--- title: "Use a Stock Genome" author: "Paul Shannon" package: igvR date: "`r Sys.Date()`" output: BiocStyle::html_document vignette: > %\VignetteIndexEntry{"Use a Stock Genome"} %\VignetteEngine{knitr::rmarkdown} %\VignetteEncoding{UTF-8} --- ```{r setup, include = FALSE} options(width=120) knitr::opts_chunk$set( collapse = TRUE, eval=interactive(), echo=TRUE, comment = "#>" ) ``` # Overview [igv.org](https://igv.org/) currently (July 2022) provides 35 common and model organism annotated genomes. Each of these is easily specified and used in igvR When igvR is initialized communication is established between your R session and your default web browser. Then, in a separate function call, you specifies the genome of interest. igvR then renders the genome browser view and interactive navigation can begin. # Demonstration ```{r eval=FALSE} library(igvR) igv <- igvR() setBrowserWindowTitle(igv, "Stock Genomes") print(sort(getSupportedGenomes(igv))) ``` ``` ASM294v2 ASM985889v3 bosTau8 bosTau9 canFam3 canFam5 ce11 chm13v1.1 chm13v2.0 danRer10 danRer11 dm3 dm6 dmel_r5.9 galGal6 GCA_003086295.2 gorGor4 gorGor6 hg18 hg19 hg38 hg38_1kg macFas5 mm10 mm39 mm9 panPan2 panTro4 panTro5 panTro6 rn6 rn7 sacCer3 susScr11 tair10 ``` ```{r eval=FALSE} setGenome(igv, "hg38_1Kg") showGenomicRegion(igv, "APOE") zoomOut(igv) ``` # Display ```{r, eval=TRUE, echo=FALSE, out.width="95%"} knitr::include_graphics("stockGenomes.png") ``` # Session Info ```{r eval=TRUE} sessionInfo() ```