%% fontch.tex Macros for easily changing fonts and sizes in plain TeX %% %% V2.2 2010/04/12 %% Copyright 2010 Rodrigo Medina rmedina@ivic.gob.ve %% Suggested location: .../texmf/tex/plain/fontch/ %% Licence: LPPL %% %%%%%% Components %% The fontch V2.2 package is composed of the following files %% README -- Explanation file (has essentially this information) %% fontch.tex -- main macros %% bsymbols.tex -- macros for boldface symbols %% TS1mac.tex -- macros for the TS1 companion symbols %% DSmac.tex -- auxiliary file for the DStroke option %% fontch.pdf -- manual to fontch %% fontch_doc.tex -- source of manual %%%%%% Description %% %% Fontch implements a mechanism for changing type and size of fonts. One %% can write text and math at main sizes of 8, 10, 12, 14, 20 and 24 points. %% Fonts of sizes 5, 6, 7 and 9 points are used in subscripts and subscripts of %% subscripts of other main sizes. %% A single command makes all the changes needed for changing font smoothly. %% In addition fontch gives support to: %% - boldface math-italic and boldface math symbols, %% - T1 Latin Modern fonts, %% - TS1 companion symbol fonts. %% - AMS fonts for boldface math, %% - Double Stroke fonts for blackboard bold symbols %% %%%%%% Usage %% %% For using fontch.tex with the original TeX OT1 fonts (Computer Modern) %% just put at the beginning of the document: %% \input fontch.tex %% %% The file bsymbols.tex provides macro definitions for boldface versions %% of math symbols. For using it just input the file where you need it. %% %% The fontch package has four options for handling different kinds of fonts: %% %% - LMTone for Latin Modern T1 fonts. %% - LMTSone for the TS1 companion symbol font. %% - AMSfont for AMS fonts used for boldface math. %% - DStroke for Doublestroke fonts providing blackboard-boldface symbols. %% %% The four options are independent. They are activated by setting the %% corresponding variable before calling fontch.tex. For example for %% activating all the four options and using the macros for bold math %% put at the beginning of the document: %% %% \let\AMSfont\relax %% \let\DStroke\relax %% \let\LMTone\relax %% \let\LMTSone\relax %% \input fontch.tex %% \input bsymbols.tex %% %% %%%%%% NOTES: %% (1) There is one modification of the standard behavior of plain TeX. Plain %% TeX defines for the font #3 the same font (tenex) for text, script and %% scriptscript. That is awfull. The fontch package uses sevenex for %% script and fiveex for scriptscript, as for the other fonts. %% %% (2) The use of files il1-t1.tcx or il2-t1.tcx is recommended together %% with the LMT1 fonts. %% %% (3) Only the cmcs, cmmib, cmbsy and cmex AMS fonts are supported. These %% are used for small caps and for boldface math-italic and boldface %% greek symbols. The other AMS fonts like the Euler, Cyrillic and extra %% symbols are not supported. %% %% (4) Only the roman Doublestroke font is supported. The sans serif version %% is not supported. %% %% (5) There are two main uses of boldface math. One case is the use of %% isolated bold characters or symbols inside a formula. For this case %% fontch provides bold versions of math synbols and the macro \mb for bold %% math-italic characters. The plain TeX macro "\bf" yields roman-bold %% characters in math mode. The name of the bold version of a math symbol %% is obtained adding the prefix "bf" to the name of the normal symbol. For %% example a boldface italic "a" is {\mb a}, a boldface roman "P" is %% {\bf P}, a boldface \Sigma is \bfSigma, a boldface \iff is \bfiff. %% %% The other case is when one wants to write a complete formula in %% boldface, for example inside a title. For this case fontch has the %% macro \setmathbold that changes the font families 1 (cmmi) and 2 (cmsy) %% to the bold versions cmmib and cmmbsy. The macro \unsetmathbold resets %% the families 1 and 2 to their original values. These macros should be %% put before and after the formula. %% %% (6) Usually the macro \setmathbold does not change the whole formula to %% boldface. This is due to the fact that in math mode some symbols %% come from family #0 (cmr) or #3 (cmex) such as "+" or \int. Fontch %% provides macros for the symbols that come from family #0, For %% example the bold version of "(" is \bflparen. %% %% (7) Math symbols of family #3 (cmex) do not have bold versions. In particular %% \int, \sum and \prod. Nevertheless \smallint is of cmsy and does have %% a bold version. %% %%%%%%%%% Commands of fontch %%%%%% %% %%%%%% General Commands % \rm -- Roman % \sl -- Slanted % \it -- Italic % \bf -- Boldface % \tt -- Teletype % \sf -- Sans Serif % \sc -- Small Caps % \cal -- Calligraphic % \mit -- Math Italic % \mb -- Math Boldface % \bcal -- Boldface calligraphic % \oldstyle -- Old style digits % \boldstyle -- Boldface old style digits % \setmathbold -- set families 1 and 2 to cmmib and cmmbsy % \unsetmathbold -- reset families 1 and 2 to cmmi and cmmsy % \eightpoint -- Change to small type % \tenpoint -- Change to normal type % \twelvepoint -- Change to large type % \fourteenpoint -- Change to very large type % \twentypoint -- Change to huge type % \twentyfourpoint -- Change to immense type % \doublespace -- Double space for ten & twelve points % %%%%%% Macros of bold symbols % Symbols that have a keyword % bold_keyword = bf + normal_keyword % % Symbols that do not have a keyword % \bfexcl -- ! % \bflparen -- ( % \bfrparen -- ) % \bfplus -- + % \bfcomma -- , % \bfcolon -- : % \bfsemicolon -- ; % \bfequal -- = % \bflbraket -- [ % \bfrbraket -- ] % \bflt -- < % \bfslash -- / % \bfgt -- > % \bfminus -- - % \bfvert -- | % \bfVert -- \| % %%%%%% Command of the DStroke option % \ds -- Double Stroke % %%%%%% Commands of the LMT1 option %% Redefined Plain TeX Commands % \i , \j , \ae , \AE, \oe , \OE , \o , \O , % \ss , \SS , \aa , \AA , \l , \L , % \Gamma , \Delta , \Theta , \Lambda , \Xi , \Pi , % \Sigma , \Upsilon , \Phi , \Psi , \Omega, \hbar %% %% New T1 Commands for non-latin1 characters % \lh -- l' % \Lh -- L' % \dh -- d' % \th -- t' % \dbar -- d slash % \Edh % \edh % \ij % \IJ % \nj % \NJ % \thorn % \Thorn % \smallzero % \lguille -- left guillemot (does not appear in il1-t1.tcx) % \rguille -- right guillemot (does not appear in il1-t1.tcx) % \vispace -- visible space %% %% Redefined plain TeX accents % \` , \' , \^ , \~ , \" , \H , \v , \u , \= , \. , \b , \c %% New T1 accents % \r -- ring accent % \k -- ogonek %% %% Redefined plain TeX math-accents % \acute,\grave,\ddot,\tilde,\bar,\breve,\check,\hat,\dot %% New T1 math-accent % \ring %% %%%%% Commands of the LMTS1 option %% %% Text companion symbols TS1 %% % \tcchar{#1} -- Character of TS1 table %% Redefined plain TeX commands % \t{#1} -- tie-after-accent % \P -- pilcrow % \S -- section % \dag -- dagger % \ddag -- double dagger % \copyright %% Most TS1 symbols (in increasing charcode order) % \arrowl -- left arrow % \arrowr -- right arrow % \blank % \dollar % \caster -- centered asterisk % \sequals -- short equals % \anglel % \angler % \mho % \bigcircle % \Ohm % \bbracketl -- left double square bracket % \bbracketr -- right double square bracket % \arrowu -- up arrow % \arrowd -- down arrow % \textstar -- star % \born % \died % \leaf % \married % \music % \doublevert -- Double vertical bar % \perthousand % \bull -- bullet (is in manmac) % \centigrade % \olddollar % \oldcent % \florin % \Colon % \won % \naira % \guarani % \peso % \lira % \recipe % \interrobang -- Question+Exclamation % \gnaborretni -- Question+Exclamation upsidedown % \dong % \TM % \pertenth -- per ten thousand % \npilcrow -- narrow pilcrow % \baht % \numero % \abzueglich % \aestimated -- Big e % \openbull % \SM % \qbrackl -- left quill bracket % \qbrackr -- right quill bracket % \cent % \sterling % \currency % \yen % \brokenvert -- broken vertical bar % \feminine % \copyleft % \lognot -- logical not % \circledP % \registered % \degree % \plusminus % \twoup % \threeup % \micro % \centereddot % \reference % \oneup % \masculine % \root % \onequarter % \onehalf % \threequarters % \euro % \texttimes % \textdiv % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %% %% Modifications from version 2.1 %% Version 2.2 is a minor bug correction version. %% The main change is the inclusion of the fontch.pdf file. %% %% Modifications from version 2.0 %% Version 2.1 is a bug correction version %% The main change is to conform with the new naming conventions %% of the LM fonts files. Fontch-2.1 is compatible with LM fonts %% of version 1.000 or larger. %% %% Modifications from version 1.3 %% %% Version 2.0 is a mayor revision. %% %% There are many improvements such as %% -- Proper handling of smallcaps %% -- Support for bold-math %% -- Support for AMS fonts %% -- Support for blackboard boldface %% -- Correction of bugs and scaling. %% %% The behavior should be compatible with V1.3 except for %% case explained in Note (1). %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \wlog{File: fontch.tex [v2.2 (2010/04/12) font change package for plain TeX]} % %% Math fonts, valid for any option %% five points fonts (defined in plain.tex) %% %% six points fonts %% \font\sixi=cmmi6 \font\sixsy=cmsy6 \skewchar\sixi='177 \skewchar\sixsy='60 %% seven points fonts (defined in plain.tex) %% %% eight points fonts %% \font\eighti=cmmi8 \font\eightsy=cmsy8 \skewchar\eighti='177 \skewchar\eightsy='60 %% nine points fonts %% \font\ninei=cmmi9 \font\ninesy=cmsy9 \skewchar\ninei='177 \skewchar\ninesy='60 %% ten points fonts %% \font\tenmib=cmmib10 \font\tenbsy=cmbsy10 \skewchar\tenmib='177 \skewchar\tenbsy='60 %% twelve points fonts %% \font\twelvei=cmmi12 \font\twelvesy=cmsy10 scaled 1200 \font\twelveex=cmex10 scaled 1200 \font\twelvemib=cmmib10 scaled 1200 \font\twelvebsy=cmbsy10 scaled 1200 \skewchar\twelvei='177 \skewchar\twelvemib='177 \skewchar\twelvesy='60 \skewchar\twelvebsy='60 %% fourteen points fonts %% \font\fourteeni=cmmi12 scaled 1167 \font\fourteensy=cmsy10 scaled 1400 \font\fourteenex=cmex10 scaled 1400 \font\fourteenmib=cmmib10 scaled 1400 \font\fourteenbsy=cmbsy10 scaled 1400 \skewchar\fourteeni='177 \skewchar\fourteenmib='177 \skewchar\fourteensy='60 \skewchar\fourteenbsy='60 %% twenty points fonts %% \font\twentyi=cmmi12 scaled 1667 \font\twentysy=cmsy10 scaled 2000 \font\twentyex=cmex10 scaled 2000 \font\twentymib=cmmib10 scaled 2000 \font\twentybsy=cmbsy10 scaled 2000 \skewchar\twentyi='177 \skewchar\twentymib='177 \skewchar\twentysy='60 \skewchar\twentybsy='60 %% twentyfour points fonts %% \font\twentyfouri=cmmi12 scaled 2000 \font\twentyfoursy=cmsy10 scaled 2400 \font\twentyfourex=cmex10 scaled 2400 \font\twentyfourmib=cmmib10 scaled 2400 \font\twentyfourbsy=cmsy10 scaled 2400 \skewchar\twentyfouri='177 \skewchar\twentyfourmib='177 \skewchar\twentyfoursy='60 \skewchar\twentyfourbsy='60 %% %% big... operators \newdimen\bigsize \newdimen\Bigsize \newdimen\biggsize \newdimen\Biggsize %% Make @ visible \catcode`\@=11 \def\big#1{{\hbox{$\left#1\vbox to \bigsize{}\right.\n@space$}}} \def\Big#1{{\hbox{$\left#1\vbox to \Bigsize{}\right.\n@space$}}} \def\bigg#1{{\hbox{$\left#1\vbox to \biggsize{}\right.\n@space$}}} \def\Bigg#1{{\hbox{$\left#1\vbox to \Biggsize{}\right.\n@space$}}} %% \ifx\AMSfont\@undefined% {} \else \let\ifAMS=\relax \fi %% \ifx\DStroke\@undefined% {} \else \let\ifDS=\relax \fi %% \ifx\LMTone\@undefined% {} \else \let\ifLMT=\relax \fi \ifx\LMTSone\@undefined% {} \else \let\ifLMTS=\relax \fi %% %% Make @ invisible \catcode`\@=12 %% \ifx\ifAMS\relax% %% AMS option activated %% \immediate\write16{*** AMS option activated. AMS fonts are used ***} %% extension font \font\sevenex=cmex7 \font\eightex=cmex8 \font\nineex=cmex9 \font\fiveex=cmex7 scaled 714 \font\sixex=cmex7 scaled 857 %% math-italic boldface font \font\fivemib=cmmib5 \font\sixmib=cmmib6 \font\sevenmib=cmmib7 \font\eightmib=cmmib8 \font\ninemib=cmmib9 %% boldface symbols fonts \font\fivebsy=cmbsy5 \font\sixbsy=cmbsy6 \font\sevenbsy=cmbsy7 \font\eightbsy=cmbsy8 \font\ninebsy=cmbsy9 \else %% extension font \font\fiveex=cmex10 scaled 500 \font\sixex=cmex10 scaled 600 \font\sevenex=cmex10 scaled 700 \font\eightex=cmex10 scaled 800 \font\nineex=cmex10 scaled 900 %% math-italic boldface font \font\fivemib=cmmib10 scaled 500 \font\sixmib=cmmib10 scaled 600 \font\sevenmib=cmmib10 scaled 700 \font\eightmib=cmmib10 scaled 800 \font\ninemib=cmmib10 scaled 900 %% boldface symbols fonts \font\fivebsy=cmbsy10 scaled 500 \font\sixbsy=cmbsy10 scaled 600 \font\sevenbsy=cmbsy10 scaled 700 \font\eightbsy=cmbsy10 scaled 800 \font\ninebsy=cmbsy10 scaled 900 \fi %% End of AMS option \skewchar\fivemib='177 \skewchar\sixmib='177 \skewchar\sevenmib='177 \skewchar\eightmib='177 \skewchar\ninemib='177 \skewchar\fivebsy='60 \skewchar\sixbsy='60 \skewchar\sevenbsy='60 \skewchar\eightbsy='60 \skewchar\ninebsy='60 %% \ifx\ifLMT\relax% %% T1 option activated % \immediate\write16{*** T1 option activated. cork-LM fonts are used ***} %% Replace CM text fonts %% %% ten points fonts %% \font\tenrm=ec-lmr10 \font\tenbf=ec-lmbx10 \font\tensl=ec-lmro10 \font\tentt=ec-lmtt10 \font\tenit=ec-lmri10 \font\tenss=ec-lmss10 \font\tencsc=ec-lmcsc10 %% eight points fonts %% \font\eightrm=ec-lmr8 \font\eightbf=ec-lmbx8 \font\eightsl=ec-lmro8 \font\eighttt=ec-lmtt8 \font\eightit=ec-lmri8 \font\eightss=ec-lmss8 \font\eightcsc=ec-lmcsc10 at 8pt %% five points fonts %% \font\fiverm=ec-lmr5 \font\fivebf=ec-lmbx5 \font\fivess=ec-lmss8 scaled 625 %% six points fonts %% \font\sixrm=ec-lmr6 \font\sixbf=ec-lmbx6 \font\sixss=ec-lmss8 scaled 750 %% seven points fonts %% \font\sevenrm=ec-lmr7 \font\sevenbf=ec-lmbx7 \font\sevenss=ec-lmss8 scaled 875 %% nine points fonts %% \font\ninerm=ec-lmr9 \font\ninebf=ec-lmbx9 \font\niness=ec-lmss9 %% twelve points fonts %% \font\twelverm=ec-lmr12 \font\twelvebf=ec-lmbx12 \font\twelvesl=ec-lmro12 \font\twelvett=ec-lmtt12 \font\twelveit=ec-lmri12 \font\twelvess=ec-lmss12 \font\twelvecsc=ec-lmcsc10 scaled 1200 %% fourteen points fonts %% \font\fourteenrm=ec-lmr12 scaled 1167 \font\fourteenbf=ec-lmbx12 scaled 1167 \font\fourteensl=ec-lmro12 scaled 1167 \font\fourteentt=ec-lmtt12 scaled 1167 \font\fourteenit=ec-lmri12 scaled 1167 \font\fourteenss=ec-lmss12 scaled 1167 \font\fourteencsc=ec-lmcsc10 scaled 1400 %% twenty points fonts %% \font\twentyrm=ec-lmr12 scaled 1667 \font\twentybf=ec-lmbx12 scaled 1667 \font\twentysl=ec-lmro12 scaled 1667 \font\twentytt=ec-lmtt12 scaled 1667 \font\twentyit=ec-lmri12 scaled 1667 \font\twentyss=ec-lmss12 scaled 1667 \font\twentycsc=ec-lmcsc10 scaled 2000 %% twentyfour points fonts %% \font\twentyfourrm=ec-lmr12 scaled 2000 \font\twentyfourbf=ec-lmbx12 scaled 2000 \font\twentyfoursl=ec-lmro12 scaled 2000 \font\twentyfourtt=ec-lmtt12 scaled 2000 \font\twentyfourit=ec-lmri12 scaled 2000 \font\twentyfourss=ec-lmss12 scaled 2000 \font\twentyfourcsc=ec-lmcsc10 scaled 2400 %% %% Redefinition of character commands %% \chardef\i="19 \chardef\j="1A \chardef\ae="E6 \chardef\AE="C6 \chardef\oe="F7 \chardef\OE="D7 \chardef\o="F8 \chardef\O="D8 \chardef\ss="FF \chardef\SS="DF \chardef\aa="E5 \chardef\AA="C5 \chardef\l="AA \chardef\L="8A \mathchardef\Gamma="0100 \mathchardef\Delta="0101 \mathchardef\Theta="0102 \mathchardef\Lambda="0103 \mathchardef\Xi="0104 \mathchardef\Pi="0105 \mathchardef\Sigma="0106 \mathchardef\Upsilon="0107 \mathchardef\Phi="0108 \mathchardef\Psi="0109 \mathchardef\Omega="010A \def\hbar{{\mathchar"7009\mkern-9muh}} %% New character commands %% \chardef\lh="A9 \chardef\Lh="89 \chardef\dh="A4 \chardef\th="B4 \chardef\dbar="9E \chardef\Edh="D0 \chardef\edh="F0 \chardef\ij="BC \chardef\IJ="9C \chardef\nj="AD \chardef\NJ="8D \chardef\thorn="FE \chardef\Thorn="DE \chardef\smallzero="18 \chardef\lguille="E \chardef\rguille="F \chardef\vispace="20 %% Redefinition of accents and new accents%% \def\`#1{{\accent0 #1}} \def\'#1{{\accent1 #1}} \def\^#1{{\accent2 #1}} \def\~#1{{\accent3 #1}} \def\"#1{{\accent4 #1}} \def\H#1{{\accent5 #1}} %New ring accent \def\r#1{{\accent6 #1}} \def\v#1{{\accent7 #1}} \def\u#1{{\accent8 #1}} \def\=#1{{\accent9 #1}} \def\.#1{{\accent10 #1}} \def\b#1{\oalign{#1\crcr\hidewidth \vbox to.2ex{\hbox{\char9}\vss}\hidewidth}} \def\c#1{\setbox0=\hbox{#1}\ifdim\ht0=1ex \accent"B #1% \else{\ooalign{\unhbox0\crcr\hidewidth\char"B\hidewidth}}\fi} %New ogonek accent \def\k#1{\setbox0=\hbox{#1}\ifdim\ht0=1ex \accent"C #1% \else{\ooalign{\unhbox0\crcr\hidewidth\char"C\hidewidth}}\fi} \def\textdiv{{\tcchar{"F6}}} % %% Redefinition of math-accents %% \def\acute{\mathaccent"7001 } \def\grave{\mathaccent"7000 } \def\ddot{\mathaccent"7004 } \def\tilde{\mathaccent"7003 } \def\bar{\mathaccent"7009 } \def\breve{\mathaccent"7008 } \def\check{\mathaccent"7007 } \def\hat{\mathaccent"7002 } \def\dot{\mathaccent"700A } %New ring math-accent \def\ring{\mathaccent"7006 } % %% Activate non-ascii letters %% % upper case \catcode`\^^80=11 \uccode`\^^80=`\^^80 \lccode`\^^80=`\^^a0 \catcode`\^^81=11 \uccode`\^^81=`\^^81 \lccode`\^^81=`\^^a1 \catcode`\^^82=11 \uccode`\^^82=`\^^82 \lccode`\^^82=`\^^a2 \catcode`\^^83=11 \uccode`\^^83=`\^^83 \lccode`\^^83=`\^^a3 \catcode`\^^84=11 \uccode`\^^84=`\^^84 \lccode`\^^84=`\^^a4 \catcode`\^^85=11 \uccode`\^^85=`\^^85 \lccode`\^^85=`\^^a5 \catcode`\^^86=11 \uccode`\^^86=`\^^86 \lccode`\^^86=`\^^a6 \catcode`\^^87=11 \uccode`\^^87=`\^^87 \lccode`\^^87=`\^^a7 \catcode`\^^88=11 \uccode`\^^88=`\^^88 \lccode`\^^88=`\^^a8 \catcode`\^^89=11 \uccode`\^^89=`\^^89 \lccode`\^^89=`\^^a9 \catcode`\^^8a=11 \uccode`\^^8a=`\^^8a \lccode`\^^8a=`\^^aa \catcode`\^^8b=11 \uccode`\^^8b=`\^^8b \lccode`\^^8b=`\^^ab \catcode`\^^8c=11 \uccode`\^^8c=`\^^8c \lccode`\^^8c=`\^^ac \catcode`\^^8d=11 \uccode`\^^8d=`\^^8d \lccode`\^^8d=`\^^ad \catcode`\^^8e=11 \uccode`\^^8e=`\^^8e \lccode`\^^8e=`\^^ae \catcode`\^^8f=11 \uccode`\^^8f=`\^^8f \lccode`\^^8f=`\^^af \catcode`\^^90=11 \uccode`\^^90=`\^^90 \lccode`\^^90=`\^^b0 \catcode`\^^91=11 \uccode`\^^91=`\^^91 \lccode`\^^91=`\^^b1 \catcode`\^^92=11 \uccode`\^^92=`\^^92 \lccode`\^^92=`\^^b2 \catcode`\^^93=11 \uccode`\^^93=`\^^93 \lccode`\^^93=`\^^b3 \catcode`\^^94=11 \uccode`\^^94=`\^^94 \lccode`\^^94=`\^^b4 \catcode`\^^95=11 \uccode`\^^95=`\^^95 \lccode`\^^95=`\^^b5 \catcode`\^^96=11 \uccode`\^^96=`\^^96 \lccode`\^^96=`\^^b6 \catcode`\^^97=11 \uccode`\^^97=`\^^97 \lccode`\^^97=`\^^b7 \catcode`\^^98=11 \uccode`\^^98=`\^^98 \lccode`\^^98=`\^^b8 \catcode`\^^99=11 \uccode`\^^99=`\^^99 \lccode`\^^99=`\^^b9 \catcode`\^^9a=11 \uccode`\^^9a=`\^^9a \lccode`\^^9a=`\^^ba \catcode`\^^9b=11 \uccode`\^^9b=`\^^9b \lccode`\^^9b=`\^^bb \catcode`\^^9c=11 \uccode`\^^9c=`\^^9c \lccode`\^^9c=`\^^bc \catcode`\^^c0=11 \uccode`\^^c0=`\^^c0 \lccode`\^^c0=`\^^e0 \catcode`\^^c1=11 \uccode`\^^c1=`\^^c1 \lccode`\^^c1=`\^^e1 \catcode`\^^c2=11 \uccode`\^^c2=`\^^c2 \lccode`\^^c2=`\^^e2 \catcode`\^^c3=11 \uccode`\^^c3=`\^^c3 \lccode`\^^c3=`\^^e3 \catcode`\^^c4=11 \uccode`\^^c4=`\^^c4 \lccode`\^^c4=`\^^e4 \catcode`\^^c5=11 \uccode`\^^c5=`\^^c5 \lccode`\^^c5=`\^^e5 \catcode`\^^c6=11 \uccode`\^^c6=`\^^c6 \lccode`\^^c6=`\^^e6 \catcode`\^^c7=11 \uccode`\^^c7=`\^^c7 \lccode`\^^c7=`\^^e7 \catcode`\^^c8=11 \uccode`\^^c8=`\^^c8 \lccode`\^^c8=`\^^e8 \catcode`\^^c9=11 \uccode`\^^c9=`\^^c9 \lccode`\^^c9=`\^^e9 \catcode`\^^ca=11 \uccode`\^^ca=`\^^ca \lccode`\^^ca=`\^^ea \catcode`\^^cb=11 \uccode`\^^cb=`\^^cb \lccode`\^^cb=`\^^eb \catcode`\^^cc=11 \uccode`\^^cc=`\^^cc \lccode`\^^cc=`\^^ec \catcode`\^^cd=11 \uccode`\^^cd=`\^^cd \lccode`\^^cd=`\^^ed \catcode`\^^ce=11 \uccode`\^^ce=`\^^ce \lccode`\^^ce=`\^^ee \catcode`\^^cf=11 \uccode`\^^cf=`\^^cf \lccode`\^^cf=`\^^ef \catcode`\^^d0=11 \uccode`\^^d0=`\^^d0 \lccode`\^^d0=`\^^f0 \catcode`\^^d1=11 \uccode`\^^d1=`\^^d1 \lccode`\^^d1=`\^^f1 \catcode`\^^d2=11 \uccode`\^^d2=`\^^d2 \lccode`\^^d2=`\^^f2 \catcode`\^^d3=11 \uccode`\^^d3=`\^^d3 \lccode`\^^d3=`\^^f3 \catcode`\^^d4=11 \uccode`\^^d4=`\^^d4 \lccode`\^^d4=`\^^f4 \catcode`\^^d5=11 \uccode`\^^d5=`\^^d5 \lccode`\^^d5=`\^^f5 \catcode`\^^d6=11 \uccode`\^^d6=`\^^d6 \lccode`\^^d6=`\^^f6 \catcode`\^^d7=11 \uccode`\^^d7=`\^^d7 \lccode`\^^d7=`\^^f7 \catcode`\^^d8=11 \uccode`\^^d8=`\^^d8 \lccode`\^^d8=`\^^f8 \catcode`\^^d9=11 \uccode`\^^d9=`\^^d9 \lccode`\^^d9=`\^^f9 \catcode`\^^da=11 \uccode`\^^da=`\^^da \lccode`\^^da=`\^^fa \catcode`\^^db=11 \uccode`\^^db=`\^^db \lccode`\^^db=`\^^fb \catcode`\^^dc=11 \uccode`\^^dc=`\^^dc \lccode`\^^dc=`\^^fc \catcode`\^^dd=11 \uccode`\^^dd=`\^^dd \lccode`\^^dd=`\^^fd \catcode`\^^de=11 \uccode`\^^de=`\^^de \lccode`\^^de=`\^^fe \catcode`\^^df=11 \uccode`\^^df=`\^^df \lccode`\^^df=`\^^ff % Lower case \catcode`\^^a0=11 \uccode`\^^a0=`\^^80 \lccode`\^^a0=`\^^a0 \catcode`\^^a1=11 \uccode`\^^a1=`\^^81 \lccode`\^^a1=`\^^a1 \catcode`\^^a2=11 \uccode`\^^a2=`\^^82 \lccode`\^^a2=`\^^a2 \catcode`\^^a3=11 \uccode`\^^a3=`\^^83 \lccode`\^^a3=`\^^a3 \catcode`\^^a4=11 \uccode`\^^a4=`\^^84 \lccode`\^^a4=`\^^a4 \catcode`\^^a5=11 \uccode`\^^a5=`\^^85 \lccode`\^^a5=`\^^a5 \catcode`\^^a6=11 \uccode`\^^a6=`\^^86 \lccode`\^^a6=`\^^a6 \catcode`\^^a7=11 \uccode`\^^a7=`\^^87 \lccode`\^^a7=`\^^a7 \catcode`\^^a8=11 \uccode`\^^a8=`\^^88 \lccode`\^^a8=`\^^a8 \catcode`\^^a9=11 \uccode`\^^a9=`\^^89 \lccode`\^^a9=`\^^a9 \catcode`\^^aa=11 \uccode`\^^aa=`\^^8a \lccode`\^^aa=`\^^aa \catcode`\^^ab=11 \uccode`\^^ab=`\^^8b \lccode`\^^ab=`\^^ab \catcode`\^^ac=11 \uccode`\^^ac=`\^^8c \lccode`\^^ac=`\^^ac \catcode`\^^ad=11 \uccode`\^^ad=`\^^8d \lccode`\^^ad=`\^^ad \catcode`\^^ae=11 \uccode`\^^ae=`\^^8e \lccode`\^^ae=`\^^ae \catcode`\^^af=11 \uccode`\^^af=`\^^8f \lccode`\^^af=`\^^af \catcode`\^^b0=11 \uccode`\^^b0=`\^^90 \lccode`\^^b0=`\^^b0 \catcode`\^^b1=11 \uccode`\^^b1=`\^^91 \lccode`\^^b1=`\^^b1 \catcode`\^^b2=11 \uccode`\^^b2=`\^^92 \lccode`\^^b2=`\^^b2 \catcode`\^^b3=11 \uccode`\^^b3=`\^^93 \lccode`\^^b3=`\^^b3 \catcode`\^^b4=11 \uccode`\^^b4=`\^^94 \lccode`\^^b4=`\^^b4 \catcode`\^^b5=11 \uccode`\^^b5=`\^^95 \lccode`\^^b5=`\^^b5 \catcode`\^^b6=11 \uccode`\^^b6=`\^^96 \lccode`\^^b6=`\^^b6 \catcode`\^^b7=11 \uccode`\^^b7=`\^^97 \lccode`\^^b7=`\^^b7 \catcode`\^^b8=11 \uccode`\^^b8=`\^^98 \lccode`\^^b8=`\^^b8 \catcode`\^^b9=11 \uccode`\^^b9=`\^^99 \lccode`\^^b9=`\^^b9 \catcode`\^^ba=11 \uccode`\^^ba=`\^^9a \lccode`\^^ba=`\^^ba \catcode`\^^bb=11 \uccode`\^^bb=`\^^9b \lccode`\^^bb=`\^^bb \catcode`\^^e0=11 \uccode`\^^e0=`\^^c0 \lccode`\^^e0=`\^^e0 \catcode`\^^e1=11 \uccode`\^^e1=`\^^c1 \lccode`\^^e1=`\^^e1 \catcode`\^^e2=11 \uccode`\^^e2=`\^^c2 \lccode`\^^e2=`\^^e2 \catcode`\^^e3=11 \uccode`\^^e3=`\^^c3 \lccode`\^^e3=`\^^e3 \catcode`\^^e4=11 \uccode`\^^e4=`\^^c4 \lccode`\^^e4=`\^^e4 \catcode`\^^e5=11 \uccode`\^^e5=`\^^c5 \lccode`\^^e5=`\^^e5 \catcode`\^^e6=11 \uccode`\^^e6=`\^^c6 \lccode`\^^e6=`\^^e6 \catcode`\^^e7=11 \uccode`\^^e7=`\^^c7 \lccode`\^^e7=`\^^e7 \catcode`\^^e8=11 \uccode`\^^e8=`\^^c8 \lccode`\^^e8=`\^^e8 \catcode`\^^e9=11 \uccode`\^^e9=`\^^c9 \lccode`\^^e9=`\^^e9 \catcode`\^^ea=11 \uccode`\^^ea=`\^^ca \lccode`\^^ea=`\^^ea \catcode`\^^eb=11 \uccode`\^^eb=`\^^cb \lccode`\^^eb=`\^^eb \catcode`\^^ec=11 \uccode`\^^ec=`\^^cc \lccode`\^^ec=`\^^ec \catcode`\^^ed=11 \uccode`\^^ed=`\^^cd \lccode`\^^ed=`\^^ed \catcode`\^^ee=11 \uccode`\^^ee=`\^^ce \lccode`\^^ee=`\^^ee \catcode`\^^ef=11 \uccode`\^^ef=`\^^cf \lccode`\^^ef=`\^^ef \catcode`\^^f0=11 \uccode`\^^f0=`\^^d0 \lccode`\^^f0=`\^^f0 \catcode`\^^f1=11 \uccode`\^^f1=`\^^d1 \lccode`\^^f1=`\^^f1 \catcode`\^^f2=11 \uccode`\^^f2=`\^^d2 \lccode`\^^f2=`\^^f2 \catcode`\^^f3=11 \uccode`\^^f3=`\^^d3 \lccode`\^^f3=`\^^f3 \catcode`\^^f4=11 \uccode`\^^f4=`\^^d4 \lccode`\^^f4=`\^^f4 \catcode`\^^f5=11 \uccode`\^^f5=`\^^d5 \lccode`\^^f5=`\^^f5 \catcode`\^^f6=11 \uccode`\^^f6=`\^^d6 \lccode`\^^f6=`\^^f6 \catcode`\^^f7=11 \uccode`\^^f7=`\^^d7 \lccode`\^^f7=`\^^f7 \catcode`\^^f8=11 \uccode`\^^f8=`\^^d8 \lccode`\^^f8=`\^^f8 \catcode`\^^f9=11 \uccode`\^^f9=`\^^d9 \lccode`\^^f9=`\^^f9 \catcode`\^^fa=11 \uccode`\^^fa=`\^^da \lccode`\^^fa=`\^^fa \catcode`\^^fb=11 \uccode`\^^fb=`\^^db \lccode`\^^fb=`\^^fb \catcode`\^^fc=11 \uccode`\^^fc=`\^^dc \lccode`\^^fc=`\^^fc \catcode`\^^fd=11 \uccode`\^^fd=`\^^dd \lccode`\^^fd=`\^^fd \catcode`\^^fe=11 \uccode`\^^fe=`\^^de \lccode`\^^fe=`\^^fe \catcode`\^^ff=11 \uccode`\^^ff=`\^^df \lccode`\^^ff=`\^^ff %%End of LMTone option %% \else %% %% Other CM fonts %% eight points fonts %% \font\eightrm=cmr8 \font\eightbf=cmbx8 \font\eightsl=cmsl8 \font\eighttt=cmtt8 \font\eightit=cmti8 \font\eightss=cmss8 %% five points fonts %% \font\fivess=cmss8 scaled 625 %% six points fonts %% \font\sixrm=cmr6 \font\sixbf=cmbx6 \font\sixss=cmss8 scaled 750 %% seven points fonts %% \font\sevenss=cmss8 scaled 875 %% nine points fonts %% \font\ninerm=cmr9 \font\ninebf=cmbx9 \font\niness=cmss9 %% ten points fonts (not defined in plain.tex)%% \font\tenss=cmss10 \font\tencsc=cmcsc10 %% twelve points fonts %% \font\twelverm=cmr12 \font\twelvebf=cmbx12 \font\twelvesl=cmsl12 \font\twelvett=cmtt12 \font\twelveit=cmti12 \font\twelvess=cmss12 \font\twelvecsc=cmcsc10 scaled 1200 %% fourteen points fonts %% \font\fourteenrm=cmr12 scaled 1167 \font\fourteenbf=cmbx12 scaled 1167 \font\fourteensl=cmsl12 scaled 1167 \font\fourteentt=cmtt12 scaled 1167 \font\fourteenit=cmti12 scaled 1167 \font\fourteenss=cmss12 scaled 1167 \font\fourteencsc=cmcsc10 scaled 1400 %% twenty points fonts %% \font\twentyrm=cmr12 scaled 1667 \font\twentybf=cmbx12 scaled 1667 \font\twentysl=cmsl12 scaled 1667 \font\twentytt=cmtt12 scaled 1667 \font\twentyit=cmti12 scaled 1667 \font\twentyss=cmss12 scaled 1667 \font\twentycsc=cmcsc10 scaled 2000 %% twentyfour points fonts %% \font\twentyfourrm=cmr12 scaled 2000 \font\twentyfourbf=cmbx12 scaled 2000 \font\twentyfoursl=cmsl12 scaled 2000 \font\twentyfourtt=cmtt12 scaled 2000 \font\twentyfourit=cmti12 scaled 2000 \font\twentyfourss=cmss12 scaled 2000 \font\twentyfourcsc=cmcsc10 scaled 2400 %% AMS activated \ifx\ifAMS\relax% %% small caps font \font\eightcsc=cmcsc8 \else %% small caps font \font\eightcsc=cmcsc10 scaled 800 \fi %% end of AMS option \fi %% end of LMT1 option %% Support of TS1 fonts \ifx\ifLMTS\relax% \immediate\write16{*** TS1 option activated. ts1-LM fonts are used ***} \input TS1mac.tex \fi %% End of LMTSone option %% %% DStroke option %% \ifx\ifDS\relax% \immediate\write16{*** Doublestroke option activated. DS fonts used ***} \font\fiveds=dsrom8 scaled 625 \font\sixds=dsrom8 scaled 750 \font\sevends=dsrom8 scaled 875 \font\eightds=dsrom8 \font\nineds=dsrom10 scaled 900 \font\tends=dsrom10 \font\twelveds=dsrom12 \font\fourteends=dsrom12 scaled 1167 \font\twentyds=dsrom12 scaled 1667 \font\twentyfourds=dsrom12 scaled 2000 \fi %% End of DStroke option %% %% %% Families defined in plain.tex %% %% fam0 rm roman %% fam1 i math-italic %% fam2 sy symbols %% fam3 ex extension fonts %% fam4 itfam text-italic %% fam5 slfam slanted %% fam6 bffam roman boldface %% fam7 ttfam teletype %% %% New family math-italic bold. Must be fam8 %% \newfam\mibfam %% %% New family symbols boldface. Must be fam9 %% \newfam\bsyfam %% %% New family sans serif %% \newfam\ssfam %% %% New family small caps %% \newfam\cscfam %% %% New family doublestroke %% \ifx\ifDS\relax% \input DSmac.tex \fi \def\ds{} %% %% Change to tenpoint fonts %% \def\tenpoint{ \textfont0=\tenrm \scriptfont0=\sevenrm \scriptscriptfont0=\fiverm \textfont1=\teni \scriptfont1=\seveni \scriptscriptfont1=\fivei \def\mit{\fam1 } \def\oldstyle{\fam1 \teni} \textfont2=\tensy \scriptfont2=\sevensy \scriptscriptfont2=\fivesy \def\cal{\fam2 } \textfont3=\tenex \scriptfont3=\sevenex \scriptscriptfont3=\fiveex \textfont\itfam=\tenit \textfont\slfam=\tensl \textfont\ttfam=\tentt \textfont\ssfam=\tenss \scriptfont\ssfam=\sevenss \scriptscriptfont\ssfam=\fivess \textfont\bffam=\tenbf \scriptfont\bffam=\sevenbf \scriptscriptfont\bffam=\fivebf \textfont\cscfam=\tencsc \textfont\mibfam=\tenmib \scriptfont\mibfam=\sevenmib \scriptscriptfont\bffam=\fivemib \textfont\bsyfam=\tenbsy \scriptfont\bsyfam=\sevenbsy \scriptscriptfont\bffam=\fivebsy \ifx\ifDS\relax% \textfont\dsfam=\tends \scriptfont\dsfam=\sevends \scriptscriptfont\dsfam=\fiveds \def\ds{\fam\dsfam\tends} \else {} \fi \ifx\ifLMTS\relax% \def\rm{\fam0 \tenrm \let\tcfont=\tencrm} \def\it{\fam\itfam\tenit \let\tcfont=\tencit} \def\sl{\fam\slfam\tensl \let\tcfont=\tencsl} \def\tt{\fam\ttfam\tentt \let\tcfont=\tenctt} \def\sf{\fam\ssfam\tenss \let\tcfont=\tencss} \def\bf{\fam\bffam\tenbf \let\tcfont=\tencbf} \else \def\rm{\fam0 \tenrm} \def\it{\fam\itfam\tenit} \def\sl{\fam\slfam\tensl} \def\tt{\fam\ttfam\tentt} \def\sf{\fam\ssfam\tenss} \def\bf{\fam\bffam\tenbf} \fi \def\sc{\fam\cscfam\tencsc} \def\mb{\fam\mibfam} \def\boldstyle{\fam\mibfam\tenmib} \def\bcal{\fam\bsyfam\tenbsy} \def\unsetmathbold{ \textfont1=\teni \scriptfont1=\seveni \scriptscriptfont1=\fivei \textfont2=\tensy \scriptfont2=\sevensy \scriptscriptfont2=\fivesy \def\oldstyle{\fam1 \teni} } \def\setmathbold{ \textfont1=\tenmib \scriptfont1=\sevenmib \scriptscriptfont1=\fivemib \textfont2=\tenbsy \scriptfont2=\sevenbsy \scriptscriptfont2=\fivebsy \def\oldstyle{\fam1 \tenmib} } \normalbaselineskip=12pt minus 1pt \setbox\strutbox=\hbox{\vrule height8.5pt depth3.5pt width0pt} \bigsize=8.5pt \Bigsize=11.5pt \biggsize=14.5pt \Biggsize=17.5pt \normalbaselines\rm} %% %% Change to twelve points fonts %% \def\twelvepoint{ \textfont0=\twelverm \scriptfont0=\eightrm \scriptscriptfont0=\sixrm \textfont1=\twelvei \scriptfont1=\eighti \scriptscriptfont1=\sixi \def\mit{\fam1 } \def\oldstyle{\fam1 \twelvei} \textfont2=\twelvesy \scriptfont2=\eightsy \scriptscriptfont2=\sixsy \def\cal{\fam2 } \textfont3=\twelveex \scriptfont3=\eightex \scriptscriptfont3=\sixex \textfont\itfam=\twelveit \textfont\slfam=\twelvesl \textfont\ttfam=\twelvett \textfont\ssfam=\twelvess \scriptfont\ssfam=\eightss \scriptscriptfont\ssfam=\sixss \textfont\bffam=\twelvebf \scriptfont\bffam=\eightbf \scriptscriptfont\bffam=\sixbf \textfont\cscfam=\twelvecsc \textfont\mibfam=\twelvemib \scriptfont\mibfam=\eightmib \scriptscriptfont\mibfam=\sixmib \textfont\bsyfam=\twelvebsy \scriptfont\bsyfam=\eightbsy \scriptscriptfont\bsyfam=\sixbsy \ifx\ifDS\relax% \textfont\dsfam=\twelveds \scriptfont\dsfam=\eightds \scriptscriptfont\dsfam=\sixds \def\ds{\fam\dsfam\twelveds} \else {} \fi \ifx\ifLMTS\relax% \def\rm{\fam0 \twelverm \let\tcfont=\twelvecrm} \def\it{\fam\itfam\twelveit \let\tcfont=\twelvecit} \def\sl{\fam\slfam\twelvesl \let\tcfont=\twelvecsl} \def\tt{\fam\ttfam\twelvett \let\tcfont=\twelvectt} \def\sf{\fam\ssfam\twelvess \let\tcfont=\twelvecss} \def\bf{\fam\bffam\twelvebf \let\tcfont=\twelvecss} \else \def\rm{\fam0 \twelverm} \def\it{\fam\itfam\twelveit} \def\sl{\fam\slfam\twelvesl} \def\tt{\fam\ttfam\twelvett} \def\sf{\fam\ssfam\twelvess} \def\bf{\fam\bffam\twelvebf} \fi \def\sc{\fam\cscfam\twelvecsc} \def\mb{\fam\mibfam} \def\boldstyle{\fam\mibfam\twelvemib} \def\bcal{\fam\bsyfam} \def\unsetmathbold{ \textfont1=\twelvei \scriptfont1=\eighti \scriptscriptfont1=\sixi \textfont2=\twelvesy \scriptfont2=\eightsy \scriptscriptfont2=\sixsy \def\oldstyle{\fam1 \twelvei} } \def\setmathbold{ \textfont1=\twelvemib \scriptfont1=\eightmib \scriptscriptfont1=\sixmib \textfont2=\twelvebsy \scriptfont2=\eightbsy \scriptscriptfont2=\sixbsy \def\oldstyle{\fam1 \twelvemib} } \normalbaselineskip=14pt minus 1pt \setbox\strutbox=\hbox{\vrule height10pt depth4pt width0pt} \bigsize=10.2pt \Bigsize=13.8pt \biggsize=17.4pt \Biggsize=21pt \normalbaselines\rm} %% %% Change to eight points fonts %% \def\eightpoint{ \textfont0=\eightrm \scriptfont0=\sixrm \scriptscriptfont0=\fiverm \textfont1=\eighti \scriptfont1=\sixi \scriptscriptfont1=\fivei \def\mit{\fam1 } \def\oldstyle{\fam1 \eighti} \textfont2=\eightsy \scriptfont2=\sixsy \scriptscriptfont2=\fivesy \def\cal{\fam2 } \textfont3=\eightex \scriptfont3=\sixex \scriptscriptfont3=\fiveex \textfont\itfam=\eightit \textfont\slfam=\eightsl \textfont\ttfam=\eighttt \textfont\ssfam=\eightss \scriptfont\ssfam=\sixss \scriptscriptfont\ssfam=\fivess \textfont\bffam=\eightbf \scriptfont\bffam=\sixbf \scriptscriptfont\bffam=\fivebf \textfont\cscfam=\eightcsc \textfont\mibfam=\eightmib \scriptfont\mibfam=\sixmib \scriptscriptfont\mibfam=\fivemib \textfont\bsyfam=\eightbsy \scriptfont\bsyfam=\sixbsy \scriptscriptfont\bsyfam=\fivebsy \ifx\ifDS\relax% \textfont\dsfam=\eightds \scriptfont\dsfam=\sixds \scriptscriptfont\dsfam=\fiveds \def\ds{\fam\dsfam\eightds} \else {} \fi \ifx\ifLMTS\relax% \def\rm{\fam0 \eightrm \let\tcfont=\eightcrm} \def\it{\fam\itfam\eightit \let\tcfont=\eightcit} \def\sl{\fam\slfam\eightsl \let\tcfont=\eightcsl} \def\tt{\fam\ttfam\eighttt \let\tcfont=\eightctt} \def\sf{\fam\ssfam\eightss \let\tcfont=\eightcss} \def\bf{\fam\bffam\eightbf \let\tcfont=\eightcbf} \else \def\rm{\fam0 \eightrm} \def\it{\fam\itfam\eightit} \def\sl{\fam\slfam\eightsl} \def\tt{\fam\ttfam\eighttt} \def\sf{\fam\ssfam\eightss} \def\bf{\fam\bffam\eightbf} \fi \def\sc{\fam\cscfam\eightcsc} \def\mb{\fam\mibfam} \def\boldstyle{\fam\mibfam\eightmib} \def\bcal{\fam\bsyfam} \def\unsetmathbold{ \textfont1=\eighti \scriptfont1=\sixi \scriptscriptfont1=\fivei \textfont2=\eightsy \scriptfont2=\sixsy \scriptscriptfont2=\fivesy \def\oldstyle{\fam1 \eighti} } \def\setmathbold{ \textfont1=\eightmib \scriptfont1=\sixmib \scriptscriptfont1=\fivemib \textfont2=\eightbsy \scriptfont2=\sixbsy \scriptscriptfont2=\fivebsy \def\oldstyle{\fam1 \eightmib} } \normalbaselineskip=9pt \setbox\strutbox=\hbox{\vrule height7pt depth2pt width0pt} \bigsize=6.8pt \Bigsize=9.2pt \biggsize=11.6pt \Biggsize=14pt \normalbaselines\rm} %% %% Change to fourteen points fonts %% \def\fourteenpoint{ \textfont0=\fourteenrm \scriptfont0=\ninerm \scriptscriptfont0=\sevenrm \textfont1=\fourteeni \scriptfont1=\ninei \scriptscriptfont1=\seveni \def\mit{\fam1 } \def\oldstyle{\fam1 \fourteeni} \textfont2=\fourteensy \scriptfont2=\ninesy \scriptscriptfont2=\sevensy \def\cal{\fam2 } 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