############################################################################### ## NEWS to package MKinfer ############################################################################### ########################################################### ## Version 1.2 ########################################################### - changed print functions for perm.htest and boot.htest - modified computation of p values for perm.t.test and boot.t.test for extreme cases - removed DESCRIPTION table from package Rd file. - added functions to compute (multivariate) intersection-union z- and t-test ########################################################### ## Version 1.1 ########################################################### - madCI was modified for method = "boot" and is no longer based on function quantileCI, but directly on function mad. It should now give better confidence coverages. - minor modification in mi.t.test: number of imputations is printed - added method for S3 class amelia to mi.t.test (from package Amelia) - added method for S3 class mids to mi.t.test (from package mice) - added mi.wilcox.test for multiple imputation Wilcoxon tests (based on median p rule) ########################################################### ## Version 1.0 ########################################################### - changed depends from R(>= 3.5.0) to R(>= 4.0.0). As detected by GitHub user PaulCristina, functions pairwise.ext.t.test and pairwise.wilcox.exact make use of function deparse1, which was added in R 4.0.0. - now uses deparse1 instead of deparse also in hsu.t.test, perm.t.test, boot.t.test and rm.oneway.test. - corrected a minor bug regarding data names in rm.oneway.test. - minor modification of quantileCI for exact confidence intervals and small or high quantiles. - added parametric and nonparametric Bland-Altman plots including approximative, exact and bootstrap confidence intervals. - added dataset of systolic blood pressure (mm Hg) measurements made using a standard arm cuff and a finger monitor used in Bland and Altman (1995). - switched back to exhaustive search in the case of quantileCI now using outer instead of a double for loop. ########################################################### ## Version 0.9 ########################################################### - corrected bug in pairwise.wilcox.exact and pairwise.ext.t.test. ########################################################### ## Version 0.8 ########################################################### - simplified computation of quantileCI for method exact according to Section 6.10.2 of Hedderich and Sachs (2020) - enabled parallel computing for bootstrap confidence intervals - added pairwise.wilcox.exact and pairwise.ext.t.test ########################################################### ## Version 0.7 ########################################################### - introduced na.rm to volcano - introduced new parameter corr to imputeSD - changed http to https - added some example code for using mice together with mi.t.test to vignette - added function p2ses for computing a standardized effect size (SES) for permutation tests. ########################################################### ## Version 0.6 ########################################################### - removed an unnecessary print in function binomDiffCI - use lgamma instead of gamma to compute variance of SD (inside normCI) - modified imputeSD such that correlations < -1 or > 1, which may occur, are not used for the imputations, but are set to -1 or 1, respectively. ########################################################### ## Version 0.5 ########################################################### - corrected bug in wilson method in binomDiffCI (alpha was not passed through) detected by Takuya Yanagida. - attribute conf.level was not set in meanCI and sdCI. ########################################################### ## Version 0.4 ########################################################### - changed return value of imputeSD - added volcano plot ########################################################### ## Version 0.3 ########################################################### - corrected minor bug for wald-cc in binomCI and binomDiffCI - corrected minor bug in case of bootstrap confidence intervals (conf.level was not passed through) - introduced one-sided confidence intervals in all *CI functions - added references to description and vignette - added function rm.oneway.test to compute parametric and non-parametric one-way ANOVA with repeated measures ########################################################### ## Version 0.2 ########################################################### - Added new function binomDiffCI for computing confidence intervals for the difference of two binomial proportions. - Changed import form MKmisc to MKdescr - Moved function pairwise.fun from MKmisc/MKdescr to MKinfer - Added bootstrap intervals to functions binomCI and binomDiffCI - Added bootstrap intervals to function normCI - Added functions meanCI and sdCI calling function normCI - Added bootstrap intervals to function normDiffCI - Added function meanDiffCI calling function normDiffCI - Added bootstrap intervals to quantileCI, medianCI and madCI - Added bootstrap interval to cvCI - Added function boot.t.test to compute bootstrap t-tests - Added function perm.t.test to compute permutation t-tests ########################################################### ## Version 0.1 ########################################################### - Start of development - Copied functions binomCI, cvCI, hsu.t.test, imputeSD, madCI, medianCI, mi.t.test, normCI, normDiffCI, quantileCI from package MKmisc