# System requirements ## Linux (debian:10/ubuntu:20.04) In case you prefer to compile `rawrr.exe` from C# source code, please install the mono compiler and xbuild by installing the following Linux packages: ```{sh} sudo apt-get install mono-mcs mono-xbuild ``` Otherwise, to execute the precompiled code, the following Linux packages are sufficient: ```{sh} sudo apt-get install mono-runtime libmono-system-data4.0-cil -y ``` ## macOS (Catalina/BigSur) ``` brew install mono ``` or install from https://www.mono-project.com/ ## Microsoft Windows Running the `rawrr.exe` will run out of the box. If the native C# compiler is not available install mono from: https://www.mono-project.com/ # Install the .NET assemblies assemblies aka Common Intermediate Language bytecode the following files are required in `r tools::R_user_dir("rawrr", which='cache')` or in the `MONO_PATH` ``` ThermoFisher.CommonCore.Data.dll ThermoFisher.CommonCore.MassPrecisionEstimator.dll ThermoFisher.CommonCore.RawFileReader.dll ``` The download and install can be done on all platforms using the command: `r rawrr::installRawFileReaderDLLs()` The in the package included C# source code that can compile into a rawrr.exe file by calling `r rawrr:::buildRawrrExe()`. (is executed when the package is loaded) if no C# compile and build tool is available, run `r rawrr::installRawrrExe()` to download the rawrr.exe assembly. On Windows, the decimal symbol has to be configured as a '.'! In general, ThermoFisher.CommonCore dlls can be obtained through: https://planetorbitrap.com/rawfilereader by contacting Jim Shofstahl using jim.Shofstahl@thermofisher.com