+ core + "delete" also empty Calc cells if it helps mdds (tdf#139820) [Luboš Luňák] + actually restore the original HFONT [Luboš Luňák] + adapt buck build to jars merged into libreoffice.jar [Rene Engelhard] + allow focus into master page panel [Caolán McNamara] + apply mirror property to custom cropped graphic. (tdf#134210) [Gülşah Köse] + better testing for cropping bitmap of custom shape. (tdf#134210) [Gülşah Köse] + branch libreoffice-7-1-2 [Christian Lohmaier] + bump product version to [Christian Lohmaier] + bump product version to [Christian Lohmaier] + calc: fix sorting of autofiltered rows (tdf#123202) [Tünde Tóth] + can't use System V semaphores in a sandboxed macOS process (tdf#140332) [Tor Lillqvist] + change SDRATTR_SHADOWSIZEX flag. (tdf#133473) [Gülşah Köse] + change selected tab text color on macOS Big Sur (tdf#138314) [Thorsten Wagner] + colibre: change some formatting icons for Catalan (tdf#133038) [Rizal Muttaqin] + colibre: Update ActionMode icons [Rizal Muttaqin] + convert numbers in categories to string during chart export (tdf#136011) [Ouyang Leyan] + correct EMF/WMF im/export for scaled font (tdf#127471) [Armin Le Grand (Allotropia)] + crash in writer when switching from Numbering to Position (tdf#140528) [Noel Grandin] + crashfix: disregard w:textDirection tag outside frame (tdf#140668) [Daniel Arato (NISZ)] + delete from mdds in reverse order (tdf#139820) [Luboš Luňák] + detect window scaling for multi display configurations on macOS (tdf#138122) [Thorsten Wagner] + DOCX export: always write title page in section props (tdf#124678) [Vasily Melenchuk] + docx export: avoid DocDefault superscript crash (tdf#140572) [Justin Luth] + DOCX import: fix missing tblPrEx border (tdf#140597) [László Németh] + don't limit dropdown width to 300pixels (tdf#140006) [Caolán McNamara] + don't throw exception when w:gridCol is missing "w" attr (tdf#140137) [Aron Budea] + duplicate entire PaM ring when making copy (tdf#140257) [Caolán McNamara] + elementary: change some formatting icons for Catalan (tdf#133038) [Rizal Muttaqin] + elementary: new Undo & Redo icons (tdf#140838) [Rizal Muttaqin] + elementary: related to new Undo & Redo icons (tdf#140838) [Rizal Muttaqin] + fix an OUString construction [Stephan Bergmann] + fix OOXML-compatible preset dash styles (tdf#139301) [László Németh] + fix ScFlatBoolSegmentsImpl delayed setup with threads (tdf#140754) [Luboš Luňák] + format entry view of multilines with final formatting (tdf#139070) [Caolán McNamara] + generic Skia workaround for VCL sending empty size (tdf#140288) [Luboš Luňák] + give shapes names when ungrouping if they don't already have (tdf#140661) [Jim Raykowski] + grab focus to first panel widget on panel gaining focus (tdf#140387) [Caolán McNamara] + handle greyscale effect on bitmap filled custom shapes. (tdf#134210) [Gülşah Köse] + ImplGetTabRect(ImplTabItem*) variant always returns 0 with default args [Caolán McNamara] + import crop position of bitmap filled shape. (tdf#134210) [Gülşah Köse] + improve SVM FontScaling im/export (tdf#127471) [Armin Le Grand (Allotropia)] + improve unit test accuracy [Mike Kaganski] + increase the size of the sorting keys (tdf#105301) [Andreas Heinisch] + it's enough to have one Skia font manager [Luboš Luňák] + karasa Jaga: change some formatting icons for Catalan (tdf#133038) [Rizal Muttaqin] + make both 'empty' widget and its treeview replacement the same size [Caolán McNamara] + make contenttoggle button visible again in all backends (tdf#140397) [Jim Raykowski] + make PDF parsing more lenient and prevent a crash (tdf#140606) [Tomaž Vajngerl] + make RenderMaskPrimitive2DPixel() clip using clipping (tdf#140797) [Luboš Luňák] + make sure Skia DWrite matches the given HFONT exactly (tdf#137122) [Luboš Luňák] + master slide panel shouldn't have "more options" button [Caolán McNamara] + middle-button paste doesn't depend on a vcl::Window (tdf#140498) [Caolán McNamara] + nullptr dereference (tdf#140700) [Mike Kaganski] + oox: mark end before growing largest segment backwards (tdf#139940) [Justin Luth] + OOXML import: fix height of OLE objects (tdf#136570) [Attila Bakos (NISZ)] + possible race between retrieving and using parent window [Samuel Mehrbrodt] + prevent the unnecessary lclCropGraphic call. [Gülşah Köse] + python3: upgrade to release 3.8.8rc1 [Michael Stahl] + qt downscale the ExtTextInputPos (tdf#140207) [Jan-Marek Glogowski] + reset ShapeProperty priority and handle only crop case. [Gülşah Köse] + restore namespace unwinding in SvXMLImport [Noel] + retry if failed (tdf#136175, tdf#116983) [Mike Kaganski] + revert ""delete" also empty Calc cells if it helps mdds " (tdf#139820) [Luboš Luňák] + revert "sw_fieldmarkhide: init fieldmark mode from options" [Michael Stahl] + RTF export: fix hyperlink, in footnote, in hyperlink (tdf#140552) [Miklos Vajna] + scroll-wheeling shouldn't affect disabled scrollbars (tdf#140537) [Caolán McNamara] + set anchor type in meEditAs in all cases (tdf#139763) [Regina Henschel] + sfx2 store: fix export to PDF when dir name is URL-encoded (tdf#139039) [Miklos Vajna] + show ScHeaderControl help tip after double click time has expired (tdf#140833) [Caolán McNamara] + sifr: change some formatting icons for Catalan (tdf#133038) [Rizal Muttaqin] + start update timer in IM events as well as keyevents (rhbz#1931423) [Caolán McNamara] + sukapura: change some formatting icons for Catalan (tdf#133038) [Rizal Muttaqin] + svx: empty the interop grab-bag on ending text edit (tdf#132368) [Miklos Vajna] + svx: fix import of multiple paragraphs into title shapes [Miklos Vajna] + sw change tracking: fix :emoji: replacement (tdf#140674) [László Németh] + sw: fix AutoCorrect of arrow "-->" (tdf#134940) [László Németh] + sw: fix sync of AS_CHAR textboxes (tdf#140598, tdf#140158, tdf#138598) [Attila Bakos (NISZ)] + update credits [Christian Lohmaier] + update Find & Replace icons & Show Drawing icon [Rizal Muttaqin] + update git submodules [Christian Lohmaier, Olivier Hallot] + version, tag libreoffice- [Christian Lohmaier] + writerfilter: ignore position in docDefaults (tdf#140572) [Justin Luth] + XLSX import: fix conditional formatting in same cell range (tdf#139928) [Tibor Nagy] + xmlsecurity: ignore elements in ds:Object that aren't signed [Michael Stahl] + xmlsecurity: improve handling of multiple X509Data elements [Michael Stahl] + xmlsecurity: replace XSecParser implementation [Michael Stahl] + xmlsecurity: XSecParser confused about multiple timestamps [Michael Stahl] + dictionaries + version, tag libreoffice- [Christian Lohmaier] + help + fix broken link [Olivier Hallot] + translations + update translations for 7.1.2 rc1 [Christian Lohmaier]