## ----set-options, echo=FALSE, cache=FALSE------------------------------------- options(stringsAsFactors = FALSE, warning = FALSE, message = FALSE) ## ---- eval = FALSE------------------------------------------------------------ # BiocManager::install("TADCompare") ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- library(dplyr) library(SpectralTAD) library(TADCompare) ## ----echo = FALSE------------------------------------------------------------- data("rao_chr22_prim") row.names(rao_chr22_prim) <- colnames(rao_chr22_prim) <- format(as.numeric(row.names(rao_chr22_prim)), scientific = FALSE) coords <- 200:275 pheatmap::pheatmap(log10(rao_chr22_prim[coords, coords]), cluster_rows = FALSE, cluster_cols = FALSE) ## ----echo = FALSE------------------------------------------------------------- coords <- 50:53 sub_mat <- data.frame(chr = "chr22", start = as.numeric(colnames(rao_chr22_prim[coords, coords])), end = as.numeric(colnames(rao_chr22_prim[coords, coords])) + 50000, rao_chr22_prim[coords, coords]) row.names(sub_mat) = NULL sub_mat ## ----echo = FALSE------------------------------------------------------------- data("rao_chr22_prim") head(HiCcompare::full2sparse(rao_chr22_prim)) ## ---- eval=FALSE-------------------------------------------------------------- # #Read in data # primary = read.table('primary.chr22.50kb.txt', header = FALSE) # replicate = read.table('replicate.chr22.50kb.txt', header = FALSE) # #Run TADCompare # tad_diff=TADCompare(primary, replicate, resolution=50000) ## ----eval = FALSE------------------------------------------------------------- # # Read in data # cool_mat1 <- read.table("Zuin.HEK293.50kb.Control.txt") # cool_mat2 <- read.table("Zuin.HEK293.50kb.Depleted.txt") # # # Convert to sparse 3-column matrix using cooler2sparse from HiCcompare # sparse_mat1 <- HiCcompare::cooler2sparse(cool_mat1) # sparse_mat2 <- HiCcompare::cooler2sparse(cool_mat2) # # # Run TADCompare # diff_tads = lapply(names(sparse_mat1), function(x) { # TADCompare(sparse_mat1[[x]], sparse_mat2[[x]], resolution = 50000) # }) ## ----eval = FALSE------------------------------------------------------------- # # Read in both files # mat1 <- read.table("sample1_100000.matrix") # bed1 <- read.table("sample1_100000_abs.bed") # # # Matrix 2 # # mat2 <- read.table("sample2_100000.matrix") # bed2 <- read.table("sample2_100000_abs.bed") # # # Convert to modified bed format # sparse_mats1 <- HiCcompare::hicpro2bedpe(mat1,bed1) # sparse_mats2 <- HiCcompare::hicpro2bedpe(mat2,bed2) # # # Remove empty matrices if necessary # # sparse_mats$cis = sparse_mats$cis[sapply(sparse_mats, nrow) != 0] # # # # Go through all pairwise chromosomes and run TADCompare # sparse_tads = lapply(1:length(sparse_mats1$cis), function(z) { # x <- sparse_mats1$cis[[z]] # y <- sparse_mats2$cis[[z]] # # #Pull out chromosome # chr <- x[, 1][1] # #Subset to make three column matrix # x <- x[, c(2, 5, 7)] # y <- y[, c(2, 5, 7)] # #Run SpectralTAD # comp <- TADCompare(x, y, resolution = 100000) # return(list(comp, chr)) # }) # # # Pull out differential TAD results # diff_res <- lapply(sparse_tads, function(x) x$comp) # # Pull out chromosomes # chr <- lapply(sparse_tads, function(x) x$chr) # # Name list by corresponding chr # names(diff_res) <- chr ## ----message=FALSE------------------------------------------------------------ library(microbenchmark) # Reading in the second matrix data("rao_chr22_rep") # Converting to sparse prim_sparse <- HiCcompare::full2sparse(rao_chr22_prim) rep_sparse <- HiCcompare::full2sparse(rao_chr22_rep) # Converting to nxn+3 # Primary prim_n_n_3 <- data.frame(chr = "chr22", start = as.numeric(colnames(rao_chr22_prim)), end = as.numeric(colnames(rao_chr22_prim))+50000, rao_chr22_prim) # Replicate rep_n_n_3 <- data.frame(chr = "chr22", start = as.numeric(colnames(rao_chr22_rep)), end = as.numeric(colnames(rao_chr22_rep))+50000, rao_chr22_rep) # Defining each function # Sparse sparse <- TADCompare(cont_mat1 = prim_sparse, cont_mat2 = rep_sparse, resolution = 50000) # NxN n_by_n <- TADCompare(cont_mat1 = prim_sparse, cont_mat2 = rep_sparse, resolution = 50000) # Nx(N+3) n_by_n_3 <- TADCompare(cont_mat1 = prim_n_n_3, cont_mat2 = rep_n_n_3, resolution = 50000) # Benchmarking different parameters bench <- microbenchmark( # Sparse sparse <- TADCompare(cont_mat1 = prim_sparse, cont_mat2 = rep_sparse, resolution = 50000), # NxN n_by_n <- TADCompare(cont_mat1 = rao_chr22_prim, cont_mat2 = rao_chr22_rep, resolution = 50000), # Nx(N+3) n_by_n_3 <- TADCompare(cont_mat1 = prim_n_n_3, cont_mat2 = rep_n_n_3, resolution = 50000), times = 5, unit = "s" ) summary_bench <- summary(bench) %>% dplyr::select(mean, median) rownames(summary_bench) <- c("sparse", "n_by_n", "n_by_n_3") summary_bench ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- sessionInfo()