Changes in version 1.7.1 - Added image setter, Img<- - Implemented spatial aggregation functions to aggregate directly from transcript spot file, from rowGeometry, or from cell geometries in SFE objects - Implemented splitByCol to split SFE objects by geometry, splitSamples to split by sample_id, and splitContiguity to split by cotiguity of an annotGeometry Changes in version 1.6.1 - readRDS converts old style SpatRasterImage to the new style - readSelectTx and addSelectTx functions to read transcript spots from a few select genes from the parquet output of formatTxSpots or add them to an SFE object - Added formatTxTech and addTxTech functions, basically thin wrappers of formatTxSpots and addTxSpots with presets for Vizgen, Xenium, and CosMX Changes in version 1.6.0 - Changed defaults from sample_id = NULL to sample_id = 1L when dealing with 1 sample or "all" when dealing with multiple samples - dim method for BioFormatsImage that doesn't load the image into memory - Deal with univariate spatial results in featureData in cbind and changeSampleID - Fixed super embarrassing bug in cbind that fails when combining more than 2 SFE objects - Updated readXenium for XOA v2 - Updated BioFormatsImage to store affine transform info rather than converting to EBImage after transform - Speed up affine transformation of sf geometries with sfheaders - Coercion from Seurat to SFE - SpatRasterImage and EBImage directly inherit from SpatRaster and Image respectively so the user no longer needs to call imgRaster every time they plots or operates on the image, which I find really annoying. - Changed name EBImage to ExtImage to reduce confusion - Bug fixes on image affine transformation - Exporting some util functions: aggBboxes, getPixelSize, and imageIDs - Read select genes as rowGeometry and add to existing rowGeometry without erasing existing genes in the same rowGeometry Changes in version 1.5.2 - Added readXenium (for XOA v1) - Added BioFormatsImage and EBImage classes to deal with Xenium OME-TIFF - Conversion between SpatRasterImage, BioFormatsImage, and EBImage - Overhaul of geometry operation functions for images and SFE objects for the new image classes, including bbox, crop, and affine transforms - Don't throw error when there are no rows or columns left after [ subsetting - cbind for multiple samples that have rowGeometry - Rewrote df2df with the much faster sfheaders, deprecating the less efficient BPPARAM argument Changes in version 1.5.1 - Added support for rowGeometry and transcript spots - Reformat transcript spot files from Vizgen and CosMX - Improved readVizgen for transcript spots - Added readCosMX Changes in version 1.3.1 - Refactored to remove "missing" methods for geometries, graphs, and local results. - Changed defaults from sample_id = NULL to sample_id = "all" unless only one sample can be specified. Changes in version 1.2.3 - Fixed bug when Visium graph is not added when filtered matrix from only one sample is read with read10xVisiumSFE. - Changed the way pixels are converted to microns in Visium. Old way: use top left corner of Visium spot array to compute spacing between spots, doesn't work for filtered data when there're singleton spots. New way: Use median row/col indices, more robust when there're singletons. When spacing is used for the conversion, spot size is found to vary across datasets. - Added saveRDS method for SFE objects, so SpatRaster images are wrapped before saving and unwrapped on the fly when they're requested. - Fixed bug when the wrong bounding boxes are used to crop images when SFE object is subsetted and there're multiple samples. Changes in version 1.2.2 - Fixed embarrassing documentation mismatch in localResults Changes in version 1.2.1 - Fixed bug in .check_features and .symbol2id where "symbol" column is hard coded Changes in version 1.1.6 - Read images as SpatRaster, in read10xVisiumSFE - read10xVisiumSFE can also convert full resolution image pixels to microns based on Visium spot spacing - read10xVisiumSFE no longer transposes output from read10xVisium so the spots would match the image by default, and to be consistent with SpatialExperiment - Read standard Vizgen MERFISH output with readVizgen - SpatRasterImage class inheriting from VirtualSpatialImage for SpatialExperiment compatibility - Methods of addImg, mirrorImg, and transposeImg for SpatRasterImage and SFE - Mirror and transpose SFE objects, operating on both geometries and images - Images are cropped when the SFE object is cropped - Images are also shifted when removeEmptySpace is called Changes in version 1.1.4 - Store SFE package version in object and added SFE method of updateObject to pave way for a potential reimplementation of spatialGraphs. Changes in version 1.1.3 - Use BiocNeighbors for k nearest neighbors and distance based neighbors, preserving distance info to avoid slow step to refind distances with sf as done in spdep. - Added swap_rownames argument in localResult(s) getters so gene symbols from any rowData column can be used to get local results stored under Ensembl IDs. Changes in version 1.0.3 - Correctly move the geometries when there are multiple samples - Use translate = FALSE when using localResult setter for geometries - More helpful error messages when geometries, localResult, or spatial graphs are absent Changes in version 1.0.2 - Correctly move spatialCoords in removeEmptySpace - Preserve rownames when setting colGeometry for some of all samples Changes in version 1.0.0 - First version on Bioconductor Changes in version 0.99.4 - Added \code{localResults} field - Also reimplemented some of the internals behind \code{dimGeometries} Changes in version 0.99.0 - Hello world! - For my personal record, this package was submitted to Bioconductor on July 22