\documentstyle[tengtex]{article} \pagestyle{empty} \setlength{\parindent}{0pt} \setlength{\parskip}{6pt} \begin{document} \quenya I hereby offer these spells to all who would have them, for toil or for~mirth, and I grant them leave to copy them. But credit they shall give in their hearts to me, Tolkien, F\"eanor, Aul\"e and Eru, and they shall not trade the spells, nor any thing wrought therewith, for gold, silver and jewels. Death in torment and darkness shall be the doom of the greedy who heed not this oath, and their names shall not be~uttered, but shall be forgotten for~ever between the borders of the world and beyond them. \begin{elvish} sinome antanye kuruquettar sine ilyain i merer te mootien ar tyalien, ar lavanye ten neunakarie te. nan hantale antuvante indontassen nin, tolkInen, feanAron, aulen ar iluuvataren, ar Umankuvante an malta, tyelpe ar mIri i kuruquettar ar ilya karna tenen. qualme i morniesse yeeva umbar i milkaron i Utirar sina vanda, ar UquentiEvar essentar, nA oiale vanwievante enyaliello imbe rInar ardo ar pella te. \end{elvish} \it Sinome antanye kuruquettar sine ilyain i merer te m\'otien ar tyalien, ar lavanye ten neunakarie te. Nan hantale antuvante indontassen nin, Tolk\'\i nen, Fean\'aron, Aulen ar Il\'uvataren, ar \'umankuvante an malta, tyelpe ar m\'\i ri i kuruquettar ar ilya karna tenen. Qualme i morniesse y\'eva umbar i milkaron i \'utirar sina vanda, ar \'uquenti\'evar essentar, n\'a oiale vanwievante enyaliello imbe r\'\i mar Ardo ar pella~te. \end{document}