%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% SCLsample.tex %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%%%%%%%%% %%%%%%%%%%%%% %%%%%%%%%% More information: see the header of SCLetters.sty %%%%%%%%%%%%% %%%%%%%%%% %%%%%%%%%%%%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \documentstyle[]{SCLetters} \begin{document} \markboth{Silvano Balemi / Sample file for Systems and Control Letters} {Silvano Balemi / Sample file for Systems and Control Letters} \head{\parbox{\textwidth}{Systems \& Control Letters\hfill{\normalsize\thepage} \\North Holland}} \title{Sample file for Systems and Control Letters} \author{{\Large\rm Silvano Balemi}\\ Automatic Control Laboratory, Swiss Federal Institute of Technology (ETH), Zurich, Switzerland\\[-1mm] E-mail: balemi@aut.ee.ethz.ch } \abstract{Sample \LaTeX\ article using Latex Style file created for proceedings according to formatting directions of the Systems and Control Letters Journal} \keywords{\LaTeX\ style files, Bibliography style files, Systems and Control Letters} \maketitle \section{Introduction} This paper uses two style files created for \LaTeX\ in order to format an article according to the ``Instructions to Authors for the Preparation of Camera-Ready Manuscripts''. \begin{table}[h] \caption{The caption comes before the table.} \begin{center} \begin{tabular}{|c||c|c|}\hline $\otimes$&0&1\\\hline\hline 0&0&1\\\hline 1&1&0\\\hline \end{tabular} \end{center} \end{table} The style files used are {\tt SCLetters.sty}, {\tt SCL10.sty} and {\tt SCL11.sty} and should be in a path known by \LaTeX. The default font size is 11 points, and {\tt SCL11.sty} will be used; the only other font size available is 10 points, which is defined by {\tt SCL10.sty}. 12 point fonts are not available. The main differences with the usual {\tt article.sty} pertain to some definitions in the titlepage. \begin{itemize} \item the syntax for abstract is \verb+\abstract{...}+ and not \verb+\begin{abstract}...\end{abstract}+ \item the syntax for keywords follows the same syntax as that of the abstract: \verb+\keywords{...}+ \item \verb+\maketitle+ comes after title, abstract and keywords. \end{itemize} The article is formatted for A4 mats provided by SCL publications. \begin{figure} \begin{center} \setlength{\unitlength}{0.0125in}% \begin{picture}(242,150)(73,660) \put( 75,660){\framebox(240,150){}} \put(105,741){\vector( 0, 1){ 66}} \put(105,675){\vector( 0, 1){ 57}} \put( 96,759){\vector( 1, 0){204}} \put(105,789){\line( 1, 0){ 90}} \put(195,789){\line( 2,-1){ 90}} \put(105,711){\line( 1, 0){ 60}} \put(165,711){\line( 5,-3){ 60}} \put(225,675){\line( 1, 0){ 72}} \put( 96,714){\vector( 1, 0){204}} \put( 99,725){\makebox(0,0)[rb]{\raisebox{0pt}[0pt][0pt]{\tenrm $\varphi$}}} \put(291,747){\makebox(0,0)[lb]{\raisebox{0pt}[0pt][0pt]{\tenrm $\omega$}}} \put(291,702){\makebox(0,0)[lb]{\raisebox{0pt}[0pt][0pt]{\tenrm $\omega$}}} \put( 99,795){\makebox(0,0)[rb]{\raisebox{0pt}[0pt][0pt]{\tenrm $M$}}} \end{picture} \end{center} \caption{This is a sample figure. The caption comes after the figure.} \end{figure} \nocite{TeX} The captions for figures and tables have been modified; the caption of the tables must come before the table. The bibliography style file {\tt SCL\-.bst} formats with BibTeX the references from the bibliography file according to the instructions of the publisher of the journal. \subsection{Running headers} The running heads can be set with the command \verb+\markboth{leftTEXT}{rightTEXT}+. Then, odd page headers will display \verb+rightTEXT+ while even page headers will display \verb+leftTEXT+ together with the page number. The command \verb+\head{headTEXT}+ will put the string \verb+headTEXT+ on the header of the title page. Inserting the commands \verb+\thispagestyle{empty}+ and \verb+\pagestyle{empty}+ just after the \verb+\maketitle+ command removes any text from the headers, leaving them empty. \section{Conclusions} A sample article for publication in the SCL Proceedings has been presented. It uses some \LaTeX\ style files which format the article automatically according to SCL instructions. \nocite{LaTeXD,LaTeX,TeX} \bibliographystyle{SCL} \bibliography{bib-file} \end{document} %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% End of SCLsample.tex %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%