# Sample output files for tximport This data package provides a set of output files from running a number of various transcript abundance quantifiers on 6 samples from the [GEUVADIS Project](http://www.geuvadis.org/web/geuvadis). The files are contained in the `inst/extdata` directory. A citation for the GEUVADIS Project is: > Lappalainen, et al., "Transcriptome and genome sequencing uncovers > functional variation in humans", Nature 501, 506-511 (26 September > 2013) [doi:10.1038/nature12531](http://dx.doi.org/10.1038/nature12531). The purpose of this vignette is to detail which versions of software were run, and exactly what calls were made. # Sample information and quantification files A small file, `samples.txt` is included in the `inst/extdata` directory: ```{r} dir <- system.file("extdata", package="tximportData") samples <- read.table(file.path(dir,"samples.txt"), header=TRUE) samples ``` Further details can be found in a more extended table: ```{r} samples.ext <- read.delim(file.path(dir,"samples_extended.txt"), header=TRUE) colnames(samples.ext) ``` The quantification outputs themselves can be found in sub-directories: ```{r} list.files(dir) list.files(file.path(dir,"cufflinks")) list.files(file.path(dir,"rsem","ERR188021")) list.files(file.path(dir,"kallisto","ERR188021")) list.files(file.path(dir,"salmon","ERR188021")) list.files(file.path(dir,"sailfish","ERR188021")) list.files(file.path(dir,"alevin")) ``` # Genome and gene annotation file * For Cufflinks and Sailfish, the Illumina iGenomes was used as the index, see details below. * For RSEM, Salmon and kallisto (without inference replicates), the Gencode v27 CHR transcripts were used (`gencode.v27.transcripts.fa`). * For the `salmon_gibbs` and `kallisto_boot` directories, the Ensembl v87 cDNA transcripts were used (`Homo_sapiens.GRCh38.cdna.all.fa`). * For the `salmon_dm` directory, the Ensembl Drosophila melanogaster v92 transcripts were used (either just cDNA or combining cDNA with non-coding transcripts). Illumina iGenomes: The human genome and annotations were downloaded from [Illumina iGenomes](https://support.illumina.com/sequencing/sequencing_software/igenome.html) for the UCSC hg19 version. The human genome FASTA file used was in the `Sequence/WholeGenomeFasta` directory and the gene annotation GTF file used was the `genes.gtf` file in the `Annotation/Genes` directory. This GTF file contains RefSeq transcript IDs and UCSC gene names. The `Annotation` directory contained a `README.txt` file with the text: > The contents of the annotation directories were downloaded from UCSC > on: June 02, 2014. The `genes.gtf` file was filtered to include only chromosomes 1-22, X, Y, and M. # Cufflinks Tophat2 version 2.0.11 was run with the call: ``` tophat -p 20 -o tophat_out/$f genome fastq/$f\_1.fastq.gz fastq/$f\_2.fastq.gz; ``` Cufflinks version 2.2.1 was run with the call: ``` cuffquant -p 40 -b $GENO -o cufflinks/$f genes.gtf tophat_out/$f/accepted_hits.bam; ``` Cuffnorm was run with the call: ``` cuffnorm genes.gtf -o cufflinks/ \ cufflinks/ERR188297/abundances.cxb \ cufflinks/ERR188088/abundances.cxb \ cufflinks/ERR188329/abundances.cxb \ cufflinks/ERR188288/abundances.cxb \ cufflinks/ERR188021/abundances.cxb \ cufflinks/ERR188356/abundances.cxb ``` # RSEM RSEM version 1.2.31 was run with the call: ``` rsem-calculate-expression --num-threads 6 --bowtie2 --paired-end <(zcat fastq/$f\_1.fastq.gz) <(zcat fastq/$f\_2.fastq.gz) index rsem/$f/$f ``` # kallisto kallisto version 0.43.1 was run with the call: ``` kallisto quant --bias -i index -t 6 -o kallisto/$f fastq/$f\_1.fastq.gz fastq/$f\_2.fastq.gz ``` For the files in `kallisto_boot` directory, kallisto version 0.43.0 was run, quantifying against the Ensembl transcripts (v87) in `Homo_sapiens.GRCh38.cdna.all.fa`, using the call: ``` kallisto quant -i index -t 6 -b 5 -o kallisto_0.43.0/$f fastq/$f\_1.fastq.gz fastq/$f\_2.fastq.gz ``` # Salmon Salmon version 0.8.2 was run with the call: ``` salmon quant -p 6 --gcBias -i index -l IU -1 fastq/$f\_1.fastq.gz -2 fastq/$f\_2.fastq.gz -o salmon/$f ``` For the files in the `salmon_gibbs` directory, Salmon version 0.8.1 was run, quantifying against the Ensembl transcripts (v87) in `Homo_sapiens.GRCh38.cdna.all.fa`, using the call: ``` salmon quant -p 6 --numGibbsSamples 5 -i index -l IU -1 fastq/$f\_1.fastq.gz -2 fastq/$f\_2.fastq.gz -o salmon_gibbs/$f ``` For the files in the `salmon_dm` directory (Drosophila melanogaster), Salmon version 0.10.2 was run (once with only cDNA, once combining cDNA with non-coding transcripts): ``` salmon quant -l A --gcBias --seqBias --posBias -i Drosophila_melanogaster.BDGP6.cdna.v92_salmon_0.10.2 -o SRR1197474 -1 SRR1197474_1.fastq.gz -2 SRR1197474_2.fastq.gz ``` For the files in the `salmon_ec` directory, Salmon version 1.1.0 was run with `--dumpEq` on the files from Tasic, B., Yao, Z., Graybuck, L.T. *et al.* "Shared and distinct transcriptomic cell types across neocortical areas" (2018) [doi: 10.1038/s41586-018-0654-5](https://doi.org/10.1038/s41586-018-0654-5) These files were generated by Jeroen Gilis. The raw data is from: # alevin Two small examples of `alevin` output (50 cells each) were generated by Jeroen Gilis. The dataset is a subset from the paper, Hagai *et al.* "Gene expression variability across cells and species shapes innate immunity" (2018) [doi: 10.1038/s41586-018-0657-2](https://doi.org/10.1038/s41586-018-0657-2) Salmon/alevin version 1.6.0 was run, and using the tx2gene data that is included in the package under `tx2gene_alevin.tsv`. # Sailfish Sailfish version 0.9.0 was run with the call: ``` sailfish quant -p 10 --biasCorrect -i sailfish_0.9.0/index -l IU -1 <(zcat fastq/$f\_1.fastq.gz) -2 <(zcat fastq/$f\_2.fastq.gz) -o sailfish_0.9.0/$f ``` # Session info ```{r} sessionInfo() ```