CHANGES in VERSION 2.0.0 * use **simona** for semantic similarity calculation * removed similarity functions for DO and based on overlaps (the count) ----------------------------- CHANGES in VERSION 1.9.1 * `term_similarity_from_gmt()`: previously forgot to split rows. ----------------------------- CHANGES in VERSION 1.7.2 * `anno_word_cloud()`: fixed a bug where `exclude_words` is not properly passed to internal functions. * `simplifyGOFromMultipleLists()`: fixed a bug where `control` is not properly passed to internal functions. * `simplifyGOFromMultipleLists()`: draw barplots which show numbers of signifiant GO terms in clusters. ------------------------------- CHANGES in VERSION 1.5.2 * add `keyword_enrichment_from_GO()` ------------------------------- CHANGES in VERSION 1.5.1 * word cloud supports perform enrichment on keywords * value_fun in binary_cut() now takes 1-AUC as default -------------------------------- CHANGES in VERSION 1.1.4 * add `export_to_shiny_app()` * add `simplifyGOFromMultipleLists()` -------------------------------- CHANGES in VERSION 1.1.2 * add `anno_word_cloud()` function --------------------------------- CHANGES in VERSION 0.99.6 * in the clustering, considered when the size of cluster is only 1. * add `partition_by_kmeanspp()`. * `col` can be set as a vector of colors. --------------------------------- CHANGES in VERSION 0.99.4 * support more ontologies. * support to calculate similarity matrix by gene overlap. * node partition fun changed to pam ----------------------------------