python3-simplejson-3.17.2-150300.3.4.1<>,Ae8]p9|I N{v}x݆Zz.LóS! "Z@A>KR¤jS4qP %x `Kxse;6!P[QIb LmV+A"۠GDSEY j00j6[$M{L:AFmA[' ]K+4Du:mG6LRMub8OIhxusz4l X'UiFtLZ?4nOCilh`rp>>6?6d ) T-N] s(h( ( ( (  (  ( X( ((  # (P8X9:yF*G*(H+p(I,(X,8Y,@\,h(]-(^0(b1}c2&d2e2f2l2u2(v3pw4|(x5(y5!z6@6P6T6Z6Cpython3-simplejson3.17.2150300.3.4.1Extensible JSON encoder/decoder for Pythonsimplejson is an extensible JSON encoder and decoder for Python 2.5+. It is pure Python code with no dependencies, but includes an optional C extension for a speed boost.e8]h03-ch2dISUSE Linux Enterprise 15SUSE LLC MIT OR AFL-2.1  \OO) ) HH,,/8o p_8(AA큤A큤큤A큤A큤e8Ye8Ye8Ye8Ye8Ye8Y_ee8Ye8Ye8Xe8Ye8Xe8Ye8Xe8Ye8Xe8Ye8Xe8Ye8Xe8Ye8Ye8Ye8Xe8Ye8Xe8Y_e_e_e_e_e_e_e_ee8]_e_ee8]_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-simplejson-3.17.2-150300.3.4.1.src.rpmpython3-simplejsonpython3-simplejson(x86-64)@@@@@@!d]p[[:[:[ update to 3.17.2 - use pytest as testrunner- specfile: * update copyright year - update to version 3.17.0: * Updated documentation to be Python 3 first, and have removed documentation notes about version changes that occurred more than five years ago. * Update build matrix for Python 3.8 update to version 3.16.1: * Added examples for JSON lines use cases * Add wheels for more Python versions and platforms- Do not package tests- specfile: * be more specific in %files: %{python_sitearch}/* -> %{python_sitearch}/simplejson* - update to version 3.16.0: * Restore old behavior with regard to the type of decoded empty strings with speedups enabled on Python 2.x * Add python_requires to to help pip * Fix CSS in docs when built locally update to version 3.15.0: * Clean up the C code * Bypass the decode() method in bytes subclasses * Support builds without cStringIO * Allow to disable serializing bytes by default in Python 3 * Simplify the compatibility code * Fix tests in Python 2.5- specfile: * update copyright year - update to version 3.14.0: * Defer is_raw_json test (performance improvement) * Avoid escaping U+2028 and U+2029 without ensure_ascii * Fix an incorrect type test in Python 2, avoiding an unnecessary unicode copy. Remove bias from description.- update to version 3.13.2: * Fix additional Python 2.x compilation issue on Windows - changes from version 3.13.1 : * Improve CI to catch speedups build regressions * Fix speedups build regression in Python 2.x - changes from version 3.13.0: * Workarounds for NamedTemporaryFile issues with Windows for tool tests * Make TypeError messages contain type name instead of a repr. * Ensure that encoding of text subtypes is consistent with or without speedups - changes from version 3.12.1: * Misc updates to build infrastructure * Fix an assertion failure when make_encoder receives a bad encoder argument * Fix potential crash during GC * Fix a reference leak when sorting keys update to version 3.12.0: * Fix threaded import race condition * Move RawJSON implementation to simplejson.raw_json module * Move JSONDecodeError implementation to simplejson.errors module- update to 3.11.1: * Fix issue with item_sort_key when speedups are available, and add auto-discovery to test suites to prevent similar regressions * docstring fix in JSONEncoder * Call PyObject_IsTrue() only once for the strict argument of scann er * Fix a crash with unencodable encoding in the encoder * Remove unused imports * Remove remnants of Python 2.4 support * Fix argument checking errors in _speedups.c * Remove the `__init__` methods in extension classes * Fix typo in the doc for loads * Add Python 3.6 to testing matrix and PyPI metadata- fix pypi url- Switch to single-spec build - Update to 3.10.0 * Add RawJSON class to allow a faster path for already encoded JSON. - From 3.9.0 * Workaround for bad behavior in string subclasses * Fix warnings flagged by -3 * Update readthedocs documentation links * Add build status badge to README- update to 3.8.2: * Fix implicit cast compiler warning in _speedups.c * simplejson is now available as wheels for OS X and Windows thanks to Travis-CI and AppVeyor respectively! Many thanks to @aebrahim for getting this party started. * Fix issue with iterable_as_array and indent option * Fix typo in keyword argument name introduced in 3.8.0 * New iterable_as_array encoder option to perform lazy serialization of any iterable objects, without having to convert to tuple or list. * Fix typo introduced in 3.7.0 (behavior should be indistinguishable) * Do not cache Decimal class in encoder, only reference the decimal module. This may make reload work in more common scenarios. * Fix compilation with MSVC * simplejson no longer trusts custom str/repr methods for int, long, float subclasses. These instances are now formatted as if they were exact instances of those types. update to version 3.6.5: * Importing bug fix for reference leak when an error occurs during dict encoding - additional changes from version 3.6.4: * Important bug fix for dump when only sort_keys is set - additional changes from version 3.6.3: * Documentation updates - additional changes from version 3.6.2: * Documentation updates - additional changes from version 3.6.1: * Documentation updates - additional changes from version 3.6.0: * Automatically strip any UTF-8 BOM from input to more closely follow the latest specs - additional changes from version 3.5.3: * Fix lower bound checking in scan_once / raw_decode API 1698226269  !"#$%&'(3.17.2-150300. -grecord-gcc-switches -O2 -Wall -D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2 -fstack-protector-strong -funwind-tables -fasynchronous-unwind-tables -fstack-clash-protection -gobs:// textPython script, ASCII text executablepython 3.6 byte-compiledELF 64-bit LSB shared object, x86-64, version 1 (SYSV), dynamically linked, BuildID[sha1]=3376f3d0d9c43d2be035b4e877afa3c0b39f686b, strippedUTF-8 Unicode text, with very long lines  RRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRU _51Ӵutf-898a36d8bf79638787e420247126fa4deba636aa3f1044b6e5b5d1efabb67df78? 7zXZ !t/]"k%0a A7∟F pB84" za"\ؐ \l|u7Ob@s_TM7!}2,?|eVί023MSvɤUdL->nv6f#h1O %:.rZ&^Nwc)RDli6'֙kӛ*8 üUļVoiI9V9ee*9}k= Jn3cNHl8slCIHDuR=X>5=[eJ_0+t Y4%g#*)w2 iBc[]Ӣ_c=+8]ʼi'`DzƟ 20O =R(q4藽.V)}BnIw$uVY׍S(Mj\x=>}t֘Bwb?R n/  / -fP֦C2숍ͅežM @2SQDY1RԈ_@r@L˕rVĀɊN4!"T?zlKVl6̖,b$jQP,*+jJd`z 5xϡBi(LNT=[w:Z] = xrۙM8^3iώ:%.OE'\/w[=EY.M74783(]PDZ;un4Mc[S5: VBL<[8߶IY͌ƣO}/v뺩wPeDs[XiW@hi,y/ A8 R6 ?&Lij|pj-A{bN=VFḰg9+9LJQ.#-aҊ 7Fj)x%Ak:3!ƹ YKh7\&e;sGC6V[Ob6FĂibQ5S9W(nd?ombm}#X&{Mrv ,鱵ߴ]sEưY^AdN(؁px2TOYTَ .g۶ YZ