## ----biocstyle, echo = FALSE, results = "asis", message = FALSE--------------- library(BiocStyle) BiocStyle::markdown() ## ----installPackage, eval = FALSE--------------------------------------------- # # if (!requireNamespace("BiocManager", quietly = TRUE)) # install.packages("BiocManager") # # BiocManager::install("proteasy") # ## ----loadPackage, eval = TRUE------------------------------------------------- library("proteasy") ## ----SearchSubstrate, eval = TRUE--------------------------------------------- # Returns vector of reviewed proteases that cleave P01042 searchSubstrate(protein = "P01042", summarize = TRUE) # Returns data.table with details on cleaving events searchSubstrate(protein = "P01042", summarize = FALSE) |> head() # The function also accepts multiple proteins as input. Let's inspect # the last rows in the returned data.table. searchSubstrate(protein = c("P01042", "P02461"), summarize = FALSE) |> tail() # With summarize = FALSE we get both reviewed and unreviewed proteases. ## ----SearchProtease, eval = TRUE---------------------------------------------- # Returns vector of substrates that MMP-12 cleave searchProtease(protein = "P39900", summarize = TRUE) # Returns data.table with details on cleaving events that involve MMP-12 searchProtease(protein = "P39900", summarize = FALSE) |> head() ## ----FindProtease, eval = TRUE------------------------------------------------ # Create a vector of Uniprot IDs and corresponding peptide sequences protein <- c("P02671", "P02671", "P68871", "P01011", "P68133", "P02461", "P0DJI8", "P0DJI8", "P0DJI8") peptide <- c("FEEVSGNVSPGTR", "FVSETESR", "LLVVYPW", "ITLLSAL", "DSYVGDEAQS", "AGGFAPYYG", "FFSFLGEAFDGAR", "EANYIGSDKY", "GGVWAAEAISDAR") # If we do not specify start position (start_pos) and end position # (end_pos), the function will automatically assign these values by # matching the provided peptide sequence against the full-length # protein sequence. res <- findProtease(protein = protein, peptide = peptide, organism = "Homo sapiens") # The resulting S4 object can be inspected in three ways; # (to save space we show only the first six rows) # 1. Display sequence data for the provided input: substrates(res) |> head() # 2. Show which known proteases may have cleaved this protein: proteases(res) |> head() # 3. Display details of associated proteolytic events: cleavages(res) |> head() # We can find out what proportion of matching cleaving events by reviewed # proteases occur at N- versus C-terminus cl <- cleavages(res)[`Protease status` == "reviewed"] cl$`Cleaved terminus` |> table() |> prop.table() |> round(digits = 2) # And inspect the distribution of cleaved amino acids cl$`Cleaved residue` |> table() |> barplot(cex.names = 2) # Find which protease is involved in the greatest number of cleaving events cl[!duplicated(Peptide), .(count = .N), by = `Protease (Uniprot)`] # If start- and end-positions are specified, the function will not attempt # to automatically look up sequence data for the specified protein/peptide. cl_by_pos <- findProtease( protein = "P02671", peptide = "FEEVSGNVSPGTR", start_pos = 413, end_pos = 425 ) # However, this means sequence details for substrates is not available. substrates(cl_by_pos) ## ----Browse protease, eval = FALSE-------------------------------------------- # # browseProtease("P07339", keytype = "UniprotID") # (opens web browser) # ## ----network, eval = TRUE, message = FALSE, fig.height = 12, fig.width = 12, crop = FALSE---- library(igraph) library(data.table) # Make a vector of substrates we want to investigate proteins <- c('P01011','P02671') # Look up known proteases which cleave these substrates, and associated data # annotated to the cleaving events res <- searchSubstrate(protein = proteins, summarize = FALSE) # Filter to keep proteases with Uniprot status "reviewed" res <- res[`Protease status` == "reviewed"] # To create a network, we only need two columns of interactors # i.e. the proteases with cleaving action on the substrates res <- res[, c("Protease (Uniprot)", "Substrate (Uniprot)", "Cleavage type")] # Construct the DAG g <- igraph::graph_from_data_frame(res, directed = TRUE, vertices = unique( c(res$`Protease (Uniprot)`, res$`Substrate (Uniprot)`))) # This will allow us to return to a layout we like # (and where the legend fits nicely) set.seed(104) plot(g, vertex.label.family = "Helvetica", vertex.size = 14, vertex.color = ifelse(V(g)$name %in% res$`Protease (Uniprot)`, "#377EB8", "#E41A1C"), vertex.label.cex = 1, vertex.label.color = "white", edge.arrow.size = .6, edge.color = ifelse(E(g)$`Cleavage type` == "physiological", "#01665E", "#8E0152"), layout = igraph::layout.davidson.harel) legend(title = "Nodes", cex = 2, horiz = FALSE, title.adj = 0.0, inset = c(0.0, 0.2), "bottomleft", bty = "n", legend = c("Protease", "Substrate"), fill = c("#377EB8", "#E41A1C"), border = NA) legend(title = "Edges", cex = 2, horiz = FALSE, title.adj = 0.0, inset = c(0.0, 0.0), "bottomleft", bty = "n", legend = c("Physiological", "Non-physiological"), fill = c("#01665E", "#8E0152"), border = NA) ## ---- message = FALSE, warning = FALSE, crop = FALSE-------------------------- # Load additional libraries library(Rcpi) library(viridis) suppressPackageStartupMessages(library(ComplexHeatmap)) # Prepare input: protein and associated peptide sequences protein <- c('P01011','P01011','P01034','P01034', 'P01042','P02671','P02671','P68871', 'P68871','P01042') peptide <- c('LVETRTIVRFNRPFLMIIVPTDTQNIFFMSKVTNPK','ITLLSAL', 'KAFCSFQIY','AFCSFQIY','DIPTNSPELEETLTHTITKL','FEEVSGNVSPGTR', 'FVSETESR','LLVVYPW','VDEVGGEALGR','KIYPTVNCQPLGMISLM') # Find cleaving data associated with above substrates res <- findProtease(protein = protein, peptide = peptide, organism = "Homo sapiens") # Get substrate info ss <- substrates(res) # Show only unique sequences ss_uniq <- ss[!duplicated(`Substrate sequence`)] # Calculate protein (substrate) sequence similarity psimmat = Rcpi::calcParProtSeqSim(ss_uniq$`Substrate sequence`, type = 'global', submat = 'BLOSUM62') rownames(psimmat) <- colnames(psimmat) <- ss_uniq$`Substrate (Uniprot)` # Plot as a heatmap ComplexHeatmap::Heatmap(psimmat, col = viridis::mako(100)) # We can do the same thing for peptide sequences, # and annotate each row (cleaved peptide) with # information about cleaved residue and termini # Get cleavage details cl <- cleavages(res) # Calculate peptide sequence similarity pep_psimmat = Rcpi::calcParProtSeqSim(cl$Peptide, type = 'global', submat = 'BLOSUM62') # Right side annotation: cleaved residue rsd <- cl$`Cleaved residue` cols <- c("#8DD3C7", "#FFFFB3", "#BEBADA", "#FB8072") names(cols) <- unique(rsd) ha1 <- ComplexHeatmap::columnAnnotation(`cleaved residue` = rsd, col = list(`cleaved residue` = cols)) # Right side annotation: Terminus tn <- cl$`Cleaved terminus` cols <- c("#B3E2CD", "#FDCDAC") names(cols) <- unique(tn) ha2 <- ComplexHeatmap::columnAnnotation(terminus = tn, col = list(terminus = cols)) rownames(pep_psimmat) <- cl$`Substrate (Uniprot)` # Plot as a heatmap ComplexHeatmap::Heatmap( pep_psimmat, name = "sequence\nsimilarity", col = viridis::mako(100), show_column_names = FALSE, row_names_gp = grid::gpar(fontsize = 6.5), top_annotation = c(ha1, ha2) ) ## ----sessioninfo, echo = FALSE------------------------------------------------ sessionInfo()