--- title: "rmspc User Guide" author: "Vahid Jalili, Marzia Angela Cremona, Fernando Palluzzi, Meriem Bahda" date: "`r format(Sys.time(), '%B %d, %Y')`" vignette: > %\VignetteIndexEntry{User guide to the rmspc package} %\VignetteKeywords{ChIPSeq, Sequencing, ChipOnChip} %\VignettePackage{rmspc} %\VignetteEngine{knitr::rmarkdown} %\VignetteEncoding{UTF-8} output: BiocStyle::html_document: number_sections: yes toc: true --- ```{r setup, include=FALSE} knitr::opts_chunk$set(echo = TRUE) ``` # MSPC The analysis of ChIP-seq samples outputs a number of enriched regions (commonly known as "peaks"), each indicating a protein-DNA interaction or a specific chromatin modification. When replicate samples are analyzed, overlapping peaks are expected. This repeated evidence can therefore be used to locally lower the minimum significance required to accept a peak. [MSPC](https://genometric.github.io/MSPC/) is a method for joint analysis of weak peaks. Given a set of peaks from (biological or technical) replicates, MSPC combines the p-values of overlapping enriched regions, and allows the "rescue" of weak peaks occurring in more than one replicate. In other words, MSPC comparatively evaluates ChIP-seq peaks and combines the statistical significance of repeated evidences, with the aim of lowering the minimum significance required to “rescue” weak peaks; hence reducing false-negatives. # Run MSPC from Command Line or as an R Package The MSPC method is implemented as a [C# .NET library](https://www.nuget.org/packages/Genometric.MSPC.Core) with two interfaces: A cross-platform command line interface, and an R package. Both interfaces are built on the same library, hence they provide the same functionality and produce the same output. The documentation for running the package from a terminal on Linux, macOS, and Windows is available at [this page](https://genometric.github.io/MSPC/docs/quick_start). The present package, `rmspc`, is developed to run MSPC from R. The package facilitates usage and integration of MSPC with pipelines/scripts written in R. This document explores how to use MSPC program from Rstudio, using the `rmspc` package. # Prerequisites A prerequisite for the rmspc package is .NET 5.0 (since it is developed on program implemented in C# .NET). You can check if .NET is installed using the command `dotnet --info` run in a terminal. If .NET is installed, the output of the command shows the version of the installed framework (should be 5.0 or newer). If not installed, you may install following [these instructions](https://dotnet.microsoft.com/download/dotnet/5.0). # Using the rmspc package ## Installing and loading the package The installation of the package goes as follows : ```{r BiocManager, eval=FALSE} if (!require("BiocManager")) install.packages("BiocManager") BiocManager::install("rmspc") ``` If the package BiocManager is not installed in the user's computer, it will be installed as well. A package only needs to be installed once. We load the `rmspc` package into an R session : ```{r initialize, results="hide", warning=FALSE, message=FALSE} library(rmspc) ``` The package has one external function: `mspc`. This is the main function of the package that we use to run the MSPC program in R. ## Required arguments of the mspc function There are 4 required arguments that the user needs to specify to run the `mspc` function. These arguments are: * `input`: Character vector (file path of BED files) or a GRanges list. * `replicateType`: Character string. This argument defines the replicate type. Possible values : 'Bio', 'Biological', 'Tec', 'Technical'. * `stringencyThreshold`: A real number of type `Double`. A threshold on p-values, where peaks with p-value lower than this threshold are considered stringent peaks. * `weakThreshold`: A real number of type `Double`. A threshold on p-values, such that peaks with p-value between this and the stringency threshold are considered weak peaks. More information about the arguments of the `mspc` function can be found in the package documentation. It is important to note that the `input` argument can be given in two possible formats. ## Scenario 1: Input as path file to BED files In this first scenario, we suppose the samples we want to use as input data for the `mspc` function are in a BED file format. We will use for this example the external data available in the package. ```{r} path <- system.file("extdata", package = "rmspc") ``` We have two sample files available in the directory inst/extdata of the package : ```{r} list.files(path) ``` More information about these sample files is available in the data documentation file. We specify the input argument. In this first scenario, the input argument is a character vector. Each element of the vector is a file path of a BED file. ```{r } input1 <- paste0(path, "/rep1.bed") input2 <- paste0(path, "/rep2.bed") input <- c(input1, input2) input ``` When the `mspc` function is called, it creates a number of files in the user's computer. If the user wishes to keep all the files generated in their computer, they can set the argument `keep` to `TRUE`. More information regarding this argument is available in the documentation. We run the `mspc` function as follows : ```{r} results <- mspc( input = input, replicateType = "Technical", stringencyThreshold = 1e-8, weakThreshold = 1e-4, gamma = 1e-8, keep = FALSE,GRanges = TRUE, multipleIntersections = "Lowest", c = 2,alpha = 0.05) ``` The `mspc` function prints the results of the MSPC program. The first line of the output printed gives the exported directory, which is the directory where the files generated by the `mspc` function are created. The function returns the following: 1. `status`: Integer. The exit status of running the `mspc` function. A `0` exit status means the function ran successfully. 2. `filesCreated`: List of character vectors. It lists the names of the files generated while running the `mspc` function. 3. `GrangesObjects`: GRanges list. All the files generated while running the `mspc` function are imported as GRanges objects, and are combined into a GRanges list. It is important to note that the `mspc` function does not always return these three elements. The output of the function depends on the arguments `keep` and `GRanges` given to the `mspc` function. In this example, we chose to set the argument `keep` to `FALSE`, and `GRanges` to `TRUE`. By doing so, we chose to ask the function to return all the files generated as GRanges objects, but to not keep them in the computer. The objects returned by the `mspc` function in this example are therefore : ```{r } results$status head(results$GRangesObjects,3) ``` Each element of the `GRangesObjects` of the output can be accessed as such: ```{r} results$GRangesObjects$ConsensusPeaks results$GRangesObjects$`rep1/Background` ``` In order to understand better the output of the `mspc` function, let's go over the files generated while running the `mspc` function. These files are listed by the `filesCreated` object, returned by the `mspc` function : * A log file that contains the execution log : this file contains the information, debugging messages, and exceptions that occurred during the execution. * Consensus peaks in standard BED and MSPC format. * One folder per each replicates that contains BED files, containing stringent, weak, background, confirmed, discarded, true-positive, and false-positive peaks. Each category of peaks is defined as such : * **Background** : Peaks with p-value >= `weakThreshold`. * **Weak** : Peaks with `stringencyThreshold` <= p-value < `weakThreshold`. * **Stringent** : Peaks with p-value < `stringencyThreshold`. * **Confirmed** : Peaks that: 1. are supported by at least `c` peaks from replicates, and 2. their combined stringency (xSquared) satisfies the given threshold: xSquared >= the inverse of the right-tailed probability of `gamma` and 3. if technical replicate, passed all the tests, and if biological replicate, passed at least one test. * **Discarded** : Peaks that: 1. does not have minimum required (i.e., `c`) supporting evidence, or 2. their combined stringency (xSquared) does not satisfy the given threshold, or 3. if technical replicate, failed a test. * **TruePositive** : The confirmed peaks that pass the Benjamini-Hochberg multiple testing correction at level `alpha`. * **FalsePositive** : The confirmed peaks that fail Benjamini-Hochberg multiple testing correction at level `alpha`. More information about the files generated by the mspc function can be found [here](https://genometric.github.io/MSPC/docs/cli/output). ## Scenario 2: Input as Granges objects In this second scenario, we suppose the samples we want to use as input data for the `mspc` function are GRanges objects, loaded in the R environment the user is working on. To exemplify this scenario, we will import the BED files, included in the package, as GRanges objects into our R environment. In order to do so, we need to install and load the two following Bioconductor packages: `GenomicRanges` and `rtracklayer`. ```{r eval=FALSE} BiocManager::install("GenomicRanges",dependencies = TRUE) BiocManager::install("rtracklayer",dependencies = TRUE) ``` We load these packages to our R session as follows: ```{r message=FALSE,warning=FALSE} library(GenomicRanges) library(rtracklayer) ``` We now import the two BED files, that are available in the folder inst/extdata of the package, as GRanges objects. ```{r } path <- system.file("extdata", package = "rmspc") input1 <- paste0(path, "/rep1.bed") input2 <- paste0(path, "/rep2.bed") GR1 <- rtracklayer::import(con = input1, format = "bed") GR2 <- rtracklayer::import(con = input2, format = "bed") ``` We have now created 2 GRanges objects : **GR1** and **GR2**. Here's what the GR1 object is like: ```{r} GR1 ``` We can now combine the GRanges objects, **GR1** and **GR2**, into a GRanges list. A Granges list is a list of several GRanges objects. It is defined as such: ```{r} GR <- GenomicRanges::GRangesList("GR1" = GR1, "GR2" = GR2) GR ``` The GRanges list **GR** created is the input we will give to the `mspc` function. When we give a Granges list to the `mspc` function as input, each GRanges object of the GRanges list is exported as a BED file into the folder specified by the argument `directoryGRangesInput`. More information about the `directoryGRangesInput` argument in the documentation. We now will call the `mspc` function, as follows: ```{r} results <- mspc( input = GR, replicateType = "Biological", stringencyThreshold = 1e-8, weakThreshold = 1e-4, gamma = 1e-8, GRanges = TRUE, keep = FALSE, multipleIntersections = "Highest", c = 2,alpha = 0.05) ``` The objects returned by the `mspc` function in this example are: ```{r} results$status tail(results$GRangesObjects) ``` # Session Information The output in this vignette was produced under the following conditions: ```{r SessionInfo} sessionInfo() ``` # Bibliographic references Jalili, V., Matteucci, M., Masseroli, M., & Morelli, M. J. (2015). Using combined evidence from replicates to evaluate ChIP-seq peaks. Bioinformatics, 31(17), 2761-2769. [Link to the article ](https://doi.org/10.1093/bioinformatics/btv293)