## ---- include = FALSE--------------------------------------------------------- knitr::opts_chunk$set( collapse = TRUE, comment = "#>", echo = TRUE, include = TRUE, eval = TRUE, message = FALSE, warning = FALSE, fig.align = "center", fig.keep = "last", fig.height = 5, fig.width = 9 ) Tim0 <- Sys.time() library(ggplot2) library(dplyr) library(cellmigRation) library(kableExtra) ## ----set-options, echo=FALSE, cache=FALSE---- options(width = 14) ## ----setting_seed---- set.seed(1234) ## ----installing_cellmigRation, eval=FALSE---- # if(!requireNamespace("BiocManager", quietly = TRUE)) # install.packages("BiocManager") # BiocManager::install("cellmigRation") ## ----------- library(cellmigRation) library(dplyr) library(ggplot2) library(kableExtra) ## ----echo=TRUE, include=TRUE, eval=TRUE, results='markup'---- # load data data(ThreeConditions) # An S4 trackedCells object ThreeConditions[[1]] ## ----echo=TRUE, include=TRUE, eval=TRUE, fig.height=7.8---- # Optimize parameters using 1 core x1 <- OptimizeParams( ThreeConditions$ctrl01, threads = 1, lnoise_range = c(5, 12), diameter_range = c(16, 22), threshold_range = c(5, 15, 30), verbose = FALSE, plot = TRUE) ## ----echo=TRUE, include=TRUE, eval=TRUE---- # obtain optimized params getOptimizedParams(x1)$auto_params ## ----echo=TRUE, include=TRUE, eval=TRUE, fig.keep='last'---- # Track cell movements using optimized params x1 <- CellTracker( tc_obj = x1, min_frames_per_cell = 3, threads = 1, verbose = TRUE) # Track cell movements using params from a different object x2 <- CellTracker( ThreeConditions$ctrl02, import_optiParam_from = x1, min_frames_per_cell = 3, threads = 1) ## ----fig.height=4, fig.width=4, fig.align='center'---- # Track cell movements using CUSTOM params, show plots x3 <- CellTracker( tc_obj = ThreeConditions$drug01, lnoise = 5, diameter = 22, threshold = 6, threads = 1, maxDisp = 10, show_plots = TRUE) ## ----echo=TRUE, include=TRUE, eval=TRUE, results='asis'---- # Get tracks and show header trk1 <- cellmigRation::getTracks(x1) head(trk1) %>% kable() %>% kable_styling(bootstrap_options = 'striped') ## ----echo=TRUE, include=TRUE, eval=TRUE---- # Basic migration stats can be computed similar to the fastTracks software x1 <- ComputeTracksStats( x1, time_between_frames = 10, resolution_pixel_per_micron = 1.24) x2 <- ComputeTracksStats( x2, time_between_frames = 10, resolution_pixel_per_micron = 1.24) x3 <- ComputeTracksStats( x3, time_between_frames = 10, resolution_pixel_per_micron = 1.24) # Fetch population stats and attach a column with a sample label stats.x1 <- cellmigRation::getCellsStats(x1) %>% mutate(Condition = "CTRL1") stats.x2 <- cellmigRation::getCellsStats(x2) %>% mutate(Condition = "CTRL2") stats.x3 <- cellmigRation::getCellsStats(x3) %>% mutate(Condition = "DRUG1") ## ----echo=TRUE, include=TRUE, eval=TRUE, results='asis'---- stats.x1 %>% dplyr::select( c("Condition", "Cell_Number", "Speed", "Distance", "Frames")) %>% kable() %>% kable_styling(bootstrap_options = 'striped') ## ----fig.height=4.5, fig.width=4.9, fig.align='center'---- # Run a simple Speed test sp.df <- rbind( stats.x1 %>% dplyr::select(c("Condition", "Speed")), stats.x2 %>% dplyr::select(c("Condition", "Speed")), stats.x3 %>% dplyr::select(c("Condition", "Speed")) ) vp1 <- ggplot(sp.df, aes(x=Condition, y = Speed, fill = Condition)) + geom_violin(trim = FALSE) + scale_fill_manual(values = c("#b8e186", "#86e1b7", "#b54eb4")) + geom_boxplot(width = 0.12, fill = "#d9d9d9") print(vp1) ## ----echo=TRUE, include=TRUE, eval=TRUE, results='markup'---- # Run a t-test: sp.lst <- with( sp.df, split(Speed, f = Condition)) t.test(sp.lst$CTRL1, sp.lst$DRUG1, paired = FALSE, var.equal = FALSE) ## ----fig.height=4, fig.width=4, fig.align='center'---- # Visualize cells in a frame of interest cellmigRation::VisualizeStackCentroids(x1, stack = 1) ## ----echo=TRUE, include=TRUE, eval=TRUE, fig.height=4.6---- # Visualize tracks of cells originating at a frame of interest par(mfrow = c(1, 3)) cellmigRation::visualizeCellTracks(x1, stack = 1, main = "tracks from CTRL1") cellmigRation::visualizeCellTracks(x2, stack = 1, main = "tracks from CTRL2") cellmigRation::visualizeCellTracks(x3, stack = 1, main = "tracks from DRUG1") ## ----echo=TRUE, include=TRUE, eval=TRUE, results='asis'---- # aggregate tracks together all.ctrl <- aggregateTrackedCells(x1, x2, meta_id_field = "tiff_file") # Show header all.ctrl[seq_len(10), seq_len(6)] %>% kable() %>% kable_styling(bootstrap_options = 'striped') ## ----eval = TRUE, echo=FALSE, results='markup', include=TRUE---- # Table tiff_filename vs. condition with(all.ctrl, table(condition, tiff_file)) ## ----eval = TRUE, echo = TRUE, results='markup', include=TRUE---- # Prepare second input of Module 2 all.drug <- getTracks(tc_obj = x3, attach_meta = TRUE) ## ----eval = TRUE, echo = TRUE, results='markup', include=TRUE---- rmTD <- CellMig(trajdata = all.ctrl) rmTD <- setExpName(rmTD, "Control") # Preprocessing the data rmTD <- rmPreProcessing(rmTD, PixelSize=1.24, TimeInterval=10, FrameN=3) ## ----eval = TRUE, echo = TRUE, include=TRUE, fig.width=5---- # Plotting tracks (2D and 3D) plotAllTracks(rmTD, Type="l", FixedField=FALSE, export=FALSE) ## ----eval = TRUE, echo = TRUE, include=TRUE, fig.keep='last', fig.width=5---- # Plotting the trajectory data of sample of cells (selected randomly) # in one figure plotSampleTracks( rmTD, Type="l", FixedField=FALSE, celNum=2, export = FALSE) ## ----echo=TRUE, include=TRUE, eval=TRUE---- ## Directionality srmTD <- DiRatio(rmTD, export=TRUE) DiRatioPlot(srmTD, export=TRUE) ## ---- echo=FALSE, out.width="50%", fig.cap="Controldirectionality"---- knitr::include_graphics( "Control-DR_Results/Controldirectionality ratio for all cells.jpg") ## ----echo=TRUE, include=TRUE, eval=TRUE---- rmTD<-MSD(object = rmTD, sLAG=0.5, ffLAG=0.5, export=TRUE) ## ----echo=TRUE, include=TRUE, results='asis', fig.keep='last', fig.width=5---- rmTD <- VeAutoCor( rmTD, TimeInterval=10, sLAG=0.5, sPLOT=TRUE, aPLOT=TRUE, export=FALSE) ## ----echo=TRUE, include=TRUE, eval=TRUE, message=FALSE, warning=FALSE---- rmTD <-FinRes(rmTD, ParCor=TRUE, export=FALSE) ## ----echo=FALSE, include=TRUE, results='asis'---- head(getCellMigSlot(rmTD, "results"), 5) %>% kable() %>% kable_styling(bootstrap_options = 'striped') ## ----include=FALSE---- Tim1 <- Sys.time() TimDiff <- as.numeric(difftime(time1 = Tim1, time2 = Tim0, units = "mins")) TimDiff <- format(round(TimDiff, digits = 2), nsmall = 2) ## ----echo=FALSE, eval=TRUE, results='markup'---- sessionInfo()