## ---- include = FALSE--------------------------------------------------------- knitr::opts_chunk$set( collapse = TRUE, comment = "#>") ## ----setup-------------------------------------------------------------------- library(CellaRepertorium) library(SingleCellExperiment) library(dplyr) library(ggplot2) library(readr) library(tidyr) library(stringr) library(purrr) ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- set.seed(1345) data(ccdb_ex) barcodes = ccdb_ex$cell_tbl[ccdb_ex$cell_pk] # Take a subsample of almost all of the barcdes barcodes = barcodes[sample(nrow(barcodes), nrow(barcodes) - 5),] samples = unique(ccdb_ex$cell_tbl[setdiff(ccdb_ex$cell_pk, 'barcode')]) # For each sample, generate 0-100 "extra" barcodes for which only 5' expression is recovered extra = samples %>% rowwise() %>% mutate(extrabc = { extra_bc = floor(runif(1, 0, 100)) list(tibble(barcode = paste0('barcode', seq_len(extra_bc)))) }) extra = extra %>% unnest(cols = c(extrabc)) all_bc = bind_rows(extra, barcodes) ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- genes = 200 cells = nrow(all_bc) array_size = genes*cells expression = matrix(rnbinom(array_size, size = 5, mu = 3), nrow = genes, ncol = cells) sce = SingleCellExperiment(assay = list(counts = expression), colData = all_bc) ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ccdb2 = ccdb_join(sce, ccdb_ex) ccdb2 = cdhit_ccdb(ccdb2, 'cdr3', type = 'AA', cluster_pk = 'aa80', identity = .8, min_length = 5) ccdb2 = fine_clustering(ccdb2, sequence_key = 'cdr3', type = 'AA', keep_clustering_details = FALSE) ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- colData(sce)$alpha = canonicalize_cell(ccdb2, chain == 'TRA', contig_fields = c('chain', 'v_gene','d_gene', 'j_gene', 'aa80')) colData(sce)$beta = canonicalize_cell(ccdb2, chain == 'TRB', contig_fields = c('chain', 'v_gene','d_gene', 'j_gene', 'aa80')) colData(sce)$pairing = enumerate_pairing(ccdb2, chain_recode_fun = 'guess') ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- library(scater) sce = logNormCounts(sce) sce = runPCA(sce) plotReducedDim(sce, dimred = 'PCA', colour_by = I(sce$pairing$pairing), point_alpha = 1) ## ---- out.height='500px', out.width = '500px'-------------------------------- only_paired = sce[,which(sce$pairing$pairing == 'paired')] plotReducedDim(only_paired, dimred = 'PCA', colour_by = I(only_paired$alpha$j_gene), point_alpha = 1) plotReducedDim(only_paired, dimred = 'PCA', colour_by = I(only_paired$beta$j_gene), point_alpha = 1) ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- sessionInfo()