2.4.2: + Gene set collection update: Livermetastasis-related gene sets added 2.4.1: + Gene set collection update: Martirosyan gene sets added 2.4.0: + Colorblind-save portraits introduced 2.3.1: + Gene set collection update: Konecny gene sets added 2.3.0: + spot.list.samples object removed 2.2.9: + Gene set collection updates & minor changes 2.2.8: + Gene set update: Tirosh molecular programs for multiple cell types and cancer 2.2.7: + Collection of multiple fixes and gene set updates 2.2.6: + Bugfix for module masks when empty spots were dropped 2.2.5: + Gene set collection update 2.2.4: + Gene set collection update 2.2.3: + Overexpression modules further enhanced; minor fixes for module overview maps; spot.borders() incorporated 2.2.2: + Overexpression modules are now always contiguous 2.2.1: + Gene set collection update 2.2.0: + oposSOM runs now in 'results' folder directly 2.1.9: + Bugfix in PAT group assignment with only one unique PAT 2.1.8: + Bugfix in sample SOM visualization with portraits 2.1.7: + Bugfixes in PAT assignment and group analysis statistics 2.1.6: + New gene sets added; minor fixes 2.1.5: + Module detection algorithms distributed over separated functions 2.1.4: + Revision of differential expression statistics and data structures 2.1.3: + PAT letters now ordered according to module activation frequency 2.1.2: + New color palettes implemented 2.1.1: + Calculation of p-values for gene set enrichment is activated by default 2.1.0: + PSF analysis module integrated into oposSOM 2.0.8: + Mapping of indata features to Ensembl IDs not limited to 1:1 anymore 2.0.7: + Bugfix for class(...) error occuring in R > 4.0.0 2.0.6: + Bugfixes for write.csv function, very long geneset file names and package version 2.0.5: + "note"-slot introduced to oposSOM environment (preferences) and html summary table 2.0.4: + Check implemented if over-/under-expression modules were detected. Check implemented if PAT class definition can be applied 2.0.3: + Check for detected singleton spot modules implemented 2.0.2: + csv output for international spreadsheet format 2.0.1: + Colored edges in sample correlation networks & minor fixes 2.0.0: + Great performance boost by implementation of parallel SOM calculation. "som" package dependence removed