 2010-04-16 chalabi * inst/perl/html-parser/html-to-ascii.pl, inst/perl/html-parser/html-to-rfc.pl: updated perl path * DESCRIPTION: updated version number * ChangeLog, DESCRIPTION: DESC and Changelog 2010-04-14 chalabi * data/amexListing.csv, data/h15Listing.csv, data/nasdaqListing.csv, data/nyseListing.csv, data/oandaListing.csv, data/stoxxListing.csv, data/swxListing.csv: cleaned datasets 2010-03-30 chalabi * R/read-lynx.R, man/read-lynx.Rd: read.lynx can now returns a pipe command. 2010-03-29 chalabi * R/builtin-xlsGdata.R: changed reference to package path 2010-03-25 chalabi * R/read-lynx.R, man/read-lynx.Rd: read.lynx can now pass arguments to lynx binary via ... 2010-03-24 chalabi * R/builtin-xlsGdata.R, R/read-download.R, R/read-lines.R, R/read-lynx.R, R/read-split.R, R/read-xls.R, inst/perl, man/read-download.Rd, man/read-lines.Rd, man/read-lynx.Rd, man/read-split.Rd, man/read-xls.Rd: moved new read.<> functions from fBasics to fImport 2010-03-07 wuertz * data/oandaListing.csv: oandaListing updated 2010-03-02 wuertz * data/h15Listing.csv: white space in data file removed * man/providerListings.Rd: provider listings added * data/swxListing.csv: umlaut in description modified * data, data/amexListing.csv, data/h15Listing.csv, data/nasdaqListing.csv, data/nyseListing.csv, data/oandaListing.csv, data/stoxxListing.csv, data/swxListing.csv: data listings added 2010-01-06 chalabi * DESCRIPTION: updated version number * ChangeLog, DESCRIPTION: updated Changelog and DESC file * R/fredImport.R, R/oandaImport.R: missing file name when saving data set to file. Thanks to Nicolas Chapados ! 2009-09-30 chalabi * DESCRIPTION: updated version number 2009-09-29 chalabi * ChangeLog, DESCRIPTION: updated DESC and ChangeLog 2009-04-02 chalabi * DESCRIPTION: more explicit depends and suggests field in DESC file. 2009-04-01 chalabi * DESCRIPTION: updated DESC file * R/yahooKeystats.R: yahooKeystats now returns NA if there is no data is available from Yahoo 2009-03-31 chalabi * R/yahooKeystats.R: yahooKeystats returns 'NA' when there is no data for a give query. 2009-01-28 chalabi * DESCRIPTION: updated version number * DESCRIPTION: changed version number to match version on CRAN + 1 2009-01-11 wuertz * man/00fImport-package.Rd: typo removed * DESCRIPTION: next version number * man/fredImport.Rd, man/oandaImport.Rd, man/yahooImport.Rd: * DESCRIPTION: next Version number * R/economagicImport.R, inst/unitTests/runit.economagicImport.R, man/00fImport-package.Rd, man/economagicImport.Rd: economagic download function removed * man/economagicImport.Rd, man/fredImport.Rd, man/oandaImport.Rd, man/yahooImport.Rd: spaces in >item{} { 2009-01-04 chalabi * R/economagicImport.R: update function because of new format 2009-01-03 wuertz * R/economagicImport.R: DW: Economagic has introduced ramdom centered dots for numeric values, let's take care of this