--- title: "An Overview of the BiocIO package" author: - name: Daniel Van Twisk affiliation: Roswell Park Comprehensive Cancer Center - name: Martin Morgan affiliation: Roswell Park Comprehensive Cancer Center email: maintainer@biocondcutor.org package: BiocIO output: BiocStyle::html_document abstract: | BiocIO contains defintions for import and export methods used throughout Biocondcutor for IO purposes. The BiocFile class which serves as an interface for File classes within Bioconductor is also defined in this package. This vignette will describe the functionality of these base methods and classes as well as an example for developers on how to interface with them. vignette: | %\VignetteIndexEntry{BiocIO} %\VignetteEngine{knitr::rmarkdown} %\VignetteEncoding{UTF-8} --- # Introduction The `BiocIO` package is primarily to be used by developers for interfacing with the abstract classes and generics in this package to develop their own related classes and methods. # Installation ```{r installation, eval=FALSE} if (!requireNamespace("BiocManager", quietly = TRUE)) install.packages("BiocManager") BiocManager::install("BiocIO") ``` ```{r library} library("BiocIO") ``` ## Import and Export The functions import and export load and save objects from and to particular file formats. This package contains the following generics for the import and export methods used throughout the Bioconductor package suite. ```{r importexportGeneirc} getGeneric("import") getGeneric("export") ``` ## The BiocFile Class BiocFile is a base class for high-level file abstractions, where subclasses are associated with a particular file format/type. It wraps a low-level representation of a file, currently either a path/URL or connection. ## CompressedFile CompressedFile is a base class that extends the BiocFile class that offers high-level file abstractions for compressed file formats. As with the BiocFile class, it takes either a path/URL of connection as an argument. This package also includes other File classes that extend CompressedFile including: BZ2File, XZFile, GZFile, and BGZFile which extends the GZfile class # For developers ## Converting existing "File" Classes As of the current release, the `rtracklayer` package's `RTLFile`, `RTLList`, and `CompressedFile` classes are throwing the following error when a class that extends them is initialized. The error can currently be seen with the `LoomFile` class from LoomExperiment. ```{r warningExample, eval=FALSE} file <- tempfile(fileext = ".loom") LoomFile(file) ### LoomFile object ### resource: file.loom ### Warning messages: ### 1: This class is extending the deprecated RTLFile class from ### rtracklayer. Use BiocFile from BiocIO in place of RTLFile. ### 2: Use BiocIO::resource() ``` The first warning indicates the the `RTLFile` class from `rtracklayer` is being deprecated in future releases. The second waning indicates that the `resource` method from `rtracklayer` has also been moved to `BiocIO`. To resolve this issue, simply replace the `contains="RTLFile"` argument in `setClass` with `contains="BiocFile"`. ```{r replaceExample, eval=FALSE} ## Old setClass('LoomFile', contains='RTLFile') ## New setClass('LoomFile', contains='BiocFile') ``` ## Creating classes and methods that extend BiocFile's class and methods The primary purpose of this package is to provide high-level classes and generics to facilitate file IO within the Bioconductor package suite. The remainder of this vignette will detail how to create File classes that extend the BiocFile class and create methods for these classes. This section will also detail using the filter and select methods from the tidyverse dplyr package to facilitate lazy operations on files. The CSVFile class defined in this package will be used as an example. The purpose of the CSVFile class is to represent CSVFile so that IO operations can be performed on the file. The following code defines the CSVFile class that extends the BiocFile class using the `contains` argument. The CSVFile function is used as a constructor function requiring only the argument `resource` (either a `character` or a `connection`). ```{r defineCSVFile} .CSVFile <- setClass("CSVFile", contains = "BiocFile") CSVFile <- function(resource) { .CSVFile(resource = resource) } ``` Next, the import and export functions are defined. These functions are meant to import the data into R in a usable format (a `data.frame` or another user-friendly R class), then export that R object into a file. For the CSVFile example, the base `read.csv()` and `write.csv()` functions are used as the body for our methods. ```{r defineImportExport} setMethod("import", "CSVFile", function(con, format, text, ...) { read.csv(resource(con), ...) }) setMethod("export", c("data.frame", "CSVFile"), function(object, con, format, ...) { write.csv(object, resource(con), ...) }) ``` And finally a demonstration of the CSVFile class and import/export methods in action. ```{r demonstrateCSV} temp <- tempfile(fileext = ".csv") csv <- CSVFile(temp) export(mtcars, csv) df <- import(csv) ``` ## Session info {.unnumbered} ```{r sessionInfo, echo=FALSE} sessionInfo() ```