%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% file rohyph.tex %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % Romanian patterns Version 1.0 1995 % Prepared by Claudio Beccari, Radu Oprea, Elena Tulei % e-mail:beccari@polito.it % % Extended or 256-character virtual fonts strongly recommended % % More information at the end of this file % \patterns{% .ante1 .anti1 .contra1 .de3s2cri .de2z1aco .de2z1am\u{a} .de2z1apro .de2z1avan .de2z1infec .de2z1ord .i2n1a .i2n1ec .i2n1ed .i2n1ef .i2n1eg .i2n1eluc .i2n1ep .i2n1es .i2n1ev .i2n1ex .i2n1od .i2n1of .i2n1op .i2n1os .i2n1ox .i2n1um .i2n1un .i2n1ut .\^i2n1\u{a}sp .\^i2n1ad .\^i2n3s2 .\^in3\c{s}2 .ne1a .ne1\^i .nema2i3 .ne3s2ta .re1ac .re1\^i .su2b1ord .su2b3r .supra1 .tran2s1 .tran4s3pl .tran4s3f a1a a1ia a1ie a1io \u{a}1ie \u{a}1oa \^a1ia e1e e1ia i1i i2ii. 2i. o1o o1ua o1u\u{a} u1u u1ia u1al. u1os. u1ism u1ist u1i\c{s}t 2bi. 2ci. 2di. 2fi. 2gi. 2li. 2mi. 2ni. 2pi. 2ri. 2si. 2\c{s}i. 2ti. 2tri. 2\c{t}i. 2vi. 2zi. 2bc 2bd 2bj 2bm 2bn 2bp 2bs b3s2t 2bt 2b\c{t} 2bv 2cc 2cd 2ck 2cm 2cn 2cs 2ct 2c\c{t} 2cv 2cz 2dg 2dh 2dj 2dk 2dm 2dq 2ds 2dv 2dw 2fn 2fs 2ft 2gd 2gm 2gn 2gt 2g3s2 2gv 2gz 2jm 2hn 2lb 2lc 2ld 2lf 2lg 2lj 2lk 2lm 2ln 2lp 2lq 2lr 2ls 2lt 2l\c{t} 2lv 2lz 2mb 2mf 2mk 2ml 2mn 2mp 2m3s2 2m\c{t} 2nb 2nc 2nd n3d2v 2nf 2ng 2nh 2nj 2nl 2nm 2nn 2nq 2nr 2ns n3s2a. n3s2\u{a} n3s2e n3s2i n3s2o n3s2cr n3s2f ns3h n3s2pl n3s2pr n3s2t 2n\c{s} n3\c{s}2c n3\c{s}2t 2nt 2n\c{t} 2nv 2nz n3z2dr 2pc 2pn 2ps 2pt 2p\c{t} 2rb 2rc 2rd 2rf 2rg 2rh 2rj 2rk 2rl 2rm 2rn 2rp 2rq 2rr 2rs r3s2t 2r\c{s} 2rt 2r\c{t} 2rv 2rx 2rz 2sb 2sc 2sd 2sf 2sg 2sj 2sk 2sl 2sm 2sn 2sp 2sq 2sr 2ss 2st 2sv 2sz 2\c{s}n 2\c{s}t 2tb 2tc 2td 2tf 2tg 2tm 2tn 2tp 2ts 2tt 2tv 2tw 2vn 1w wa2r 2xc 2xm 2xp 2xt 1y 2yb 2yl 2ym 2yn 2yr 2ys 2zb 2zc 2zd 2zf 2zg 2zl 2zm 2zn 2zp 2zr 2zs 2zt 2zv c2h g2h s2h t2z b2l c2l d2l f2l g2l h2l k2l p2l t2l v2l b2r c2r d2r f2r g2r h2r k2r p2r t2r v2r 1b 1c 1d 1f 1g 1h 1j 1k 1l 1m 1n 1p 1q 1r 1s 1\c{s} 1t 1\c{t} 1v 1x 1z .b2 .c2 .d2 .f2 .g2 .j2 .h2 .k2 .m2 .p2 .s2 .\c{s}2 .t2 .\c{t}2 .v2 .z2 2b. 2c. 2d. 2f. 2g. 2h. 2j. 2k. 2l. 2m. 2n. 2p. 2r. 4s. 2\c{s}. 2\c{t}. 4t. 2v. 2x. 2z. 2-2 % indivisibile cratima } \endinput Warning: this patter file for the Romanian langage performs much better when 256-character (real or virtual) fonts are used, compared with the standard 128-character fonts of the Computer Modern family and similar families. In any case the small set of patterns of this file guarantees that Romanian hyphenation does not clog TeX memory, but the hyphenation might miss some (few) allowable hyphen points or might split compound words in a wrong way (rare). The tests performed on several Romanian texts proved correct, but other people experience and advice is seeked in order to correct these patterns if bad errors are experienced. Please report any error to C. Beccari (beccari@polito.it); R. Oprea and E. Tulei will examine it and take the suitable actions. Loading information Before loading these patterns through initex, make sure that initex knows how to map \^a, \u{a}, \^i, \c{s} and \c{t} and the corresponding upper case letters to the proper font positions of the extended or virtual fonts (refer to the table of the so called ``double Cork encoding'' -- The LaTeX Companion, page 261) and that such font positions have been assigned their specific lccode. If you can not use extended or virtual fonts, comment out the patterns that include such special characters. Extended and virtual fonts contain the hyphen character (or short dash) in two different positions: octal '55 and octal '127; when typesetting in Romanian you can declare the hyphenchar to be character '127, so that the hyphenation algorithm can distinguish between a short dash used to connect two words one of which is a proclitic or an enclitic pronoun and/or when elision of a vowel takes place (example: m-au, \^{\i}ntr-un) compared to the short dash used to connect the elements of a compound word (example: teritorial-administrative); in the first case line division is forbidden, while in the second case line division is allowed just after the short dash. The latter dash sould be introduced by means of a control sequence, because the regular - stands for the indivisible dash. Therefore it is better that char '55 (hyphen or minus) remains a regular character of category 12 (other) but with lccode equal to itself, and that the hyphenchar of the current font be char '177. This kind of declarations must be supplied by the final user or must be included in a specific option file or embedded in the Romanian standard (LaTeX) style/class files.