Version 2.0-8 * test files report all warnings, as `options(warn=1)` has been included in each one; numerical results have been rounded to three digits, to ease comparison; warnings intended for end-users have been suppressed with a human-readable marking. * plot.acomp() produced a funny warning by accummulating par() arguments; this has been programmed more cleanly. Version 2.0-7 * test result files stored as requested by cran standards Version 2.0-6 * All .C() calls include symbols and not string names of the called C routines Version 2.0-5 * Adapted to new rgl 1.0.1 interface Version 2.0-4 * F77_ calling conventions adapted from fixed length strings to length parameter in BLAS calls * fitDirichlet returned loglikehood fixed (by adding a "-" in front of n) * as.matrix.rmult method returns now a matrix with the rmult class stripped; in this way, derivate functions of `lm()` work properly (e.g. `anova`, `summary.manova`, `MASS::lda`) Version 2.0-3 * kernel density estimation on the simplex with Dirichlet kernels (kdeDirichlet) Version 2.0-2.9000 * own implementation of dDirichlet Version 2.0.2 and Version 2.0-1.9001 Minor changes / Bugfixes: * functions that do not work with sticky classes are now wrapped (e.g. `anova()`) Version 2.0-1.9000 Major change: sticky classes! * Now objects of compositional classes do not miss their class when subsetting. For example, if `x` is an "acomp" object, x[1:2,] will also be an "acomp" object. Selection of columns work as well, but it is a bit more tricky. Check ?`[.acomp` for details. You can get this behaviour skipped by setting setStickyClassOption(FALSE). * The dollar notation `$` also works for subsetting columns. Added: * Limited support for using compositions classes as formal S4 classes, for instance in slots of S4 classes expecting a "data.frame" or a "structure" (matrix or array). * self-invertibility: now "rmult" objects created by any transformation (cdt, clr, cpt, idt, ilr, ipt, iit, ilt, alr, apt) remember the original data and the transformation between them, and can be back-transformed with `backtransform`. * added cdt and idt methods for objects of class "factor" (returning the contrasts and their ipt transformation), and for "data.frame" objects (exploiting the attribute "origClass" if they have it). * `pwlr()`: pairwise logratio transformation (and inverse: `pwlrInv()`) * `pwlrPlot()`: pairwise logratio plots vs covariables, both as explained and as explanatory variables. This makes use of the ability of plot(x~y) to react to the nature of `x` and `y` to create scatterplots, boxplots and spineplots. * transformation functions between variation and clrvar: variation2clrvar and clrvar2variation * `split()` methods for compositional classes * new panels for filling `pairs()` plots with boxplots, densities, kde2d-densities, etc...: check ?vp.kde2dplot Minor Changes: * the function to fit linear models of coregionalisation is now called `fit.lmc()`; use full name specification with it! `compositions::fit.lmc()` Bugfixes: * bug in subsetting of one-column rmult object corected ----------------------------------------- Version 0.92-1 (R (>= 2.2.0), rgl, tensorA, robustBase) Added: Robustness: see robustnessInCompositions (robust= parameter) Outlier classification: see outliersInCompositions advanced treatment of Missings: see missigsInCompositions CodaDendrogram (Tolosana) A replot functionallity, changing plot parameters on the fly A onlyPanel Parameter to zoom individual panels of highdimensional plots ternaryAxis A new coordinate subsystem Changed: *.row *.col and *.inv replaces by *Row, *Col, *Inv to ensure compatibility wiht R>=2.7 added NAMESPACE: most gsi. functions are now hidden. If you need them use attach(gsi) Bugfixes: "s" and "m" warnings wrong axis-labels in logarithmic pairs plots fixed log option in boxplot.rplus now shows really logodds rather than log relative portions. Labeling in plots, missing treatment in plots. ------------------------------------ Version 0.91-6 ( R >= 2.2.0 , rgl ) Added: plot3d, biplot3d, Basic treatment of missings Version 0.9-11 ( R >= 2.2.0 beta) Added: read.geoeas, read.geoEAS (Tolosana) isoPortionlines, isoProportionLines (Boogaart) kingTetrahedron (Bren) Version 0.9-10 (R > 2.0.0 ) Was the first complete version