%& --translate-file=il1-t1.tcx % Documentatioin File of the package fontch.tex V2.2 2010/04/12 % Copyright 2010 R. Medina % This work may be distributed and/or modified under the % conditions of the LaTeX Project Public License, version 1.3c % %% Options of fontch \let\AMSfont\relax \let\DStroke\relax \let\LMTone\relax \let\LMTSone\relax %% Input fontch and bsymbols \input fontch.tex \input bsymbols.tex \leftline{ } %% To start the page \bigskip\bigskip \twentyfourpoint \centerline{\bf fontch} \fourteenpoint\sf \bigskip \centerline{ Macros for changing fonts and sizes in plain \TeX} \centerline{Rodrigo Medina rmedina@ivic.gob.ve} \centerline{V2.2 2010/04/12} \rm \bigskip\bigskip \twelvepoint \leftline{\bf Description} \tenpoint This package allows, in plain \TeX, to change with a single command the size of all fonts that are used for text input and math input. Main text fonts of sizes 8, 10, 12, 14, 20 and 24 points are available. Fonts of sizes 5, 6, 7 and 9 points are used in subscripts and subscripts of subscripts of other main sizes. In addition fontch gives support to: \item{\bull} Boldface math-italic and boldface math symbols, \item{\bull} T1 Latin Modern fonts, \item{\bull} TS1 companion symbol fonts. \item{\bull} AMS fonts for boldface math, \item{\bull} Double Stroke fonts for blackboard bold symbols \medskip \twelvepoint \leftline{\bf Requirements} \tenpoint No special requirements are needed for using the original OT1 Computer Modern fonts. \item{\bull} In order to use the options for T1 Latin Modern fonts and the companion TS1 symbol fonts, you need to have installed the Latin Modern fonts of version 1.000 or larger. Older versions of LM fonts, where the cork encoded fonts had names as cork-lmr10 (instead of ec-lmr10) are compatible only with fontch-2.0. You can find the old package in \centerline{\sf CTAN:/tex-archive/obsolete/macros/plain/contrib/fontch20.tar.gz} \item{\bull} In order to use the option for boldface math symbols you need to have the AMS fonts installed. \item{\bull} In order to use the option for blackboard bold symbols you need to have the Double Stroke fonts installed. \medskip \twelvepoint \leftline{\bf Components} \tenpoint The fontch V2.2 package is composed of the following files:\par\noindent \settabs 10 \columns \+&{\tt README} &&-- text file with this same information \cr \+&{\tt fontch.tex} &&-- main macros\cr \+&{\tt bsymbols.tex}&&-- macros for boldface symbols\cr \+&{\tt TS1mac.texr} &&-- macros for the TS1 companion symbols\cr \+&{\tt DSmac.tex} &&-- auxiliary file for the DStroke option\cr \+&{\tt fontch.pdf} &&-- manual of fontch\cr \+&{\tt fontch\_doc.tex} &&-- source of manual \cr \medskip \twelvepoint \leftline{\bf Installation} \tenpoint You have only to put the macro files {\tt fontch.tex}, {\tt bsymbols.tex}, {\tt TS1mac.tex} and {\tt DSmac.tex} in any sensible place inside the texmf tree, like\par \centerline{\tt \dots/texmf/tex/plain/fontch/} It is also commendable to put the files {\tt README} and {\tt fontch.pdf} in a proper place such as \centerline{\tt \dots/texmf/doc/plain/fontch/} \medskip \twelvepoint \leftline{\bf Usage} \tenpoint For using {\tt fontch.tex} with the original TeX OT1 fonts (Computer Modern) just put at the beginning of the document:\par {\tt $\backslash$input fontch.tex} The file {\tt bsymbols.tex} provides macro definitions for boldface versions of math symbols. For using it just input the file where you need it. The fontch package has four options for handling different kinds of fonts:\par \+&{\tt LMTone} &&for Latin Modern T1 fonts.\cr \+&{\tt LMTSone} &&for the TS1 companion symbol font.\cr \+&{\tt AMSfont} &&for AMS fonts used for boldface math.\cr \+&{\tt DStroke} &&for Doublestroke fonts providing blackboard-boldface symbols.\cr \par The four options are independent. They are activated by setting the corresponding variable before calling fontch.tex. For example for activating all the four options and using the macros for bold math put at the beginning of the document: \smallskip\par {\tt $\backslash$let$\backslash$AMSfont$\backslash$relax\par $\backslash$let$\backslash$DStroke$\backslash$relax\par $\backslash$let$\backslash$LMTone$\backslash$relax\par $\backslash$let$\backslash$LMTSone$\backslash$relax\par $\backslash$input fontch.tex\par $\backslash$input bsymbols.tex\par } \medskip {\twelvepoint \leftline{\bf General Commands} } Here we treat those features of fontch that are common to all options. First we have to say that there is one modification of the standard behavior of plain \TeX. Plain \TeX\ defines for the font \#3 the same font (tenex) for text, script and scriptscript. That is awful. The fontch package uses sevenex for script and fiveex for scriptscript, as \TeX\ does for the other fonts. The package fontch defines the following commands valid for any option. \par\noindent Commands for changing font size:\par \+&{\tt $\backslash$eightpoint} &&-- Change to small type\cr \+&{\tt $\backslash$tenpoint} &&-- Change to normal type\cr \+&{\tt $\backslash$twelvepoint} &&-- Change to large type\cr \+&{\tt $\backslash$fourteenpoint} &&-- Change to very large type\cr \+&{\tt $\backslash$twentypoint} &&-- Change to huge type\cr \+&{\tt $\backslash$twentyfourpoint} &&-- Change to immense type\cr \smallskip \noindent Commands for changing family, most of them already in plain \TeX: \+&{\tt $\backslash$rm} &&-- Roman\cr \+&{\tt $\backslash$sl} &&-- Slanted\cr \+&{\tt $\backslash$it} &&-- Italic\cr \+&{\tt $\backslash$bf} &&-- Boldface\cr \+&{\tt $\backslash$tt} &&-- Teletype\cr \+&{\tt $\backslash$sf} &&-- Sans Serif (new)\cr \+&{\tt $\backslash$sc} &&-- Small Caps\cr \+&{\tt $\backslash$cal} &&-- Calligraphic\cr \+&{\tt $\backslash$mit} &&-- Math Italic\cr \+&{\tt $\backslash$mb} &&-- Math Boldface (new)\cr \+&{\tt $\backslash$bcal} &&-- Boldface calligraphic (new)\cr \+&{\tt $\backslash$oldstyle} &&-- Old style digits\cr \+&{\tt $\backslash$boldstyle} &&-- Boldface old style digits (new)\cr \+&{\tt $\backslash$setmathbold}&&-- Set families 1 and 2 to cmmib and cmmbsy (new)\cr \+&{\tt $\backslash$unsetmathbold}&&-- Reset families 1 and 2 to cmmi and cmmsy (new)\cr \smallskip \noindent Command for changing line spacing: \+&{\tt $\backslash$doublespace}&&-- Double space for ten and twelve points\cr \medskip The scope of these commands is the group defined by the braces. The commands for changing size are active until a new changing size command is given. The initial size is tenpoint and the initial family is roman. The commands for changing family are active until a new changing family command is given. The changing size commands reset the family to {\tt $\backslash$rm} and the double space to single space. Since the changing size commands modify the parameters that control the spacing between lines and between words, unpredictable results are obtained if they are given in the middle of a paragraph. Nevertheless inside a paragraph it is still possible to use the \TeX\ font commands of the form {\it $\backslash$size+family}, where {\it size} is one from {\tt five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten, twelve, fourteen, twenty} or {\tt twentyfour} and {\it family} is one from {\tt rm, sl, it, bf, tt, ss} or {\tt csc} ({\it e.g.}{\tt $\backslash$twelvess}). Here {\tt ss} represents the sans serifi family and {\tt csc} the small caps family. \noindent For example the following text\par {\tt \smallskip $\backslash$eightpoint\par This well known formula of physics is due to $\{\backslash$it Newton$\}$\par \$\$ $\backslash$vec F = m $\backslash$vec a \$\$\par \medskip $\backslash$twentyfourpoint\par This well known formula of physics is due to $\{\backslash$it Newton$\}$\par \$\$ $\backslash$vec F = m $\backslash$vec a \$\$\par \medskip $\backslash$fourteenpoint\par Many books use boldface letters instead of arrows for indicating vectors,\par \$\$ $\{\backslash$mb F$\}$ = m $\{\backslash$mb a$\}$ \$\$\par } \par \noindent yields:\par \eightpoint This well known formula of physics is due to {\it Newton} $$ \vec F = m \vec a $$ \twentyfourpoint This well known formula of physics is due to {\it Newton} $$ \vec F = m \vec a $$ \fourteenpoint Many books use boldface letters instead of arrows for indicating vectors,\par $$ {\mb F} = m {\mb a} $$ \tenpoint \medskip\noindent Another example using the sans serif family, {\tt The orthogonal matrix \$$\backslash$sf A\$ satifies the relation\par \$\$ $\{\backslash$sf A$\}$\^{}t $\backslash$sf A = I\$\$ } \par\noindent yields The orthogonal matrix $\sf A$ satifies the relation $$ {\sf A}^t \sf A = I$$ \medskip {\twelvepoint \leftline{\bf AMS fonts} } Only the cmcs, cmmib, cmbsy and cmex AMS fonts are supported. These are used for small caps and for boldface math-italic and boldface greek symbols. The other AMS fonts like the Euler, Cyrillic and extra symbols are not supported. \medskip {\twelvepoint \leftline{\bf Boldface math}} There are two main uses of boldface math. One case is the use of isolated boldface characters or symbols inside a formula. For this case fontch provides bold versions of math symbols and the macro {\tt $\backslash$mb} for bold math-italic characters. The plain \TeX\ macro {\tt $\backslash$bf} yields roman-bold characters in math mode. The name of the bold version of a math symbol is obtained adding the prefix {\tt bf} to the name of the normal symbol. For example a boldface italic ``a'' ($\mb a$) is {\tt $\{\backslash$mb a$\}$}, a boldface roman ``P'' ({\bf P}) is {\tt $\{\backslash$bf P$\}$}, a boldface $\sigma$ ($\bfsigma$) is {\tt $\backslash$bfsigma}, a boldface {\tt $\backslash$iff} ($\bfiff$) is {\tt $\backslash$bfiff}. The other case is when one wants to write a complete formula in boldface, for example inside a title. For this case fontch has the macro {\tt $\backslash$setmathbold} that changes the font families 1 (cmmi) and 2 (cmsy) to the bold versions cmmib and cmmbsy. The macro {\tt $\backslash$unsetmathbold} resets the families 1 and 2 to their original values. These macros should be put before and after the formula. Usually the macro {\tt $\backslash$setmathbold} does not change the whole formula to boldface. This is due to the fact that in math mode some symbols come from family \#0 (cmr) or \#3 (cmex) such as ``+'' or {\tt $\backslash$int}. Fontch provides macros for the symbols that come from family \#0, For example the bold version of ``('' is {\tt $\backslash$bflparen}. Math symbols of family \#3 (cmex) do not have bold versions. In particular {\tt $\backslash$int}, {\tt $\backslash$sum} and {\tt $\backslash$prod}. Nevertheless {\tt $\backslash$smallint} is of cmsy and does have a bold version. The macros for boldface math symbols are defined in the file {\tt bsymbols.tex}. The macros for the bold version of symbols that don't have a keyword are \smallskip \+&$\backslash$bfexcl &&$\bfexcl$\cr \+&$\backslash$bflparen &&$\bflparen$\cr \+&$\backslash$bfrparen &&$\bfrparen$\cr \+&$\backslash$bfplus &&$\bfplus$\cr \+&$\backslash$bfcomma &&$\bfcomma$\cr \+&$\backslash$bfcolon &&$\bfcolon$\cr \+&$\backslash$bfsemicolon &&$\bfsemicolon$\cr \+&$\backslash$bfequal &&$\bfequal$\cr \+&$\backslash$bflbraket &&$\bflbraket$\cr \+&$\backslash$bfrbraket &&$\bfrbraket$\cr \+&$\backslash$bflt &&$\bflt$\cr \+&$\backslash$bfslash &&$\bfslash$\cr \+&$\backslash$bfgt &&$\bfgt$\cr \+&$\backslash$bfminus && $\bfminus$\cr \+&$\backslash$bfvert &&$\bfvert$\cr \smallskip\noindent For example the following text {\tt $\backslash$twelvepoint\par $\backslash$centerline$\{\backslash$bf Newton's Sencod Law, $\backslash$setmathbold \$$\backslash$vec F$\backslash$bfequal m $\backslash$vec a\$\par $\backslash$unsetmathbold$\}$}\par \smallskip\noindent yields \twelvepoint \centerline{\bf Newton's Second Law, \setmathbold$\vec F\bfequal m\vec a$ \unsetmathbold} \tenpoint \medskip {\twelvepoint \leftline{\bf Double Stroke option} } The {\tt DStroke} option loads the Double Stroke fonts, that provide blackboard-boldface capital letters. Only the roman Double Stroke font is supported. The sans serif version is not supported. There is only a command associated to this option \+&{\tt $\backslash$ds} &&-- Double Stroke\cr \smallskip\noindent For example\par {\tt \$\$ $\{\backslash$ds N$\} \backslash$subset $\{\backslash$ds Z$\} \backslash$subset $\{\backslash$ds Q$\} \backslash$subset $\{\backslash$ds R$\} \backslash$subset $\{\backslash$ds C$\}$ \$\$} \noindent yields $$ {\ds N}\subset{\ds Z}\subset{\ds Q}\subset{\ds R}\subset{\ds C}$$ \medskip {\twelvepoint \leftline{\bf T1 encoded Latin Modern fonts}} The {\tt LMTone} option loads the T1 encoded Latin Modern fonts, which are used for text input. Math input is still done with the CM OT1 fonts. Using the translation files {\tt il1-t1.tcx} or {\tt il2-t1.tcx} it is possible to write a latin1 or latin2 encoded {\tt .tex} file, without bothering about accents and special characters. This is not only more convenient for writing the file, but usually it is also required for a proper behavior of the hyphenation procedures. For example {\tt \%\& --translate-file=il1-t1.tcx\par $\backslash$let$\backslash$LMTone$\backslash$relax\par $\backslash$input fontch.tex\par \medskip ¡Esto está escrito en español! ¿no es cómodo?}\par \smallskip\noindent yields ¡Esto está escrito en español! ¿no es cómodo? \medskip {\twelvepoint \leftline{\bf Commands of the LM T1 option}} The {\tt LMTone} option of fontch redefines the following plain \TeX\ commands: {\tt $\backslash$i, $\backslash$j, $\backslash$ae, $\backslash$AE, $\backslash$oe, $\backslash$OE, $\backslash$o, $\backslash$O, $\backslash$ss, $\backslash$SS, $\backslash$aa, $\backslash$AA, $\backslash$l, $\backslash$L, $\backslash$Gamma, $\backslash$Delta, $\backslash$Theta, $\backslash$Lambda, $\backslash$Xi, $\backslash$Pi, $\backslash$Phi,\par \noindent $\backslash$Sigma, $\backslash$Upsilon, $\backslash$Psi, $\backslash$Omega, $\backslash$hbar.} \noindent Fontch defines new T1 commands for non-latin1 characters \+&{\tt $\backslash$lh} &&\lh\cr \+&{\tt $\backslash$Lh} &&\Lh\cr \+&{\tt $\backslash$dh} &&\dh\cr \+&{\tt $\backslash$th} &&\th \cr \+&{\tt $\backslash$dbar} &&\dbar\cr \+&{\tt $\backslash$Edh} &&\Edh\cr \+&{\tt $\backslash$edh} &&\edh\cr \+&{\tt $\backslash$ij} &&\ij\cr \+&{\tt $\backslash$IJ} &&\IJ\cr \+&{\tt $\backslash$nj} &&\nj\cr \+&{\tt $\backslash$NJ} &&\NJ\cr \+&{\tt $\backslash$thorn} &&\thorn\cr \+&{\tt $\backslash$Thorn} &&\Thorn\cr \+&{\tt $\backslash$smallzero} &&\smallzero\cr \+&{\tt $\backslash$lguille} &&\lguille &&&(don't appear in il1-t1.tcx)\cr \+&{\tt $\backslash$rguille} &&\rguille &&&(don't appear in il1-t1.tcx)\cr \+&{\tt $\backslash$vispace} &&\vispace\cr \noindent The following plain \TeX\ text accents are redefined: {\tt $\backslash$\`{}, $\backslash$\'{}, $\backslash$\^{}, $\backslash$\~{}, $\backslash$\"{}, $\backslash$H, $\backslash$v, $\backslash$u, $\backslash$=, $\backslash$., $\backslash$b, $\backslash$c} \noindent The following plain \TeX\ math-accents are redefined: {\tt $\backslash$acute, $\backslash$grave, $\backslash$ddot, $\backslash$tilde, $\backslash$bar, $\backslash$breve, $\backslash$check, $\backslash$hat, $\backslash$dot.} \noindent New T1 text accents re defined: \+&{\tt $\backslash$r} &&-- ring accent\cr \+&{\tt $\backslash$k} &&-- ogonek\cr \noindent Finally a new T1 math-accent is defined \+&{\tt $\backslash$ring}\cr \medskip {\twelvepoint \leftline{\bf Commands of the LMTS1 option}} The TS1 option defines a macro for accessing the TS1 symbols by their position in the table,\par \+&{\tt $\backslash$tcchar$\{$\#1$\}$} &&-- Character of TS1 table\cr \noindent Some plain \TeX\ commands are redefined:\par \+&{\tt $\backslash$t$\{$\#1$\}$} &&-- tie-after-accent\cr \+&{\tt $\backslash$P} &&\P\cr \+&{\tt $\backslash$S} &&\S\cr \+&{\tt $\backslash$dag} &&\dag\cr \+&{\tt $\backslash$ddag} &&\ddag\cr \+&{\tt $\backslash$copyright} &&\$copyright\cr \noindent There is a macro for most of the TS1 symbols, Some are text versions of symbols of the math mode. The macros are in increasing charcode order: \+&{\tt $\backslash$arrowl} &&\arrowl\cr \+&{\tt $\backslash$arrowr} &&\arrowr\cr \+&{\tt $\backslash$blank} &&\blank\cr \+&{\tt $\backslash$dollar} &&\dollar\cr \+&{\tt $\backslash$caster} &&\caster\cr \+&{\tt $\backslash$sequals} &&\sequals\cr \+&{\tt $\backslash$anglel} &&\anglel\cr \+&{\tt $\backslash$angler} &&\angler\cr \+&{\tt $\backslash$mho} &&\mho\cr \+&{\tt $\backslash$bigcircle} &&\bigcircle\cr \+&{\tt $\backslash$Ohm} &&\Ohm\cr \+&{\tt $\backslash$bbracketl} &&\bbracketl\cr \+&{\tt $\backslash$bbracketr} &&\bbracketr\cr \+&{\tt $\backslash$arrowu} &&\arrowu \cr \+&{\tt $\backslash$arrowd} &&\arrowd \cr \+&{\tt $\backslash$textstar} &&\textstar\cr \+&{\tt $\backslash$born} &&\born\cr \+&{\tt $\backslash$died} &&\died\cr \+&{\tt $\backslash$leaf} &&\leaf\cr \+&{\tt $\backslash$married} &&\married\cr \+&{\tt $\backslash$music} &&\music\cr \+&{\tt $\backslash$doublevert} &&\doublevert\cr \+&{\tt $\backslash$perthousand} &&\perthousand\cr \+&{\tt $\backslash$bull} &&\bull\cr \+&{\tt $\backslash$centigrade} &&\centigrade\cr \+&{\tt $\backslash$olddollar} &&\olddollar\cr \+&{\tt $\backslash$oldcent} &&\oldcent\cr \+&{\tt $\backslash$florin} &&\florin\cr \+&{\tt $\backslash$Colon} &&\Colon\cr \+&{\tt $\backslash$won} &&\won\cr \+&{\tt $\backslash$naira} &&\naira\cr \+&{\tt $\backslash$guarani} &&\guarani\cr \+&{\tt $\backslash$peso} &&\peso\cr \+&{\tt $\backslash$lira} &&\lira\cr \+&{\tt $\backslash$recipe} &&\recipe\cr \+&{\tt $\backslash$interrobang} &&\interrobang\cr \+&{\tt $\backslash$gnaborretni} &&\gnaborretni\cr \+&{\tt $\backslash$dong} &&\dong\cr \+&{\tt $\backslash$TM} &&\TM\cr \+&{\tt $\backslash$pertenth} &&\pertenth\cr \+&{\tt $\backslash$npilcrow} &&\npilcrow \cr \+&{\tt $\backslash$baht} &&\baht\cr \+&{\tt $\backslash$numero} &&\numero\cr \+&{\tt $\backslash$abzueglich} &&\abzueglich\cr \+&{\tt $\backslash$aestimated} &&\aestimated \cr \+&{\tt $\backslash$openbull} &&\openbull\cr \+&{\tt $\backslash$SM} &&\SM\cr \+&{\tt $\backslash$qbrackl} &&\qbrackl\cr \+&{\tt $\backslash$qbrackr} &&\qbrackr \cr \+&{\tt $\backslash$cent} &&\cent\cr \+&{\tt $\backslash$sterling} &&\sterling\cr \+&{\tt $\backslash$currency} &&\currency\cr \+&{\tt $\backslash$yen} &&\yen\cr \+&{\tt $\backslash$brokenvert} &&\brokenvert\cr \+&{\tt $\backslash$feminine} &&\feminine\cr \+&{\tt $\backslash$copyleft} &&\copyleft\cr \+&{\tt $\backslash$lognot} &&\lognot \cr \+&{\tt $\backslash$circledP} &&\circledP\cr \+&{\tt $\backslash$registered} &&\registered\cr \+&{\tt $\backslash$degree} &&\degree\cr \+&{\tt $\backslash$plusminus} &&\plusminus\cr \+&{\tt $\backslash$twoup} &&\twoup\cr \+&{\tt $\backslash$threeup} &&\threeup\cr \+&{\tt $\backslash$micro} &&\micro\cr \+&{\tt $\backslash$centereddot} &&\centereddot\cr \+&{\tt $\backslash$reference} &&\reference\cr \+&{\tt $\backslash$oneup} &&\oneup\cr \+&{\tt $\backslash$masculine} &&\masculine\cr \+&{\tt $\backslash$root} &&\root\cr \+&{\tt $\backslash$onequarter} &&\onequarter\cr \+&{\tt $\backslash$onehalf} &&\onehalf \cr \+&{\tt $\backslash$threequarters} &&\threequarters\cr \+&{\tt $\backslash$euro} &&\euro\cr \+&{\tt $\backslash$texttimes} &&\texttimes\cr \medskip {\twelvepoint \leftline{\bf History}} \leftline{\sl Modifications from version 2.1} Version 2.2 is a minor correction version. Some minor corrections of the README file. The main change is the inclusion of the {\tt fontch.pdf} documentation file. \leftline{\sl Modifications from version 2.0} Version 2.1 is a minor bug correction version. The main change is the change in the name of the cork-encoded LM font files to the new naming conventions (cork-lmr10 -> ec-lmr10, etc.). Fontch-2.1 is compatible with LM-1.000 or newer versions. Older versions of LM fonts are not compatible. \leftline{\sl Modifications from version 1.3} Version 2.0 is a mayor revision. There are many improvements such as \item{--} Proper handling of smallcaps \item{--} Support for bold-math \item{--} Support for AMS fonts \item{--} Support for blackboard boldface \item{--} Correction of bugs and scaling. \medskip {\twelvepoint \leftline{\bf Bugs}} Comments and bugs reports are welcome at {\sf rmedina@ivic.gob.ve}. \medskip {\twelvepoint \leftline{\bf Copyright}} Copyright 2010 Rodrigo Medina\par The fontch package v2.2, including this manual, may be distributed or modified under the conditions of the LaTeX Project Public License, version 1.3c. This software is copyright but you are granted a license which gives you, the ``user'' of the software, legal permission to copy, distribute, and/or modify the software. However, if you modify the software and then distribute it (even just locally) you must change the name of the software, or use other technical means to avoid confusion. \bye