** FuzzyNumbers Package NEWS ** *************************************************************************** 0.4-7 /2021-11-15/ * [BUGFIX] Vignette fix. *************************************************************************** 0.4-6 /2019-02-05/ * [BUGFIX] #15 `as.PiecewiseLinearFuzzyNumber` used to truncate the upper knots. *************************************************************************** 0.4-5 /2019-01-15/ * [BUGFIX] #14 `as.PiecewiseLinearFuzzyNumber` used to fail for some TriangularFuzzyNumbers * updated manual & package metadata *************************************************************************** 0.4-2 /2018-02-13/ * updated manual & package metadata *************************************************************************** 0.4-1 /2015-02-26/ * added possibility and necessity functions that represent comparison operators <=,<,>,>= (with tests and description in vignette) * added functions to determine minimum and maximum of two fuzzy numbers (description in vignette) * added operator ^ for calculation of integer power of PiecewiseLinearFuzzyNumber * added function arctan2 for calculation of atan2 with PiecewiseLinearFuzzyNumber arguments *************************************************************************** 0.3-5 /2014-10-01/ * added proper import directives in NAMESPACE * piecewiseLinearApproximation: method="ApproximateNearestEuclidean" no longer accepted; use "NearestEuclidean" instead. * package vignette now in the vignettes/ directory. *************************************************************************** 0.3-3 /2014-01-03/ * piecewiseLinearApproximation() now supports new method="SupportCorePreserving", see Coroianu L., Gagolewski M., Grzegorzewski P., Adabitabar Firozja M., Houlari T., Piecewise Linear Approximation of Fuzzy Numbers Preserving the Support and Core, 2014 (submitted for publication). * piecewiseLinearApproximation() now does not fail on exceptions thrown by integrate(); fallback=Newton-Cotes formula. * Removed `Suggests` dependency: testthat tests now available for developers via the FuzzyNumbers github repository. * Package manual has been corrected and extended. * Package vignette is now only available online at http://FuzzyNumbers.rexamine.com. *************************************************************************** 0.3-1 /2013-06-23/ * piecewiseLinearApproximation() - general case (any knot.n) for method="NearestEuclidean" now available. Thus, method="ApproximateNearestEuclidean" is now deprecated. * New binary arithmetic operators, especially for PiecewiseLinearFuzzyNumbers: +, -, *, / * New method: fapply() - applies a function on a PLFN using the extension principle * New methods: as.character(); also used by show(). This function also allows to generate LaTeX code defining the FN (toLaTeX arg thanks to Jan Caha). * as.FuzzyNumber(), as.TriangularFuzzyNumber(), as.PowerFuzzyNumber(), and as.PiecewiseLinearFuzzyNumber() are now S4 methods, and can be called on objects of type numeric, as well as on various FNs * piecewiseLinearApproximation() and as.PiecewiseLinearFuzzyNumber() argument `knot.alpha` now defaults to equally distributed knots (via given `knot.n`). If `knot.n` is missing, then it is guessed from `knot.alpha`. * PiecewiseLinearFuzzyNumber() now accepts missing `a1`, `a2`, `a3`, `a4`, and `knot.left`, `knot.right` of length `knot.n`+2. Moreover, if `knot.n` is not given, then it is guessed from length(knot.left). If `knot.alpha` is missing, then the knots will be equally distributed on the interval [0,1]. * alphacut() now always returns a named two-column matrix. evaluate() returns a named vector. * New function: TriangularFuzzyNumber - returns a TrapezoidalFuzzyNumber. * Function renamed: convert.side to convertSide, convert.alpha to convertAlpha, approx.invert to approxInvert * Added a call to setGeneric("plot", function(x, y, ...) ... to avoid a warning on install * The FuzzyNumbers Tutorial has been properly included as the package's vignette * DiscontinuousFuzzyNumber class has been marked as **EXPERIMENTAL** in the manual * Man pages extensively updated * FuzzyNumbers devel repo moved to GitHub *************************************************************************** 0.2-1 /2012-12-27/ * approx.invert(): a new function to find the numerical inverse of a given side/alpha-cut generating function (by default via Hermite monotonic spline interpolation) * convert.side(), convert.alpha(): new functions to convert sides and alpha cuts to side generating funs and alpha cut generators * FuzzyNumber class validity check for lower, upper, left, right: * checks whether each function is properly vectorized and gives numeric results * does not check for the number of formal arguments, but just uses the first from the list * Suggests `testthat` * Each object has been documented * First CRAN release *************************************************************************** 0.1-1 /2012-07-01/ * Initial release ***************************************************************************