## ----Installation, eval = FALSE----------------------------------------------- # if(!require("tidyverse")) install.packages("tidyverse") # if(!require("ggpubr")) install.packages("ggpubr") # BiocManager::install("CelliD") ## ----library load, message=FALSE---------------------------------------------- library(CelliD) library(tidyverse) # general purpose library for data handling library(ggpubr) #library for plotting ## ----download data------------------------------------------------------------ #read data BaronMatrix <- readRDS(url("https://storage.googleapis.com/cellid-cbl/BaronMatrix.rds")) BaronMetaData <- readRDS(url("https://storage.googleapis.com/cellid-cbl/BaronMetaData.rds")) SegerMatrix <- readRDS(url("https://storage.googleapis.com/cellid-cbl/SegerstolpeMatrix.rds")) SegerMetaData <- readRDS(url("https://storage.googleapis.com/cellid-cbl/SegerstolpeMetaData2.rds")) ## ----preprocessing1, message=FALSE-------------------------------------------- # Restricting to protein-coding genes data("HgProteinCodingGenes") BaronMatrixProt <- BaronMatrix[rownames(BaronMatrix) %in% HgProteinCodingGenes,] SegerMatrixProt <- SegerMatrix[rownames(SegerMatrix) %in% HgProteinCodingGenes,] ## ----preprocessing2, message=FALSE-------------------------------------------- # Create Seurat object and remove remove low detection genes Baron <- CreateSeuratObject(counts = BaronMatrixProt, project = "Baron", min.cells = 5, meta.data = BaronMetaData) Seger <- CreateSeuratObject(counts = SegerMatrixProt, project = "Segerstolpe", min.cells = 5, meta.data = SegerMetaData) # Library-size normalization, log-transformation, and centering and scaling of gene expression values Baron <- NormalizeData(Baron) Baron <- ScaleData(Baron, features = rownames(Baron)) ## ----MCA1--------------------------------------------------------------------- Baron <- RunMCA(Baron) ## ----MCA2--------------------------------------------------------------------- DimPlotMC(Baron, reduction = "mca", group.by = "cell.type", features = c("CTRL", "INS", "MYZAP", "CDH11"), as.text = TRUE) + ggtitle("MCA with some key gene markers") ## ----Std Seurat--------------------------------------------------------------- Baron <- RunPCA(Baron, features = rownames(Baron)) Baron <- RunUMAP(Baron, dims = 1:30) Baron <- RunTSNE(Baron, dims = 1:30) PCA <- DimPlot(Baron, reduction = "pca", group.by = "cell.type") + ggtitle("PCA") + theme(legend.text = element_text(size =10), aspect.ratio = 1) tSNE <- DimPlot(Baron, reduction = "tsne", group.by = "cell.type")+ ggtitle("tSNE") + theme(legend.text = element_text(size =10), aspect.ratio = 1) UMAP <- DimPlot(Baron, reduction = "umap", group.by = "cell.type") + ggtitle("UMAP") + theme(legend.text = element_text(size =10), aspect.ratio = 1) MCA <- DimPlot(Baron, reduction = "mca", group.by = "cell.type") + ggtitle("MCA") + theme(legend.text = element_text(size =10), aspect.ratio = 1) ggarrange(PCA, MCA, common.legend = TRUE, legend = "top") ggarrange(tSNE, UMAP, common.legend = TRUE, legend = "top") ## ----pancreas_gs-------------------------------------------------------------- # download all cell-type gene signatures from panglaoDB panglao <- read_tsv("https://panglaodb.se/markers/PanglaoDB_markers_27_Mar_2020.tsv.gz") # restricting the analysis to pancreas specific gene signatues panglao_pancreas <- panglao %>% filter(organ == "Pancreas") # restricting to human specific genes panglao_pancreas <- panglao_pancreas %>% filter(str_detect(species,"Hs")) # converting dataframes into a list of vectors, which is the format needed as input for CelliD panglao_pancreas <- panglao_pancreas %>% group_by(`cell type`) %>% summarise(geneset = list(`official gene symbol`)) pancreas_gs <- setNames(panglao_pancreas$geneset, panglao_pancreas$`cell type`) ## ----all gs------------------------------------------------------------------- #filter to get human specific genes panglao_all <- panglao %>% filter(str_detect(species,"Hs")) # convert dataframes to a list of named vectors which is the format for CelliD input panglao_all <- panglao_all %>% group_by(`cell type`) %>% summarise(geneset = list(`official gene symbol`)) all_gs <- setNames(panglao_all$geneset, panglao_all$`cell type`) #remove very short signatures all_gs <- all_gs[sapply(all_gs, length) >= 10] ## ----predictions using pancreas preestablished geneset------------------------ # Performing per-cell hypergeometric tests against the gene signature collection HGT_pancreas_gs <- RunCellHGT(Baron, pathways = pancreas_gs, dims = 1:50, n.features = 200) # For each cell, assess the signature with the lowest corrected p-value (max -log10 corrected p-value) pancreas_gs_prediction <- rownames(HGT_pancreas_gs)[apply(HGT_pancreas_gs, 2, which.max)] # For each cell, evaluate if the lowest p-value is significant pancreas_gs_prediction_signif <- ifelse(apply(HGT_pancreas_gs, 2, max)>2, yes = pancreas_gs_prediction, "unassigned") # Save cell type predictions as metadata within the Seurat object Baron$pancreas_gs_prediction <- pancreas_gs_prediction_signif ## ----plottting cell type predictions based on pancreas-specific gene signatures---- # Comparing the original labels with CelliD cell-type predictions based on pancreas-specific gene signatures color <- c("#F8766D", "#E18A00", "#BE9C00", "#8CAB00", "#24B700", "#00BE70", "#00C1AB", "#00BBDA", "#00ACFC", "#8B93FF", "#D575FE", "#F962DD", "#FF65AC", "grey") ggcolor <- setNames(color,c(sort(unique(Baron$cell.type)), "unassigned")) OriginalPlot <- DimPlot(Baron, reduction = "tsne", group.by = "cell.type") + scale_color_manual(values = ggcolor) + theme(legend.text = element_text(size =10), aspect.ratio = 1) Predplot1 <- DimPlot(Baron, reduction = "tsne", group.by = "pancreas_gs_prediction") + scale_color_manual(values = ggcolor) + theme(legend.text = element_text(size =10), aspect.ratio = 1) ggarrange(OriginalPlot, Predplot1, legend = "top",common.legend = TRUE) ## ----predictions using all preestablished geneset----------------------------- HGT_all_gs <- RunCellHGT(Baron, pathways = all_gs, dims = 1:50) all_gs_prediction <- rownames(HGT_all_gs)[apply(HGT_all_gs, 2, which.max)] all_gs_prediction_signif <- ifelse(apply(HGT_all_gs, 2, max)>2, yes = all_gs_prediction, "unassigned") # For the sake of visualization, we group under the label "other" diverse cell types for which significant enrichments were found: Baron$all_gs_prediction <- ifelse(all_gs_prediction_signif %in% c(names(pancreas_gs), "Schwann cells", "Endothelial cells", "Macrophages", "Mast cells", "T cells","Fibroblasts", "unassigned"), all_gs_prediction_signif,"other") color <- c("#F8766D", "#E18A00", "#BE9C00", "#8CAB00", "#24B700", "#00BE70", "#00C1AB", "#00BBDA", "#00ACFC", "#8B93FF", "#D575FE", "#F962DD", "#FF65AC", "#D575FE", "#F962DD", "grey", "black") ggcolor <- setNames(color,c(sort(unique(Baron$cell.type)), "Fibroblasts", "Schwann cells", "unassigned", "other")) Baron$pancreas_gs_prediction <- factor(Baron$pancreas_gs_prediction,c(sort(unique(Baron$cell.type)), "Fibroblasts", "Schwann cells", "unassigned", "other")) PredPlot2 <- DimPlot(Baron, group.by = "all_gs_prediction", reduction = "tsne") + scale_color_manual(values = ggcolor, drop = FALSE) + theme(legend.text = element_text(size = 10), aspect.ratio = 1) ggarrange(OriginalPlot, PredPlot2, legend = "top", common.legend = TRUE) ## ----geneset extraction------------------------------------------------------- # Extracting per-cell gene signatures from the Baron dataset with CelliD(c) Baron_cell_gs <- GetCellGeneSet(Baron, dims = 1:50, n.features = 200) # Extracting per-group gene signatures from the Baron dataset with CelliD(g) Baron_group_gs <- GetGroupGeneSet(Baron, dims = 1:50, n.features = 200, group.by = "cell.type") ## ----segerstolpe preprocessing, message = FALSE------------------------------- # Normalization, basic preprocessing and MCA dimensionality reduction assessment Seger <- NormalizeData(Seger) Seger <- FindVariableFeatures(Seger) Seger <- ScaleData(Seger) Seger <- RunMCA(Seger, nmcs = 50) Seger <- RunPCA(Seger) Seger <- RunUMAP(Seger, dims = 1:30) Seger <- RunTSNE(Seger, dims = 1:30) tSNE <- DimPlot(Seger, reduction = "tsne", group.by = "cell.type", pt.size = 0.1) + ggtitle("tSNE") + theme(aspect.ratio = 1) UMAP <- DimPlot(Seger, reduction = "umap", group.by = "cell.type", pt.size = 0.1) + ggtitle("UMAP") + theme(aspect.ratio = 1) ggarrange(tSNE, UMAP, common.legend = TRUE, legend = "top") ## ----predictions using extracted geneset cell--------------------------------- HGT_baron_cell_gs <- RunCellHGT(Seger, pathways = Baron_cell_gs, dims = 1:50) baron_cell_gs_match <- rownames(HGT_baron_cell_gs)[apply(HGT_baron_cell_gs, 2, which.max)] baron_cell_gs_prediction <- Baron$cell.type[baron_cell_gs_match] baron_cell_gs_prediction_signif <- ifelse(apply(HGT_baron_cell_gs, 2, max)>2, yes = baron_cell_gs_prediction, "unassigned") Seger$baron_cell_gs_prediction <- baron_cell_gs_prediction_signif color <- c("#F8766D", "#E18A00", "#BE9C00", "#8CAB00", "#24B700", "#00BE70", "#00C1AB", "#00BBDA", "#00ACFC", "#8B93FF", "#D575FE", "#F962DD", "#FF65AC", "grey") ggcolor <- setNames(color,c(sort(unique(Baron$cell.type)), "unassigned")) ggPredictionsCellMatch <- DimPlot(Seger, group.by = "baron_cell_gs_prediction", pt.size = 0.2, reduction = "tsne") + ggtitle("Predicitons") + scale_color_manual(values = ggcolor, drop =FALSE) + theme(legend.text = element_text(size =10), aspect.ratio = 1) ggOriginal <- DimPlot(Seger, group.by = "cell.type", pt.size = 0.2, reduction = "tsne") + ggtitle("Original") + scale_color_manual(values = ggcolor) + theme(legend.text = element_text(size =10), aspect.ratio = 1) ggarrange(ggOriginal, ggPredictionsCellMatch, legend = "top", common.legend = TRUE) ## ----predictions using extracted geneset group-------------------------------- HGT_baron_group_gs <- RunCellHGT(Seger, pathways = Baron_group_gs, dims = 1:50) baron_group_gs_prediction <- rownames(HGT_baron_group_gs)[apply(HGT_baron_group_gs, 2, which.max)] baron_group_gs_prediction_signif <- ifelse(apply(HGT_baron_group_gs, 2, max)>2, yes = baron_group_gs_prediction, "unassigned") Seger$baron_group_gs_prediction <- baron_group_gs_prediction_signif color <- c("#F8766D", "#E18A00", "#BE9C00", "#8CAB00", "#24B700", "#00BE70", "#00C1AB", "#00BBDA", "#00ACFC", "#8B93FF", "#D575FE", "#F962DD", "#FF65AC", "grey") ggcolor <- setNames(color,c(sort(unique(Baron$cell.type)), "unassigned")) ggPredictions <- DimPlot(Seger, group.by = "baron_group_gs_prediction", pt.size = 0.2, reduction = "tsne") + ggtitle("Predicitons") + scale_color_manual(values = ggcolor, drop =FALSE) + theme(legend.text = element_text(size =10), aspect.ratio = 1) ggOriginal <- DimPlot(Seger, group.by = "cell.type", pt.size = 0.2, reduction = "tsne") + ggtitle("Original") + scale_color_manual(values = ggcolor) + theme(legend.text = element_text(size =10), aspect.ratio = 1) ggarrange(ggOriginal, ggPredictions, legend = "top", common.legend = TRUE) ## ---- Functionnal Enrichment-------------------------------------------------- # Downloading functional gene sets: # For computational reasons, we just developed here the assessment on Hallmark MSigDB gene sets that is provided in the package # Other functionnal pathways can be obtained using the msigdbr package # library(msigdbr) # msigdf <- msigdbr::msigdbr(species = "Homo sapiens") # msigdf_filtered <- msigdf %>% select(gs_cat, gs_subcat, gs_name, gene_symbol, gs_description) %>% # filter(gs_subcat == "CP:KEGG") %>% # mutate(gs_subcat = ifelse(gs_subcat == "", "Hallmark", gs_subcat)) # KEGGgenesetDF <- msigdf_filtered %>% mutate(gs_name = str_replace(sub("^.*?_{1}", "", gs_name), "_", "\\-")) %>% # group_by(gs_subcat, gs_name) %>% # summarise(geneset = list(gene_symbol)) %>% # group_by(gs_subcat) %>% # summarise(all_geneset = list(setNames(geneset, gs_name))) # KEGGgeneset <- setNames(KEGGgenesetDF$all_geneset, KEGGgenesetDF$gs_subcat) # Assessing per-cell functional enrichment analyses HGT_Hallmark <- RunCellHGT(Seger, pathways = Hallmark, dims = 1:50) #Integrating functional annotations as an "assay" slot in the Seurat objects Seger[["Hallmark"]] <- CreateAssayObject(HGT_Hallmark) # Visualizing per-cell functional enrichment annotations in a dimensionality-reduction representation of choice (e.g. MCA, PCA, tSNE, UMAP) ggG2Mcell <- FeaturePlot(Seger, "G2M-CHECKPOINT", order = TRUE, reduction = "tsne", min.cutoff = 2) + theme(legend.text = element_text(size =10), aspect.ratio = 1) ggG2Mcell ## ----sessionInfo, echo=FALSE-------------------------------------------------- sessionInfo()