--- title: "How to perform CCI simulation by `cellCellSimulate` function" author: - name: Koki Tsuyuzaki affiliation: Laboratory for Bioinformatics Research, RIKEN Center for Biosystems Dynamics Research - name: Manabu Ishii affiliation: Laboratory for Bioinformatics Research, RIKEN Center for Biosystems Dynamics Research - name: Itoshi Nikaido affiliation: Laboratory for Bioinformatics Research, RIKEN Center for Biosystems Dynamics Research email: k.t.the-answer@hotmail.co.jp package: scTensor output: BiocStyle::html_document vignette: | %\VignetteIndexEntry{scTensor: 3. Simulation of CCI} %\VignetteEngine{knitr::rmarkdown} %\VignetteEncoding{UTF-8} --- # Introduction Here, we explain the way to generate CCI simulation data. `r Biocpkg("scTensor")` has a function `cellCellSimulate` to generate the simulation data. The simplest way to generate such data is `cellCellSimulate` with default parameters. ```{r cellCellSimulate_Default, echo=TRUE} suppressPackageStartupMessages(library("scTensor")) sim <- cellCellSimulate() ``` This function internally generate the parameter sets by `newCCSParams`, and the values of the parameter can be changed, and specified as the input of `cellCellSimulate` by users as follows. ```{r cellCellSimulate_Setting, echo=TRUE} # Default parameters params <- newCCSParams() str(params) # Setting different parameters # No. of genes : 1000 setParam(params, "nGene") <- 1000 # 3 cell types, 20 cells in each cell type setParam(params, "nCell") <- c(20, 20, 20) # Setting for Ligand-Receptor pair list setParam(params, "cciInfo") <- list( nPair=500, # Total number of L-R pairs # 1st CCI CCI1=list( LPattern=c(1,0,0), # Only 1st cell type has this pattern RPattern=c(0,1,0), # Only 2nd cell type has this pattern nGene=50, # 50 pairs are generated as CCI1 fc="E10"), # Degree of differential expression (Fold Change) # 2nd CCI CCI2=list( LPattern=c(0,1,0), RPattern=c(0,0,1), nGene=30, fc="E100") ) # Degree of Dropout setParam(params, "lambda") <- 10 # Random number seed setParam(params, "seed") <- 123 # Simulation data sim <- cellCellSimulate(params) ``` The output object **sim** has some attributes as follows. Firstly, **sim$input** contains a synthetic gene expression matrix. The size can be changed by **nGene** and **nCell** parameters described above. ```{r input, echo=TRUE} dim(sim$input) sim$input[1:2,1:3] ``` Next, **sim$LR** contains a ligand-receptor (L-R) pair list. The size can be changed by **nPair** parameter of **cciInfo**, and the differentially expressed (DE) L-R pairs are saved in the upper side of this matrix. Here, two DE L-R patterns are specified as **cciInfo**, and each number of pairs is 50 and 30, respectively. ```{r LR, echo=TRUE} dim(sim$LR) sim$LR[1:10,] sim$LR[46:55,] sim$LR[491:500,] ``` Finally, **sim$celltypes** contains a cell type vector. Since **nCell** is specified as "c(20, 20, 20)" described above, three cell types are generated. ```{r celltypes, echo=TRUE} length(sim$celltypes) head(sim$celltypes) table(names(sim$celltypes)) ``` # Session information {.unnumbered} ```{r sessionInfo, echo=FALSE} sessionInfo() ```