--- title: "Analysing single-cell RNA-sequencing Data" author: "Johannes Griss" date: "`r Sys.Date()`" output: rmarkdown::html_vignette vignette: > %\VignetteIndexEntry{Analysing single-cell RNAseq data} %\VignetteEngine{knitr::rmarkdown} %\VignetteEncoding{UTF-8} --- ```{r setup, include = FALSE} knitr::opts_chunk$set( collapse = TRUE, comment = "#>" ) ``` ## Introduction The ReactomeGSA package is a client to the web-based Reactome Analysis System. Essentially, it performs a gene set analysis using the latest version of the Reactome pathway database as a backend. This vignette shows how the ReactomeGSA package can be used to perform a pathway analysis of cell clusters in single-cell RNA-sequencing data. ### Citation To cite this package, use ``` Griss J. ReactomeGSA, https://github.com/reactome/ReactomeGSA (2019) ``` ## Installation The `ReactomeGSA` package can be directly installed from Bioconductor: ```{r, eval=FALSE} if (!requireNamespace("BiocManager", quietly = TRUE)) install.packages("BiocManager") if (!require(ReactomeGSA)) BiocManager::install("ReactomeGSA") # install the ReactomeGSA.data package for the example data if (!require(ReactomeGSA.data)) BiocManager::install("ReactomeGSA.data") ``` For more information, see https://bioconductor.org/install/. ## Example data As an example we load single-cell RNA-sequencing data of B cells extracted from the dataset published by Jerby-Arnon *et al.* (Cell, 2018). **Note**: This is not a complete Seurat object. To decrease the size, the object only contains gene expression values and cluster annotations. ```{r} library(ReactomeGSA.data) data(jerby_b_cells) jerby_b_cells ``` ## Pathway analysis of cell clusters The pathway analysis is at the very end of a scRNA-seq workflow. This means, that any Q/C was already performed, the data was normalized and cells were already clustered. The ReactomeGSA package can now be used to get pathway-level expression values for every cell cluster. This is achieved by calculating the mean gene expression for every cluster and then submitting this data to a gene set variation analysis. All of this is wrapped in the single `analyse_sc_clusters` function. ```{R} library(ReactomeGSA) gsva_result <- analyse_sc_clusters(jerby_b_cells, verbose = TRUE) ``` The resulting object is a standard `ReactomeAnalysisResult` object. ```{r} gsva_result ``` `pathways` returns the pathway-level expression values per cell cluster: ```{r} pathway_expression <- pathways(gsva_result) # simplify the column names by removing the default dataset identifier colnames(pathway_expression) <- gsub("\\.Seurat", "", colnames(pathway_expression)) pathway_expression[1:3,] ``` A simple approach to find the most relevant pathways is to assess the maximum difference in expression for every pathway: ```{r} # find the maximum differently expressed pathway max_difference <- do.call(rbind, apply(pathway_expression, 1, function(row) { values <- as.numeric(row[2:length(row)]) return(data.frame(name = row[1], min = min(values), max = max(values))) })) max_difference$diff <- max_difference$max - max_difference$min # sort based on the difference max_difference <- max_difference[order(max_difference$diff, decreasing = T), ] head(max_difference) ``` ## Plotting the results The ReactomeGSA package contains two functions to visualize these pathway results. The first simply plots the expression for a selected pathway: ```{r, fig.width=7, fig.height=4} plot_gsva_pathway(gsva_result, pathway_id = rownames(max_difference)[1]) ``` For a better overview, the expression of multiple pathways can be shown as a heatmap using `gplots` `heatmap.2` function: ```{r, fig.width=7, fig.height=8} # Additional parameters are directly passed to gplots heatmap.2 function plot_gsva_heatmap(gsva_result, max_pathways = 15, margins = c(6,20)) ``` The `plot_gsva_heatmap` function can also be used to only display specific pahtways: ```{r, fig.width=7, fig.height=4} # limit to selected B cell related pathways relevant_pathways <- c("R-HSA-983170", "R-HSA-388841", "R-HSA-2132295", "R-HSA-983705", "R-HSA-5690714") plot_gsva_heatmap(gsva_result, pathway_ids = relevant_pathways, # limit to these pathways margins = c(6,30), # adapt the figure margins in heatmap.2 dendrogram = "col", # only plot column dendrogram scale = "row", # scale for each pathway key = FALSE, # don't display the color key lwid=c(0.1,4)) # remove the white space on the left ``` This analysis shows us that cluster 8 has a marked up-regulation of B Cell receptor signalling, which is linked to a co-stimulation of the CD28 family. Additionally, there is a gradient among the cluster with respect to genes releated to antigen presentation. Therefore, we are able to further classify the observed B cell subtypes based on their pathway activity. ## Pathway-level PCA The pathway-level expression analysis can also be used to run a Principal Component Analysis on the samples. This is simplified through the function `plot_gsva_pca`: ```{r, fig.width=6, fig.height=4} plot_gsva_pca(gsva_result) ``` In this analysis, cluster 11 is a clear outlier from the other B cell subtypes and therefore might be prioritised for further evaluation. ## Session Info ```{r} sessionInfo() ```