--- title: Reproduce the Diffusion Map vignette with the supplied data() output: rmarkdown::html_vignette vignette: > %\VignetteIndexEntry{Reproduce the Diffusion Map vignette with the supplied data()} %\VignetteEngine{knitr::rmarkdown} %\VignetteEncoding{UTF-8} --- Quickstart ========== A short version to achive the above is by using the preprocessed version of the dataset provided with this package. `data(guo)` is already preprocessed (using the method first mentioned), has its threshold set to a constant 15 and is ready to use. Since the platform’s maximum amplification cycles are 40, that number can be used as upper border of the uncertainty range. ```{r} library(destiny) data(guo) ``` It can be used directly for diffusion map creation: ```{r} dm_guo <- DiffusionMap(guo, verbose = FALSE, censor_val = 15, censor_range = c(15, 40)) dm_guo ``` ```{r} plot(dm_guo) ``` using the annotation shows that the approximation worked ```{r} palette(cube_helix(6)) plot(dm_guo, col_by = 'num_cells', legend_main = 'Cell stage') ``` References ==========