Changes in version 1.8.2 + bug fix in pbDS(): drop samples w/o any detected features, otherwise edgeR::calcNormFactors() fails when lib.size 0 Changes in version 1.8.1 + bug fix in prepSim(): removal of genes with NA coefficients was previously not propagated to the dispersion estimates + bug fix in test-resDR.R: set 'min_cells = 0' to assure that everything is being tested, otherwise unit tests could fail Changes in version 1.8.0 + Bioconductor 3.14 release Changes in version 1.7.2 + bug fix in prepSim(): removal of NA coefficients and subsetting of the input SCE was previously out of synch Changes in version 1.5.2 + added edgeR::calcNormFactors() step in prepSim() + added argument 'dd' to simData() specifying whether or not to simulate 2 groups + prepSim() and simData() now support simulation of "singular" design (no samples, no clusters), as well as only samples/clusters + simData() defaults to simulating as many samples as available in order to avoid re-use (duplication) of reference samples Changes in version 1.5.1 + significant speed-up of aggregateData() by replacing usage of rowX() over a list with scuttle::summarizeAssayByGroup() + added options use "prop.detected" and "num.detected" as summary statistic (argument 'fun') in aggregateData() + added parallelization support in aggregateData() and pbDS() through argument BBPARAM (passed to scater::sumCountsAcrossCells() and BiocParallel::bplapply, respectively) + aggregateData() now stores the number of cells that went into aggregation under int_colData(.)$n_cells (vs. metadata(.)$n_cells) to support automated subsetting + replaced argument n_threads with BPPARAM throughout all parallelizable functions (aggregateData(), pbDS(), mmDS()) + bug fix in prepSim(): the function previously failed when cluster/sample/group_id cell metadata columns were non-factors + bug fix in resDS(): cpm = TRUE previously didn't handle missing cluster-sample combinations correctly