--[[ File l3build-stdmain.lua Copyright (C) 2018-2024 The LaTeX Project It may be distributed and/or modified under the conditions of the LaTeX Project Public License (LPPL), either version 1.3c of this license or (at your option) any later version. The latest version of this license is in the file https://www.latex-project.org/lppl.txt This file is part of the "l3build bundle" (The Work in LPPL) and all files in that bundle must be distributed together. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- The development version of the bundle can be found at https://github.com/latex3/l3build for those people who are interested. --]] local lfs = require("lfs") local exit = os.exit local insert = table.insert -- List all modules function listmodules() local modules = { } local exclmodules = exclmodules or { } for entry in lfs.dir(".") do if entry ~= "." and entry ~= ".." then local attr = lfs.attributes(entry) assert(type(attr) == "table") if attr.mode == "directory" and fileexists(entry .."/" .."build.lua") then if not exclmodules[entry] then insert(modules, entry) end end end end return modules end target_list = { -- Some hidden targets bundlecheck = { func = check, pre = function(names) if names then print("Bundle checks should not list test names") help() exit(1) end return 0 end }, bundlectan = { func = bundlectan }, bundleunpack = { func = bundleunpack, pre = function() return(dep_install(unpackdeps)) end }, -- Public targets check = { bundle_target = true, desc = "Runs all automated tests", func = check, }, clean = { bundle_func = bundleclean, desc = "Cleans out directory tree", func = clean }, ctan = { bundle_func = ctan, desc = "Creates CTAN-ready archive", func = ctan }, doc = { desc = "Typesets all documentation files", func = doc }, install = { desc = "Installs files into the local texmf tree", func = install }, manifest = { desc = "Creates a manifest file", func = manifest }, save = { desc = "Saves test validation log", func = save }, tag = { bundle_func = function(names) local modules = modules or listmodules() local errorlevel = call(modules,"tag") -- Deal with any files in the bundle dir itself if errorlevel == 0 then errorlevel = tag(names) end return errorlevel end, desc = "Updates release tags in files", func = tag, pre = function(names) if names and #names > 1 then print("Too many tags specified; exactly one required") exit(1) end return 0 end }, uninstall = { desc = "Uninstalls files from the local texmf tree", func = uninstall }, unpack= { bundle_target = true, desc = "Unpacks the source files into the build tree", func = unpack }, upload = { desc = "Sends archive to CTAN for public release", func = upload }, } -- -- The overall main function -- function main(target,names) -- Deal with unknown targets up-front if not target_list[target] then help() exit(1) end local errorlevel = 0 if module == "" then modules = modules or listmodules() if target_list[target].bundle_func then errorlevel = target_list[target].bundle_func(names) else -- Detect all of the modules if target_list[target].bundle_target then target = "bundle" .. target end errorlevel = call(modules,target) end else if target_list[target].pre then errorlevel = target_list[target].pre(names) if errorlevel ~= 0 then exit(1) end end errorlevel = target_list[target].func(names) end -- All done, finish up if errorlevel ~= 0 then exit(1) else exit(0) end end