%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% IFACsample.tex %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \documentstyle[twoside]{IFACarticle} \begin{document} \title{OPEN CHANNEL TRANSIENT FLOW CONTROL BY\\ DISCRETE TIME LQR METHODS} \author{A. GARCIA\thanks{University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, Department of Computer Science, Chapel Hill, North Carolina, USA}, M. HUBBARD\addtocounter{footnote}{-1}\footnotemark ~~and J.J. DE VRIES\thanks{University of Rochester, Computer Science Department, Rochester, NY 14627, USA} } \abstract{A real-time compensation scheme for multipool canals is developed using linear quadratic methods. A special response of the simple wave equation is used as a basis for developing the performance index which is minimized for a linear method of characteristic flow model (discrete time). State estimation, using only depths adjacent to underflow gates, is shown always to be possible. Fixed compensation for a large flow transition is demonstrated in an example where the controlled objet is a realistic, nonlinear numerical flow model.} \keywords{Distributed parameter systems; hydraulic systems; water supply; flow control; partial differential equations; civil engineering} \maketitle \thispagestyle{empty}\pagestyle{empty} \section{INTRODUCTION} The operation of modern canals is quite complex - a hierarchical control system is typically employed to minimize operational expenses and schedule and regulate the actual flow of water. The main concern here is with the lowest level control measure - regulation (see Fig. \ref{f:canal}). Disturbances caused by wind, rain, inaccurately predicted usageat turnouts, etc. and imperfect knowledge of the system parameters (e.g. gate discharge and Manning coefficients) are reasons why actual flows may deviate from scheduled flows and hence provide the motivation for employing feedback control in canal operations. Accurate feedback controllers can reduce the waste in delivering water. Canal regulation is revised. \begin{figure}[h] \begin{center} \setlength{\unitlength}{0.0100in}% \begin{picture}(294,165)(45,626) \thicklines \put(240,672){\oval(13,14)[t]} \put( 81,750){\circle{12}} \put( 81,690){\circle{12}} \put(120,735){\framebox(45,30){}} \put(120,627){\framebox(45,18){}} \put(165,750){\vector( 1, 0){ 99}} \put(213,636){\vector(-1, 0){ 48}} \put(240,708){\vector(-1, 0){ 84}} \put(264,735){\framebox(45,30){}} \put(240,750){\vector( 0,-1){ 98}} \put(309,750){\line( 1, 0){ 30}} \put(339,750){\line( 0,-1){114}} \put(339,636){\line(-1, 0){ 72}} \put(234,672){\vector(-1, 0){ 78}} \put(339,672){\line(-1, 0){ 93}} \put( 87,750){\vector( 1, 0){ 33}} \put(120,636){\line(-1, 0){ 39}} \put( 81,636){\vector( 0, 1){ 48}} \put( 45,750){\vector( 1, 0){ 30}} \put( 81,696){\vector( 0, 1){ 48}} \put(213,621){\framebox(54,30){}} \put(156,723){\line(-5,-3){ 24.265}} \put(132,708){\line( 5,-3){ 24.265}} \put(156,693){\line( 0, 1){ 30}} \put(156,723){\line( 0, 1){ 0}} \put(156,687){\line(-5,-3){ 24.265}} \put(132,672){\line( 5,-3){ 24.265}} \put(156,657){\line( 0, 1){ 30}} \put(156,687){\line( 0, 1){ 0}} \put(132,708){\vector(-3,-1){ 45}} \put(132,672){\vector(-3, 1){ 45}} \put(141,747){\makebox(0,0)[b]{\raisebox{0pt}[0pt][0pt]{\tenrm $\int$}}} \put(285,747){\makebox(0,0)[b]{\raisebox{0pt}[0pt][0pt]{\tenrm $\int$}}} \put(234,756){\makebox(0,0)[lb]{\raisebox{0pt}[0pt][0pt]{\tenrm $\dot X_1$}}} \put(312,756){\makebox(0,0)[lb]{\raisebox{0pt}[0pt][0pt]{\tenrm $X_1$}}} \put(168,756){\makebox(0,0)[lb]{\raisebox{0pt}[0pt][0pt]{\tenrm $X_2$}}} \put( 45,756){\makebox(0,0)[lb]{\raisebox{0pt}[0pt][0pt]{\tenrm $w(t)$}}} \put( 99,756){\makebox(0,0)[b]{\raisebox{0pt}[0pt][0pt]{\tenrm $\dot X_2$}}} \put( 81.5,688){\makebox(0,0)[b]{\raisebox{0pt}[0pt][0pt]{\tenrm $\scriptstyle +$}}} \put( 81.5,748){\makebox(0,0)[b]{\raisebox{0pt}[0pt][0pt]{\tenrm $\scriptstyle +$}}} \put(240,633){\makebox(0,0)[b]{\raisebox{0pt}[0pt][0pt]{\tenrm $-\epsilon X^2_1X_2$}}} \put(153,705){\makebox(0,0)[rb]{\raisebox{0pt}[0pt][0pt]{\tenrm $\epsilon$}}} \put(154,669){\makebox(0,0)[rb]{\raisebox{0pt}[0pt][0pt]{\tenrm $-\!9$}}} \end{picture} \end{center} \caption{Canal terms and parameters} \label{f:canal} \end{figure} Canal regulation is receiving renewed interest; a variety of methods have been proposed for approaching the problem. Early work on the design of feedback controllers for check gates was done by \citeasnoun{Abl:45} using classical control theory. \citeasnoun{AbTaRu:54}, also using classical frequency response methods, investigated the stability of closed-loop level controllers. \citeasnoun{AbTaRu:54} and \citeasnoun{ChaRou:66} applied the linear quadratic regulator (LQR) technique to open channel flow control using a linearized, spatially discretized version of the St Venant equations. Predictive control strategies based on simplified flow models have also been investigated \cite{Abl:45,Bak:63a,Dog:58,Keo:58,Pow:85,Sol:89}.\nocite{Bak:63b} The latter works do not address the problem of transient wave magnitude control. In this paper, three major issues are addressed in the application of the LQR theory to the regulation of large flow transitions in multipool canal systems. These are: the development of an accurate and simple linear model of the flow dynamics, a physically meaningful method of performance index selection, and the generation of reference inputs which allow control over transient wave magnitude. The models used to develop the regulation algorithm is a time and space discretized approximation of the St Venant equations. The dynamic response of the wave equation, which is easily developed analytically, is used as a guideline for developing the penalty function coefficients. The wave equation is also used to develop reference inputs for large flow transitions so that transient wave magnitudes can be controlled. This affects the dynamic response of the wave. \section{OPEN CHANNEL TRANSIENT MODELS} The one-dimensional equations for gradually varied, unsteady flow in a prismatic channel are: \begin{equation} X_{k+1}=jx_k + Gu_{k+1} \label{eq:1} \end{equation} The nonstandard form of (\ref{eq:1}) is a consequence of the fact that the boundary condition can immediately affect states adjacent to the boundary. The nonstandard form is a consequence of the fact that the boundary condition can affect the model.\footnote{Intersystem linkages do occur on return.} \begin{figure}[h] \begin{center} \setlength{\unitlength}{0.0100in}% \begin{picture}(240,147)(60,594) \thicklines \put( 75,729){\line( 1, 0){ 45}} \put( 75,690){\line( 1, 0){ 45}} \put( 75,669){\line( 1, 0){ 45}} \put( 75,645){\line( 1, 0){ 45}} \put( 75,624){\line( 1, 0){ 45}} \put( 75,711){\line( 1, 0){ 45}} \put(240,729){\line( 1, 0){ 45}} \put(240,690){\line( 1, 0){ 45}} \put(240,669){\line( 1, 0){ 45}} \put(240,645){\line( 1, 0){ 45}} \put(240,624){\line( 1, 0){ 45}} \put(240,711){\line( 1, 0){ 45}} \put(123,627){\vector(-1, 0){ 0}} \put(123,627){\vector( 1, 0){114}} \put(132,636){\line( 1, 0){ 42}} \put(174,636){\vector( 0, 1){ 51}} \put(186,636){\vector( 0, 1){ 51}} \put(186,636){\line( 1, 0){ 42}} \put(150,699){\vector(-1, 0){ 27}} \put(210,699){\vector( 1, 0){ 27}} \put(180,726){\vector( 0,-1){ 21}} \put(234,732){\vector(-1, 0){ 33}} \put( 60,615){\dashbox{4}(75,126){}} \put(225,615){\dashbox{4}(75,126){}} \put(126,732){\vector( 1, 0){ 33}} \put(180,729){\makebox(0,0)[b]{\raisebox{0pt}[0pt][0pt]{\sixrm Society}}} \put(261,603){\makebox(0,0)[b]{\raisebox{0pt}[0pt][0pt]{\sixrm Environemt}}} \put(261,594){\makebox(0,0)[b]{\raisebox{0pt}[0pt][0pt]{\sixrm system}}} \put( 96,603){\makebox(0,0)[b]{\raisebox{0pt}[0pt][0pt]{\sixrm Development}}} \put( 96,594){\makebox(0,0)[b]{\raisebox{0pt}[0pt][0pt]{\sixrm system}}} \put(180,699){\makebox(0,0)[b]{\raisebox{0pt}[0pt][0pt]{\sixrm Development}}} \put(180,690){\makebox(0,0)[b]{\raisebox{0pt}[0pt][0pt]{\sixrm activities}}} \end{picture} \end{center} \caption{Basic structure of the development-environ\-ment interface} \label{f:impact} \end{figure} Together these policy variables comprise a policy system that is capable of responding to a set of impacts that affect that system. One of the reasons the development system has grown so large is the set of positive development impacts that have created an propelled that system over time. \section{ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT} One of the reasons the environment system has evolved is the set of negative environmental impacts from development activities that have given rise to the creation of a system to offset development pressures (see Fig. \ref{f:impact}). \subsection{Core Actors} This group has continuous and intensive involvment in the technological program. It is usually the core actors who initiate a program via one or more fundamental decisions. \subsubsection*{Allied supporting actors} Independent Central Actors: Actors of this type have a degree of independence of autonomy from both the proponents and adversaries of a given development program because of research and the resulting effect of the degree of autonomy. More research is needed on this point. \begin{table}[hbt] \caption{Results of systems analysis} \label{table} \begin{center} \begin{tabular}{lcccccc}\hline\\[-2mm] &Jan&Mar&May&Jul&Sep&Nov\\[2mm]\hline\\[-2mm] Day\\ 1& 4& 22\\ 2\\ 3& & &31 &86\\ 4&&&&&107\\ 5&&&&&&189\\[2mm]\hline\\ \end{tabular} \end{center} \end{table} \section{CONCLUSION} Environmental adequacy then is the joint outcome of a truly comprhensive and integrated environmental system. By adequacy is meant the matching if the environment and development responses to the challenges posed by the development process. These challenges are in the form of environmental problems emanating fom the development. The concern hereis for a set of satisfactory or adequate solutions for all actors and impactees for resolving the conflicts associated with the development program. An environmental management system that is comprehensive in its approach and integratedinto the development decision makeing process should be adequate in meeting the environmental problems stemming from the development program. \bibliographystyle{IFAC} \bibliography{IFACsample} % commented if *.bbl file included, as seen below \end{document} %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% End of IFACsample.tex %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%