Users should {{kicksecure_wiki |wikipage=Install_Software#Best_Practices |text=Prefer Packages from Debian Stable Repository }}, but using backports is better than manual software installation or using third party package managers since this prefers APT. To contain the risk, [[Non-Qubes-Whonix|{{non_q_project_name_short}}]] users might want to consider using [[Multiple Whonix-Workstation|Multiple {{project_name_workstation_long}}]] and [[Qubes|{{q_project_name_long}}]] users might want to consider using [[Multiple_Qubes-Whonix_Templates|Multiple {{q_project_name_long}} Templates]] or {{kicksecure_wiki |wikipage=Install_Software#Install_Software_in_an_App_Qube |text=Software Installation in an App Qube }}.