%% moderncv_userguide.tex as shipped with 2024-07-18 v2.4.1 modern curriculum vitae and letter document class (moderncv) %% 2021 David Seus, cryptointerest@posteo.de % % This work may be distributed and/or modified under the % conditions of the LaTeX Project Public License version 1.3c, % available at http://www.latex-project.org/lppl/. \documentclass[a4paper, 11pt]{article} \title{% \texttt{moderncv} User Guide\\ {\small Package v2.4.1}% } % Cristina Sambo, \author{% Package by Xavier Danaux\\ and\\ moderncv community\\ {\small Documentation by David Seus}% } \date{\today} % Language and encoding options \usepackage[english]{babel} \usepackage{ifxetex, ifluatex} \newif\ifxetexorluatex \ifxetex \xetexorluatextrue \else \ifluatex \xetexorluatextrue \else \xetexorluatexfalse \fi \fi % PDFLaTeX or LUALaTeX/XeLaTeX \ifxetexorluatex % \usepackage{luatextra} % \usepackage{lualatex-math} \usepackage{shellesc} % Fix a bug for lualatex shellescape % \usepackage{unicode-math} % 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\begin{abstract} \noindent The \Moderncv package provides a document class for typesetting modern curriculum vit\ae{} and cover letters in various styles. Five predefined styles are available, each of which can be adjusted through various options for headings, footers and colors. It is fairly customizable, allowing the user to adjust the look and feel of each style to their liking. Several macros allow the user to add content to the CV and format it in a consistent way. A letter of motivation consistent with the style is part of the template as well. \end{abstract} \tableofcontents \section{Getting started} \subsection{How to read this manual} This manual is organized as follows. The current section explains on how to get started with the \Moderncv package, i.e. how to install required packages. % \emph{Note that it is assumed that you know how to install \Latex packages in case some are missing.} Section \ref{section:moderncvTemplate} explains how to work with the \Moderncv template file step by step. Section \ref{section:customization} details the customizations that the user can make: the different styles, their options, colors and tips and tricks. Section \ref{section:implementationDetails} details the packages that \Moderncv uses, known problems and possible solutions to those problems. \subsection{Installation instructions} If the \Moderncv package does not ship with your \Latex distribution or if the installed version is too old, grab the \Moderncv code from \Ctan or \github: \begin{tabular}{l} \moderncvCtan \\% [.5ex] \moderncvGithub \end{tabular} \note Depending on your \Latex distribution, you may have to install some additional packages. Section \ref{section:implementationDetails:requiredPackages} lists all the packages that \Moderncv requires to be installed on your system. \section{The \texttt{moderncv} template step by step} This section is a quick reference to the \Moderncv package and should contain enough information to typeset a first working CV. \label{section:moderncvTemplate} The easiest way to get started with \Moderncv is to use the template that comes with the package. If \Moderncv is part of your \Latex distribution, search for the folder \Moderncv on your system, which should contain all the files for the package. In this folder, there should be a file called \cvtemplate. If you downloaded the package from \Github or \ctan, look for \Cvtemplate in the folder of the newly downloaded (and possibly extracted) package. \note If you downloaded \Moderncv from \Github or \Ctan and moved \Cvtemplate to another folder, make sure to adjust the \code{TEXINPUTS} variable to find the newly downloaded package. Otherwise, either the package version provided by your \Latex distribution gets used or \Latex throws an error if there is no other version installed. Test your setup by compiling \Cvtemplate and looking at the result. \note The \Moderncv package should compile with \code{pdflatex}, \code{lualatex} and \code{xelatex}. However, not all icons are available when using \code{pdflatex}, so using either \code{lualatex} or \code{xelatex} \emph{is highly recommended.} \subsection{Basic setup} A document using the \Moderncv document class is set up like any other document class. We will go through the template step by step. \subsubsection*{Configuring document class options} The \Moderncv document class is loaded as per usual, by \begin{lstlisting} \documentclass[]{moderncv} \end{lstlisting} where at most one value for each option can be passed to the document class: \begin{tabular}{r@{\hspace{2ex}}p{0.55\textwidth}} \textbf{\code{paper}:} & \code{a4paper} (default), \code{a5paper}, \code{b5paper}, \code{letterpaper}, \code{legalpaper}, \code{executivepaper}, \code{landscape} \\ \textbf{\code{font family}:} & \code{sans}, \code{roman} \\ \textbf{\code{font size}:} & \code{10pt}, \code{11pt} (default), \code{12pt} \\ \textbf{\code{draft/final}:} & \code{draft}, \code{final} (default) \end{tabular} \subsubsection*{Choosing a \texttt{moderncv} style and color} Choose a \Moderncv style and color by adjusting the commands \begin{lstlisting} \moderncvstyle{