We always want to install configs as the host machine may be different from the one where zmap is installed to. Plus we have CONFIG_PROTECT in Gentoo for protecting the user's existing configuration. Bug: https://bugs.gentoo.org/885707 --- a/CMakeLists.txt +++ b/CMakeLists.txt @@ -135,11 +135,7 @@ message(STATUS "Default ZMap configuration file location is /etc/zmap") foreach(EACH_CONF ${CONF_FILES}) get_filename_component(CONF_BASENAME ${EACH_CONF} NAME) message(STATUS "Checking if ${CONF_BASENAME} exists there...") - if(NOT EXISTS "/etc/zmap/${CONF_BASENAME}") - install(FILES ${EACH_CONF} DESTINATION ${CONFIG_DESTINATION}) - else() - message(WARNING "Existing configuration file detected at /etc/zmap/${CONF_BASENAME}, ${CONF_BASENAME} from sources will NOT be installed. Please check and install manually!") - endif() + install(FILES ${EACH_CONF} DESTINATION ${CONFIG_DESTINATION}) endforeach() # Allow Debian Packaging