]> ;;####################################################################### ;;# # ;;# Dave's Custom DocBook Stylesheet by Dave Mason dcm@redhat.com # ;;# Based on Norman Walsh's Modular Stylesheets # ;;# # ;;# To use: jade -t sgml -ihtml -d this-file.dsl yoursgml.sgml # ;;# # ;;####################################################################### (declare-characteristic preserve-sdata? "UNREGISTERED::James Clark//Characteristic::preserve-sdata?" #f) ;;========================= ;;Common Stuff ;;========================= ;;Should there be a link to the legalnotice? (define %generate-legalnotice-link% #t) ;;What graphics extensions allowed? (define %graphic-extensions% '("gif" "png" "jpg" "jpeg" "tif" "tiff" "eps" "epsf" )) ;;What is the default extension for images? (define %graphic-default-extension% "png") ;;Use element ids as filenames? (define %use-id-as-filename% #t) ;;========================= ;;Book Stuff ;;========================= ;;Do you want a TOC for Books? (define %generate-book-toc% #t) ;;What depth should the TOC generate? ;;Only top level of appendixes (define (toc-depth nd) (if (string=? (gi nd) (normalize "book")) 3 (if (string=? (gi nd) (normalize "appendix")) 0 1))) ;;What elements should have an LOT? (define ($generate-book-lot-list$) (list (normalize "table") (normalize "example") (normalize "equation"))) ;;Do you want a title page for your Book? (define %generate-book-titlepage% #t) ;;========================= ;;Part Stuff ;;========================= ;;Should parts have TOCs? (define %generate-part-toc% #t) ;;Should part TOCs be on their titlepages? (define %generate-part-toc-on-titlepage% #t) ;;Do you want a title page for your part? (define %generate-part-titlepage% #t) ;;Should the Part intro be on the part title page? (define %generate-partintro-on-titlepage% #t) ;;======================== ;;Chapter Stuff ;;======================= (define $generate-chapter-toc$ (lambda () #f)) ;;========================= ;;Navigation ;;========================= ;;Should there be navigation at top? (define %header-navigation% #t) ;;Should there be navigation at bottom? (define %footer-navigation% #t) ;;Use tables to create the navigation? (define %gentext-nav-use-tables% #t) ;;If tables are used for navigation, ;;how wide should they be? (define %gentext-nav-tblwidth% "100%") ;;Add arrows to navigation (define (gentext-en-nav-prev prev) (make sequence (literal "<<< Previous"))) (define (gentext-en-nav-next next) (make sequence (literal "Next >>>"))) ;;========================= ;;Tables and Lists ;;========================= ;;Should Variable lists be tables? (define %always-format-variablelist-as-table% #f) ;;What is the length of the 'Term' in a variablelist? (define %default-variablelist-termlength% 20) ;;When true | If the terms are shorter than ;;the termlength above then the variablelist ;;will be formatted as a table. (define %may-format-variablelist-as-table% #f) ;;This overrides the tgroup definition ;;(copied from 1.20, dbtable.dsl). ;;It changes the table background color, ;;cell spacing and cell padding. (element tgroup (let* ((wrapper (parent (current-node))) (frameattr (attribute-string (normalize "frame") wrapper)) (pgwide (attribute-string (normalize "pgwide") wrapper)) (footnotes (select-elements (descendants (current-node)) (normalize "footnote"))) (border (if (equal? frameattr (normalize "none")) '(("BORDER" "0")) '(("BORDER" "1")))) (bgcolor '(("BGCOLOR" "#E0E0E0"))) (width (if (equal? pgwide "1") (list (list "WIDTH" ($table-width$))) '())) (head (select-elements (children (current-node)) (normalize "thead"))) (body (select-elements (children (current-node)) (normalize "tbody"))) (feet (select-elements (children (current-node)) (normalize "tfoot")))) (make element gi: "TABLE" attributes: (append border width bgcolor '(("CELLSPACING" "0")) '(("CELLPADDING" "4")) (if %cals-table-class% (list (list "CLASS" %cals-table-class%)) '())) (process-node-list head) (process-node-list body) (process-node-list feet) (make-table-endnotes)))) ;;=================== ;; Admon Graphics ;;=================== ;;Should Admon Graphics be used? (define %admon-graphics% #t) ;;Where are those admon graphics? (define %admon-graphics-path% "./stylesheet-images/") ;;Given an admonition node, returns the ;;name of the graphic that should ;;be used for that admonition. (define ($admon-graphic$ #!optional (nd (current-node))) (cond ((equal? (gi nd) (normalize "tip")) (string-append %admon-graphics-path% "tip.gif")) ((equal? (gi nd) (normalize "note")) (string-append %admon-graphics-path% "note.gif")) ((equal? (gi nd) (normalize "important")) (string-append %admon-graphics-path% "important.gif")) ((equal? (gi nd) (normalize "caution")) (string-append %admon-graphics-path% "caution.gif")) ((equal? (gi nd) (normalize "warning")) (string-append %admon-graphics-path% "warning.gif")) (else (error (string-append (gi nd) " is not an admonition."))))) ;;Given an admonition node, returns ;;the width of the graphic that will ;;be used for that admonition. (define ($admon-graphic-width$ #!optional (nd (current-node))) "25") ;;========================= ;;Labels ;;========================= ;;Enumerate Chapters? (define %chapter-autolabel% #f) ;;Enumerate Sections? (define %section-autolabel% #f) ;;========================= ;; HTML Attributes ;;========================= ;;What attributes should be hung off ;;of 'body'? (define %body-attr% (list (list "BGCOLOR" "#FFFFFF") (list "TEXT" "#000000") (list "LINK" "#0000FF") (list "VLINK" "#840084") (list "ALINK" "#0000FF"))) ;;Default extension for filenames? (define %html-ext% ".html") ;;Use a CSS stylesheet? ;;Which one? ;(define %stylesheet% ; "./gnome.css") ;;======================== ;;Title Pages for Books ;;======================= (define (book-titlepage-recto-elements) (list (normalize "title") (normalize "subtitle") (normalize "corpauthor") (normalize "authorgroup") (normalize "author") (normalize "orgname") (normalize "publisher") (normalize "isbn"))) ;;======================== ;;Title Pages for Articles ;;======================== ;;Should Articles have a TOC? (define %generate-article-toc% #t) ;;Which elements should appear ;;on title page? (define (article-titlepage-recto-elements) (list (normalize "title") (normalize "subtitle") (normalize "authorgroup") ; (normalize "copyright") (normalize "abstract"))) ;;How should elements on title page look? (mode article-titlepage-recto-mode ;;Author name is too big - change it! (element author (let ((author-name (author-string)) (author-affil (select-elements (children (current-node)) (normalize "affiliation")))) (make sequence (make element gi: "H4" attributes: (list (list "CLASS" (gi))) (make element gi: "A" attributes: (list (list "NAME" (element-id))) (literal author-name))) (process-node-list author-affil)))) ;;Address? (element address (make sequence (make element gi: "DIV" attributes: (list (list "CLASS" (gi))) (process-children)))) ;;Get rid of spam-producing "mailto" links ;;and get rid of email indentation (element email (make sequence (make element gi: "DIV" attributes: (list (list "CLASS" (gi))) (process-children)))) ;;Point Abstract to custom table function ;;(See $dcm-abstract-object$ below. For default ;;use $semiformal-object$ (element abstract (make element gi: "DIV" ($dcm-abstract-object$))) (element (abstract title) (empty-sosofo)) ;;Handle ISBN (element isbn (make sequence (make element gi: "SPAN" attributes: (list (list "CLASS" (gi)))) (literal "ISBN") (process-children) (make empty-element gi: "BR"))) ;;Handle Publisher (element publisher (make sequence (make element gi: "P" attributes: (list (list "CLASS" (gi))) (literal "Published By:") (process-children)))) ;;subtitle sizing (element subtitle (make element gi: "H6" attributes: (list (list "CLASS" (gi))) (process-children-trim)))) ;;================= ;; INLINES ;;================= ;Define my own series of fonts for various elements (element application ($mono-seq$)) (element command ($bold-seq$)) (element filename ($mono-seq$)) (element function ($mono-seq$)) (element guibutton ($bold-seq$)) (element guiicon ($bold-seq$)) (element guilabel ($bold-mono-seq$)) (element guimenu ($bold-seq$)) (element guimenuitem ($bold-seq$)) (element hardware ($bold-mono-seq$)) (element keycap ($bold-seq$)) (element literal ($mono-seq$)) (element parameter ($italic-mono-seq$)) (element prompt ($mono-seq$)) (element symbol ($charseq$)) (element emphasis ($italic-seq$)) ;;==================== ;; General Formatting ;;==================== ;;Formal Paras are ugly by default! ;;Make the title run in - otherwise ;;you should use a sect! (element formalpara (make element gi: "DIV" attributes: (list (list "CLASS" (gi))) (make element gi: "P" (process-children)))) ;(element (formalpara title) ($lowtitle$ 5)) (element (formalpara title) (make element gi: "B" ($runinhead$))) ;;make captions come after objects in the list (define ($object-titles-after$) (list (normalize "figure"))) ;;Literal Elements ;;Indent Literal layouts? (define %indent-literallayout-lines% #f) ;;Indent Programlistings? (define %indent-programlisting-lines% #f) ;;Number lines in Programlistings? (define %number-programlisting-lines% #f) ;;Should verbatim items be 'shaded' with a table? (define %shade-verbatim% #t) ;;Define shade-verbatim attributes (define ($shade-verbatim-attr$) (list (list "BORDER" "0") (list "BGCOLOR" "#E0E0E0") (list "WIDTH" ($table-width$)))) ;;=================== ;; Entities ;;=================== ;;Netscape doesn't handle trademark ;;entity right at all!! Get rid of it. (element trademark (make sequence (process-children) (make element gi: "sup" (literal "TM")))) ;;=================== ;; New Definitions ;;================== (define ($dcm-abstract-object$) (make element gi: "TABLE" attributes: '(("BORDER" "0") ("BGCOLOR" "#E0E0E0") ("WIDTH" "50%") ("CELLSPACING" "0") ("CELLPADDING" "0") ("ALIGN" "CENTER")) (make element gi: "TR" (make element gi: "TD" attributes: '(("VALIGN" "TOP")) (make element gi: "B" (literal "Abstract")))) (make element gi: "TR" (make element gi: "TD" attributes: '(("VALIGN" "TOP")) (process-children))))) ;;Redefine Titlepage Separator on Articles (define (article-titlepage-separator side) (make empty-element gi: "HR" attributes: '(("WIDTH" "75%") ("ALIGN" "CENTER") ("COLOR" "#000000") ("SIZE" "1"))))