The following modules have a new version: - gnome-bluetooth (42.5 => 42.6) - gnome-maps (43.5 => 43.7) - gnome-shell (43.7 => 43.9) - gtkmm (3.24.7 => 3.24.8) - mutter (43.7 => 43.8) - tracker-miners (3.4.3 => 3.4.4) - vala (0.56.10 => 0.56.13) The following modules weren't upgraded in this release: adwaita-icon-theme, at-spi2-core, atkmm, baobab, calls, cantarell-fonts, cheese, clutter, clutter-gst, clutter-gtk, cogl, d-spy, dconf, dconf-editor, devhelp, eog, epiphany, evince, evolution-data-server, folks, gcab, gcr, gdk-pixbuf, gdm, geocode-glib, gexiv2, gjs, glib, glib-networking, glibmm, gmime, gnome-autoar, gnome-backgrounds, gnome-boxes, gnome-builder, gnome-calculator, gnome-calendar, gnome-characters, gnome-clocks, gnome-color-manager, gnome-connections, gnome-console, gnome-contacts, gnome-control-center, gnome-desktop, gnome-disk-utility, gnome-font-viewer, gnome-initial-setup, gnome-keyring, gnome-logs, gnome-menus, gnome-music, gnome-online-accounts, gnome-photos, gnome-remote-desktop, gnome-session, gnome-settings-daemon, gnome-shell-extensions, gnome-software, gnome-system-monitor, gnome-text-editor, gnome-tour, gnome-user-docs, gnome-user-share, gnome-video-effects, gnome-weather, gobject-introspection, gom, grilo, grilo-plugins, gsettings-desktop-schemas, gsound, gspell, gssdp, gtk, gtk+, gtk-doc, gtk-vnc, gtksourceview, gupnp, gupnp-av, gupnp-dlna, gvfs, json-glib, jsonrpc-glib, libadwaita, libdazzle, libgdata, libgee, libgnomekbd, libgsf, libgtop, libgweather, libgxps, libhandy, libmediaart, libnma, libnotify, libpanel, libpeas, librsvg, libsecret, libshumate, libsigc++, libsoup, mm-common, nautilus, orca, pango, pangomm, phodav, pyatspi, pygobject, rest, rygel, simple-scan, sushi, sysprof, template-glib, totem, totem-pl-parser, tracker, vte, xdg-desktop-portal-gnome, yelp, yelp-tools, yelp-xsl ======================================== gnome-bluetooth ======================================== ver 42.6: This version fixes problems with icons for mice and tablets, updates status labels to be dimmed by default, and contains updated translations. ======================================== gnome-maps ======================================== 43.7 - Aug 25, 2023 ========================= Changes since 43.6 - Fix for potential security issue All contributors to this release 43.6 - Jul 1, 2023 ========================= Changes sice 43.5 - Add support for authentication header in the OpenTripPlanner plugin Added/updated/fixed translations - Abkhazian All contributors to this release Marcus Lundblad Nart Tlisha ======================================== gnome-shell ======================================== 43.9 ==== * Fix exposing window previews on lock screen via keyboard shortcuts [Florian; !2944] * Improve handling of latched vs. locked modes in OSK [Carlos; !2945] * Reverse slider direction in RTL locales [Khalid; !2943] * Misc. bug fixes and cleanups [xiaofan; !2947] Contributors: Carlos Garnacho, Florian Müllner, Khalid Abu Shawarib, xiaofan Translators: Daniel Rusek [cs] 43.8 ==== * Fix accessibility of quick settings sliders [Lukáš; !2762] * Allow notification dismissal with backspace [Chris; !2435] * Misc. bug fixes and cleanups [Florian, Takao, Carlos, Brendan, Daniel, Jonas; !2814, !2842, !2849, !2668, !2666, !2876, !2729, !2828, !2904] Contributors: Takao Fujiwara, Carlos Garnacho, Chris Heywood, Florian Müllner, Lukáš Tyrychtr, Daniel van Vugt, Brendan William, Jonas Ådahl Translators: Danial Behzadi [fa] ======================================== gtkmm ======================================== 3.24.8 (stable): Gtk: * gtk/gtkmm/base.h: Fix GTK_VERSION_GT_MICRO (Ole Christian Eidheim) Issue #135 Documentation: * Remove README.SUN and other obsolete files (Kjell Ahlstedt) Issue #140 Build with Meson: * Detect if we build from a git subtree (William Roy) Merge request !72 * Fix the evaluation of is_git_build on Windows (Kjell Ahlstedt) Issue #131 (William Roy) * Don't copy files with configure_file() (Kjell Ahlstedt) ======================================== mutter ======================================== 43.8 ==== * Fix restoring focus when leaving the overview [Jonas; #2690] * Fix touch move operations on subsurfaces [Gergo; !3125] * Fix flickering when DRI driver isn't available [Daniel; !3117] * Misc. bug fixes and cleanups [Michel, Robert, Olivier, Daniel; !3055, !3135, #2848, !3112] Contributors: Jonas Ådahl, Michel Dänzer, Olivier Fourdan, Gergo Koteles, Robert Mader, Daniel van Vugt ======================================== tracker-miners ======================================== NEW in 3.4.4 - 2023-08-29 ========================= * Fixes to handle BTRFS subvolumes ======================================== vala ======================================== Vala 0.56.13 ============ * Bindings: - gtk4: Restore CssProvider.load_from_data() signature to take an array [#1478] Vala 0.56.12 ============ * Regression fix: - vala: Only transform default initializers of parameters [#1474] * Bindings: - gtk4: Preserve compatibility with <= 4.8.x [#1475] Vala 0.56.11 ============ * Various improvements and bug fixes: - vala: Infer generic type from typeof() initializer of parameters - girparser: Support glib:ref-func, glib:unref-func, copy-function and free-function * Bindings: - gtk4: Update to 4.12.0