fdapace v0.6.0 (Release date: 02-Jul-2024) ============= Changes: * Remove the old FLM function * Update FLM1 function and its documentation, which is now the FLM function * Add FLMCI function to construct confidence intervals for functional linear models * Change @docType package to _PACKAGE in R/pkgname.R * Add title and legend to CreateModeOfVarPlot function * Update figure titles in several plot functions (capitalize only the first word) fdapace v0.5.9 (Release date: 15-Aug-2022) ============= Changes: * Update FLM documentation and output * Add permutation test and R2 measure for FLM function * Add FLM1 function * Improve description of Lwls2D function * Add checks for time gaps in CheckData function fdapace v0.5.8 (Release date: 22-Nov-2021) ============= Changes: * Option for correlation surface output * Option for correlation surface plot * Default option for score estimation set to vanilla * Minor bug fixes in FPCA * Updated FLM documentation and output * Added vignette. fdapace v0.5.7 (Release date: 17-May-2021) ============= Changes: * Option for eigenfunctions/values without score estimation * Options for covariance surface output * Minor bug fixes in FPCA edge cases. fdapace v0.5.6 (Release date: 10-Jan-2021) ============= Changes: * Updated FPCA methods for DenseWithMV dataType. * Minor changes to FPCA and predict.FPCA defaults and documentation. fdapace v0.5.5 (Release date: 25-July-2020) ============= Changes: * Updated documentation for FPCA and DynCorr. * Added GetMeanCI for confidence bands. * Added `deduplicate` argument to MakeFPCAInputs. * Updated predict.FPCA to handle the prediction of new curves. * Added GetMeanCurve and GetCovSurface, which modularize the FPCA routine. * Adjusted FPCA dataType selection methods. fdapace v0.5.4 (Release date: 17-June-2020) ============= Changes: * Updated documentation for FPCA and FCReg. * Fixed citations in vignette. * Altered dataType selection in isRegular. fdapace v0.5.3 (Release date: 14-May-2020) ============= Changes: * Updated documentation for FPCA, FCReg, and FLM. * Bug fix regarding truncation method for FPCA. fdapace v0.5.2 (Release date: 13-Feb-2020) ============= Changes: * Updated documentation for FPCA, FCReg, and VCAM. * Multiple minor bug fixes and improvements for user friendliness. fdapace v0.5.1 (Release date: 26-Sep-2019) ============= Changes: * Reset the default working grid of FPCA. * Multiple minor bug fixes. fdapace v0.5.0 (Release date: 21-Aug-2019) ============= New functionality: * Added quantile regression (FPCQuantile). * Added functional additive models (TVAM, VCAM). * Merged functional linear regression with both scalar and functional response (FLM, removed FPCReg). * Added dynamic correlation (DynCorr). * Added confidence band for individual prediction in FPCA. Changes: * Added usergrid option to FPCA. Modularized FPCA subroutines. * Fixed bug in WFDA. * Multiple minor bug fixes. fdapace v0.4.1 (Release date: 19-Mar-2019) ============= New functionality: * Added functional additive models (MultiFAM, TVAMSBFitting, SBFitting). * Added stringing (Stringing). * Added functonal linear regression with functional response (FPCReg). Changes: * Dropped argument `k` from SelectK. * Vignette in HTML. * FClust functionality uses `EMCluster` instead `Rmixmod`. * Multiple minor bug fixes. fdapace v0.3.0 (Release date: 25-Jan-2017) ============= New functionality: * Added obsOnly option to CreatePathPlot. * Added derivative estimators (FPCAder, fitted.FPCAder) * Added functional concurrent correlation (FCCor). * Added pairwise curve synchronization for functional data (WFDA). * Added optimal designs for longitudinal or functional data (FOptDes). * Miscellaneous update to utility functions (CreateBasis, MakeSparseGP) Changes: * Covariance GCV bandwidth is modified to prevent oversmoothing. * "Diagnostic plots" are renamed. * GetNormalisedSample now uses fitted covariance. fdapace v0.2.5 (Release date: 14-Jul-2016) ============= Changes: * `K` is used for specifying the number of components in functions such as SelectK, fitted, CreatePathPlot, CreateFuncBoxPlot, etc, instead of `k`. * GetCrCovYX is sped up. Minors: * Improved the legend placing in CreateDesignPlot. * Plot functions no longer show warnings. * Changed clustering example in vignettes. Minors: * Improved the legend placing in CreateDesignPlot. * Plot functions no longer show warnings. fdapace v0.2.0 (Release date: 17-Jun-2016) ============== New functionality: * Addition of Functional Variance Process Analysis (FVPA.R), Functional Clustering (FClust.R) and Functional Singular Value Decomposition (FSVD.R) functionality. Changes: * Minor changes to the interface of functions FPCA.R and FCReg.R. * New internal C++ smoother used. * General improvements and bug fixes. * Vignette with knitr. fdapace v0.1.1 (Release data: 15-Mar-2016) ============== * Initial release