%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% MTNSsample.tex %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%%%%%%%%% %%%%%%%%%%%%% %%%%%%%%%% More information: see the header of MTNSarticle.sty %%%%%%%%%%%%% %%%%%%%%%% %%%%%%%%%%%%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \documentstyle{MTNSarticle} \begin{document} \bibliographystyle{unsrt} %% useful definition when preparing own reprints \setcounter{page}{9} \footernote{Presented at the last MTNS Symposium} \title{SAMPLE DOCUMENT OF ARTICLE SUBMITTED FOR REPRODUCTION IN MTNS PROCEEDINGS} \author{ S. Balemi\thanks{ Automatic Control Lab., ETH-Zentrum, 8092 \underline{Zurich}, Switzerland , balemi@aut.ee.ethz.ch} \ and R. Roy.\thanks{Information Systems Lab., Stanford University, Stanford CA, 94305, USA} } \abstract{ This is a \LaTeX\ sample of an article using two MTNS style files created for formatting according to the instructions for direct photo-offset reproduction of MTNS Proceedings articles. } \keywords{ \LaTeX, style files, MTNS Proceedings } \maketitle %% When uncommented, the next line removes page numbers and footernote %\thispagestyle{empty}\pagestyle{empty} \section{INTRODUCTION} This paper uses two style files created for \LaTeX\ in order to format an article according to the ``instructions and format of a camera-ready typescript for direct photo-offset reproduction''. The style file used is {\tt MTNSarticle.sty} and should be in a path known by \LaTeX. The format produced by the style file satisfies most of the requirements. However, no bibliography style file (see \cite{KhPa:86,BBB:91}) is available for formatting the references from the bibliography file according to MTNS instructions. We advise therefore to ``tune'' by hand in the the *.bbl file possible small differences. \section{CONCLUSIONS} A sample article for publication in the MTNS Proceedings has been presented. It takes advantage of two style files which format the article automatically according to MTNS instructions. \section*{ACKNOLWEDGMENT} The authors are grateful to \dotfill during\\ the preparation of this work. %\bibliography{bib-file} % commented if *.bbl file included, as seen below %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% BIBLIOGRAPHY IN THE LaTeX file !!!!! %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %% This is nothing else than the MTNSsample.bbl file that you would %% %% obtain with BibTeX: this way, you do not need a separate *.bbl file %% %%---------------------------------------------------------------------------%% \begin{thebibliography}{1} \bibitem{KhPa:86} P.I. Khargonekar and A.M. Pascoal. \newblock Robust stabilixability of {LTI} plants: {NLTV} controllers. \newblock In {\em Proc. 25th IEEE CDC}, Athens, Greece, 1986. \bibitem{BBB:91} S.~Balemi, V.~Balakrishnan, and S.~Boyd. \newblock {Computation of the Maximum ${\bf H}_\infty$-norm of Parameter-dependent Linear Systems by a Branch and Bound Algorithm}. \newblock In {\em Proc. of MNTS-91}, 1991. \end{thebibliography} %%---------------------------------------------------------------------------%% \end{document} %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% End of MTNSsample.tex %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%