Changes in version 1.0.4 BUG FIXES - Replaced sprintf calls with snprintf in C++ code to address warnings in the devel branch of Bioc UPDATES - Added CITATION file with reference to published paper Changes in version 1.0.3 BUG FIXES - Tidy evaluation with aes_() was deprecated in ggplot 3.0.0, and testthat now returns warnings for it. Replaced aes_() with aes() and .data from the rlang package. Changes in version 1.0.2 NEW FEATURES - Added parameters clust_function and clust_params in cluster_network() to let users pass any igraph::cluster_* function to cluster the synteny network. - Added parameters clust_function and clust_params in plot_profiles() to let users have more control on the method used to cluster the distance matrix (columns in phylogenomic profiles). - Updated vignette to reflect the changes mentioned above and included an FAQ item with instructions on how to update the R PATH variable. Changes in version 1.0.1 NEW FEATURES - Ward's clustering of synteny clusters is now performed prior to plotting in plot_profiles(), not in phylogenomic_profile(). As a consequence, phylogenomic_profile() now returns only a matrix of profiles, not a list containing the matrix and an hclust object. - Added an option to handle names in vector cluster_species as new names for display in the heatmap. This way, species abbreviations can be easily replaced with species' full names to make plots look better. - Added parameters dist_function and dist_params to allow users to specify function and parameters to calculate the distance matrix that will be passed to Ward's clustering. Changes in version 0.99.7 NEW FEATURES - Added functions fasta2AAStringSetlist and gff2GRangesList to help users read multiple FASTA and GFF/GTF files as list of AAStringSet and GRangesList, respectively. - Updated vignette to instruct users on how to load FASTA and GFF/GTF files to the R session. Changes in version 0.99.5 NEW FEATURES - Replaced distance measure for clustering of phylogenomic profiles: from vegan::vegdist to labdsv::dsvdis Changes in version 0.99.0 NEW FEATURES - Added a file to track changes to the package.