TODO: - predictive models (logistic regression) # SIMMS 1.3.2 ========================== - resubmission following archival due to broken dependency randomForestSRC. Did not require any changes in SIMMS, just resubmission with a new version # SIMMS 1.3.1 ========================== - changed default params of random survival forest # SIMMS 1.3.0 ========================== - implemented ensemble learning using random forest (survival) to create multivariate models - [bug fix] saving subnet selected features for each dataset separately # SIMMS 1.2.0 ========================== - support data scaling beyond z-scores including median and custom centering for methylation data. - general improvement to documentation - improved vignettes explaining how to structure custom network DB and annotation data - added censorship tick marks for KM curves # SIMMS 1.1.2 ========================== - Updates to handling of betas for discrete/nominal variables akin to predict() - Formalised terminology for copy-number aberrations as 'cna' instead of 'cnv' - Improved interaction model (abs(beta)) such that higher scores are given to same signed (two) genes. Also fixed the extraction of beta/P from correct interaction row when >2 levels discrete/nominal variables are specified - Implemented inline documentation using Roxygen # SIMMS 1.1.1 ========================== - Converted elastic-net mixing parameter alpha [0,1] to search for optimal alpha - Implemented parallel processing for glm alpha search space # SIMMS 1.1.0 ========================== - Added elastic-net mixing parameter to support alpha [0,1] i.e ridge to LASSO # SIMMS 1.0.3 ========================== - Added rmarkdown in Suggests section # SIMMS 1.0.2 ========================== - Exception handling for interaction model - Save selected features for every subnet that pass p.threshold and used in estimating subnet MDS - Fixed NAMESPACE to comply with latest CRAN policies of explicit exports/imports # SIMMS 1.0.1 ========================== - Fixed vignettes to comply with CRAN policy of not writing to user's home directory # SIMMS 1.0.0 ========================== - Added Generalised Linear Models (L1-penalty) based Cox models for fitting multi-subnetwork models - Added vignettes - Added full support for discrete data types e.g copy-number aberrations - General run-time optimisations and exception handling - Added additional network databases including TCGA MEMo subnetworks for breast, colon, glioblastoma, kidney and ovarian cancers # SIMMS 0.0.1 ========================== - Added SIMMS first implementation