% This is the "kbdencod.tex" file % This file is a part of the ArmTeX package (Version 1.0, 25 June 1997) % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % Don't touch this part !!! \newcount\mycount \mycount=128 \loop\catcode\mycount=\active \ifnum\mycount<255 \advance\mycount by 1 \repeat %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % This file is for keyboard which uses encoding having Armenian % letters in the second half (characters 128-255) of extended ASCII % table. In each of the following lines you have "\def" followed by one % Armenian letter or symbol and by its Latin "transliteration" (may be % along with some stuff intended to prevent breaking ligatures % at hyphenation and/or to avoid unwanted ligatures) enclosed % in braces. The file is written on the example of the ARMSCII-8 % encoding. If you have a different one you need to change the % Armenian letters and symbols to make them match the % "transliteration". If there are some lines which are "not supported" % by your keyboard you have to delete them. If you have some more % symbols on your keyboard you can add them respecting the same % syntax and giving the right transliteration. % WARNING: don't add letters and/or symbols from first half % (characters 0-127) of extended ASCII table and don't use in your % TeX documents the letters and/or symbols you don't define % in this file. % For information about "transliterations" corresponding to % Armenian letters you can see the "usage.ps" file you should have % in this package. % Customize here !!! \def³{a} \defµ{b} \def·{g{\kern0pt}} \def¹{d{\kern0pt}} \def»{e{\kern0pt}} \def½{{\kern0pt}z{\kern0pt}} \def¿{\hbox{e'}} \defÁ{\hbox{u'}} \defÃ{\hbox{t'}} \defÅ{{\kern0pt}\hbox{z'}} \defÇ{i} \defÉ{l} \defË{x} \defÍ{\hbox{ts}} \defÏ{k} \defÑ{{\kern0pt}h} \defÓ{\hbox{dz}} \defÕ{\hbox{gh}} \def×{\hbox{ch'}} \defÙ{m} \defÛ{y} \defÝ{n} \defß{{\kern0pt}\hbox{sh}} \defá{o{\kern0pt}} \defã{\hbox{ch}{\kern0pt}} \defå{p{\kern0pt}} \defç{j{\kern0pt}} \defé{\hbox{r'}} \defë{{\kern0pt}s{\kern0pt}} \defí{{\kern0pt}v} \defï{t{\kern0pt}} \defñ{r{\kern0pt}} \defó{c{\kern0pt}} \defõ{w} \def÷{\hbox{p'}} \defù{q} \defû{\hbox{o'}} \defý{f} \def²{A} \def´{B} \def¶{G{\kern0pt}} \def¸{D{\kern0pt}} \defº{E{\kern0pt}} \def¼{{\kern0pt}Z{\kern0pt}} \def¾{\hbox{E'}} \defÀ{\hbox{U'}} \defÂ{\hbox{T'}} \defÄ{{\kern0pt}\hbox{Z'}} \defÆ{I} \defÈ{L} \defÊ{X} \defÌ{\hbox{Ts}} \defÎ{K} \defÐ{{\kern0pt}H} \defÒ{\hbox{Dz}} \defÔ{\hbox{Gh}} \defÖ{\hbox{Ch'}} \defØ{M} \defÚ{Y} \defÜ{N} \defÞ{{\kern0pt}\hbox{Sh}} \defà{O{\kern0pt}} \defâ{\hbox{Ch}{\kern0pt}} \defä{P{\kern0pt}} \defæ{J{\kern0pt}} \defè{\hbox{R'}} \defê{{\kern0pt}S{\kern0pt}} \defì{V} \defî{T{\kern0pt}} \defð{R{\kern0pt}} \defò{C{\kern0pt}} \defô{W} \defö{\hbox{P'}} \defø{Q} \defú{\hbox{O'}} \defü{F} \def¯{!} \def°{|} \def±{?} \defþ{{\kern0pt}'} \defª{`} \def§{<} \def¦{>} \def©{.} \def«{,} \def£{:} \def®{...}