v0.6-4 (2024-04-01) o tz data have been updated v0.6-3 (2023-11-02) o fix functions 'hour', 'minute' and 'second', which had been broken v0.6-2 (2023-09-20) o tiny updates in vignette o there is an additional public Git repository at https://git.sr.ht/~enricoschumann/datetimeutils v0.6-1 (2023-04-03) o no user-visible changes (fixed some timezone issues in tests) v0.6-0 (2023-04-01) o fixed: functions 'hour' 'minute', and 'second', which had been added in v0.5-0, are now exported o patterns for days in 'guess_datetime' are relaxed: in some cases a single digit will be recognised o 'previous_businessday', 'next_businessday' and 'is_businessday' now take into account a vector of 'holidays' when computing dates o 'convert_date' gains a new type "excel1904" for Excel files that use origin 1904-01-01. A new function 'date1904' determines if an xlsx-file uses origin 1904. o tz data have been updated v0.5-0 (2021-04-01) o fixed: argument 'tz' had been ignored by 'guess_datetime' o 'guess_datetime' gets an argument 'try.patterns' that lets the user specify additionals patterns o new functions 'hour' 'minute', and 'second', which work just as 'year' etc. o convert_date: support for PSPP/SPSS dates and times; based on a patch by J\"org Beyer o 'tznames' has been updated and no longer contains duplicates v0.4-0 (2020-03-25) o guess_datetime: the function now supports the date pattern "YYYYMMDD"; it also gains arguments 'date.only', 'within' and 'tz' o the package now contains vectors 'month.name.de' and 'month.abb.de.din1355.1', which provide German month names and their abbreviations o the package now contains a data.frame 'tznames', which provides a mapping between Olson and Windows timezone names v0.3-0 (2019-03-21) o new function 'end_of_quarter' o nth_day: argument 'period' may now also be a month name. Arguments 'timestamps', 'start' and 'end' may be simple years, such as "2000". For start/end, they will be interpreted as 1 Jan/31 Dec of that year. v0.2-12 (2018-02-28) o nth_day: argument 'n' may be of length greater than 1 v0.2-11 (2018-02-05) o timegrid: argument 'excludeWeekends' was renamed to 'exclude.weekends' (for consistency with other functions, such as PMwR::plot_trading_hours) o nth_day: argument 'period' may now also be "week" or "year"; argument 'n' may now also be numeric v0.2-10 (2018-01-26) o nth_day: argument 'period' may be numeric v0.2-9 (2018-01-05) o new functions 'year', 'month' and 'nth_day' v0.2-8 (2017-10-11) o minor change in example for 'timegrid' to avoid error on Solaris v0.2-7 (2017-08-25) o 'last_weekday' now supports arguments 'before' and 'inclusive' v0.2-6 (2017-08-17) o new function 'end_of_previous_year' o fixed: the 'shift' argument in 'end_of_year' had been applied to months instead of years v0.2-5 (2017-08-07) o add vignette with examples v0.2-4 (2017-07-09) o update documentation + internal changes v0.2-3 (2017-07-09) o new function 'guess_datetime' v0.2-2 (2017-06-26) o fixed: 'timegrid' had failed when timezone was missing v0.2-1 (2017-06-26) o fixed: 'timegrid' had ignored the 'excludeWeekends' argument v0.2-0 (2017-05-08) o *backward* *incompatible* *changes*. for better consistency, several functions have been renamed: convertDate => convert_date convertTZ => convert_tz dayOfMonth => "day_of_month<-" dayOfMonth => day_of_month endOfMonth => end_of_month endOfPreviousMonth => end_of_previous_month endOfYear => end_of_year firstOfMonth => first_of_month firstOfYear => first_of_year isBusinessDay => is_businessday isLeapyear => is_leapyear isWeekend => is_weekend lastWeekday => last_weekday nextBDay => next_bday nextBusinessDay => next_businessday nthWeekday => nth_weekday prevBDay => prev_bday previousBusinessDay => previous_businessday v0.1-5 (2016-10-04) o add short-hands 'prevBDay' and 'nextBDay' for 'previousBusinessDay' and 'nextBusinessDay' v0.1-4 (2016-07-07) o fixed: 'nthWeekday' had failed in some cases o new function 'isBusinessDay' v0.1-3 (2016-05-11) o new function 'convertTZ' v0.1-2 (2016-04-29) o new function 'firstOfYear' v0.1-0 (2015-12-09) o there is now a public Git repository at https://github.com/enricoschumann/datetimeutils