python311-gobject-Gdk-3.44.1-150400.3.9.2<>,fLp9|v_F|j&_m #'l4VxvX=Olp;Q }}"N"1r"0kS?ޗwXoN/bGn~JKM(?pIeIfQW\Z7FQ~LV*r75#|9Ú%U/ `ol݆6\{o; >>vt?vdd , L2D Zw  @   ,t(T  P( 8 S9 S:SFoGoHpIpXXplYpt\p]p^rabs-csdt_etdftgltiut|vtwtxu4yu|"zvvvvv`Cpython311-gobject-Gdk3.44.1150400.3.9.2Python bindings for GObject/GdkPygobjects is an extension module for python that gives you access to GLib's GObjects. This package contains the Python Gdk bindings for GObject.fLibs-power9-11?!SUSE Linux Enterprise 15SUSE LLC LGPL-2.1-or-later'>RR}A}  ZZffd_$^ d^ffffffffff]bƃ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-gobject-3.44.1-150400.3.9.2.src.rpmpython311-gobject-Gdkpython311-gobject-Gdk(ppc-64)@     @@@@@@@@@python(abi)python311-gobjectpython311-gobject-cairorpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)rpmlib(PartialHardlinkSets)rpmlib(PayloadFilesHavePrefix)rpmlib(PayloadIsXz)typelib(GLib)typelib(GObject)typelib(Gdk)typelib(GdkPixbuf)typelib(GdkX11)typelib(Gio)typelib(Gtk)typelib(Pango)typelib(cairo)ڑ@bҨ@bbaG@aHwa @`z`T@____[@^^d@^4^]v>]ja@]@\ \@\\eX@\-@\@[1[k@[t[@[v[@[)[5@Z2@Z@ZkZ= 60 incorrectly installing pkgconfig files into the wrong libdir- Add dependency on python-cairo to python-gobject-cairo: The introspection wrapper needs the actual pycairo underneath (boo#1179584).- Update to version 3.42.1: + Do not error out for unknown scopes. + gtk overrides: restore Gtk.ListStore.insert_with_valuesv with newer GTK4. + gtk overrides: Do not override Treeview.enable_model_drag_xx for GTK4. + Implement DynamicImporter.find_spec() to silence deprecation warning. + Some test/CI fixes.- Update to version 3.42.0: + meson: Bump minimum meson_version to 0.47.0. + Expose GObject.Object.run_dispose(). + docs: document Gtk.Template. + dev: Add poetry support. + meson: use main branch for glib subproject. + Fix some small memory leaks.- Adjust BuildRequires for python_module cairo to python-module pycairo: the module was renamed 2 years ago. - Skip build for python2: not supported anymore since 3.38.0.- Update to version 3.40.1: + Fix tests with glib 2.68. + Fix a regression with marshalling partial() objects.- Update to version 3.40.0: + GTK 4 compatibility fixes. + Python 3.9 and 3.10 compatibility fixes. + New minimal dependency requirements. - Up glib2, gobject-introspection, and cairo required versions.- Recompile python cache files after removal of components, include cache files in correct subpackage - Fix supplements declarations, where possible. Disable for -gdk.- Simplify the dependency exclusion from to also match with multiple python3-flavors. - Remove exec bit from all *.py files in examples, also subdirectories.- Update to version 3.38.0: + meson: Make the `pycairo` option a feature. + gdk overrides: Fix wrapping of scroll events. + Add overrides for Gtk.Button set/get_focus_on_click.- Update to version 3.36.1: + tests: Fix failing tests with pytest 5.4.0+. + Gtk: Add override to make sure both TreeModelSort.new_with_model and TreeModel.sort_new_with_model exist independend of the gtk version. + Gtk.Template: Fix initialisation order errors with Widgets getting created from C (potentially through other templates). + Gtk.Template: Fix errors when calling init_template() multiple times.- Update to version 3.36.0: + This will be the last release supporting Python 2. + pygobject-object: Avoid checking whether NULL is floating. + Avoid various new glib deprecation warnings. + Port to g_object_new_with_properties(). + Drop Python 2 support on Windows. + gtk overrides: Drop Menu, MenuItem for Gtk 4. + Docs: - Update openSUSE instructions. - Add Gaphor to Who is Using PyGObject. - Remove reference to a fixed bug.- Remove %{python_module gobject-devel = %{version}} from common-devel: Assuming that consumers of the .pc and include headers are not really using the python bindings.- Drop gnome-common Requires from python-gobject-common-devel sub-package, no longer needed, nor used since 3.29.1, where the BuildRequires was dropped, but the explicit Requires was not removed by mistake.- Update to version 3.34.0: + No changes since 3.33.1.- Update to version 3.33.1: + Make GLib.Variant.unpack a bit less costly. + pygobject: ignore GParameter deprecations. + pygobject-object: fix refcount of floating return values. + pygi-info: remove some dead code.- Update to version 3.32.2: + Python 3.8b1 compatibility fixes. + tests: fix a test error when run under wayland. + specify python_requires.- Update to version 3.32.1: + tests/gimarshallingtestsextra.c/h: relicense to LGPLv2.1+. + meson: add ``tests`` option for disabling tests. + meson: tests: pass ``--quiet`` to g-ir-scanner. + Fix a crash when marshalling a GError to Python fails. + Fix leak of transfer-full/container C arrays.- Update to version 3.32.0: + No changes since 3.31.4.- Update to version 3.31.4: + docs: document GObject.Object.weak_ref(). + cairo: - Add cairo pattern foreign struct support. - Add cairo_matrix_t converter to GValue.- Update to version 3.31.3: + Speed up destruction of boxed types and GObject.Value.set_value() calls. This makes appending to a Gtk.TreeModel nearly twice as fast for example. + Allow passing None for boolean parameters. + meson: Install .egg-info directory to arch'd dir. + gtk overrides: raise in case Gtk.Window is instantiated after gtk_init failed. + gio overrides: Warn when creating various dbus types without a constructor. + tests: - Fix tests with glib 2.59.x. - Fix test_atoms failing in some environments.- Update to version 3.31.2: + GLib.Variant.keys: correctly raise TypeError for non-dict types. + GLib.Variant: implement __bool__ for maybe types. + cairo: Fix GValue converters in case of NULL. + Print an install command hint when pkg-config is missing. + pygi-info: wrap g_union_info_get_alignment().- Update to version 3.30.4: + gtk overrides: Fix rows getting inserted on the wrong level with TreeStore.insert_before/inster_after if parent=None.- Update to version 3.30.3: + GValue: fall back to the custom C marshaller to support fundamental types. This makes GValue work with GstFraction. + GValue: Work around wrong annotations for GVariant. + Fix GObject attribute access during instance init which can lead to errors with __getattr__ implementations of subclasses. This lead to criticals when instantiating Gio.DBusProxy.- Update to version 3.30.2: + tests: Fix some test with newer glib. + overrides: Fix crash when using non-ascii text with Gtk.Builder.add_from_string/add_objects_from_string. + Various meson/distutils build fixes for MSVC. + foreign-cairo: Fix cairo marshalling not using the foreign converters in some cases. + build: reproducible build fixes.- Update to version 3.30.1: + Fix various crashes on big endian systems. + meson: Don't link against libpython on non-Windows systems.- Update to version 3.30.0: + Various test suite fixes to get things to pass with Ubuntu 18.10.- Update to version 3.29.3: + meson: - Support building pycairo as a subproject. - Declare_dependency for use by potential superprojects. - Update glib wrap file. - Fix the Python 2 build not not use the system pycairo extension when running tests. + Various fixes and updates. + Gtk.Template: - Fix instantiation error when using the new code with older PyGObject. - Don't error out when loading a resource that is only available in an overlay. + Fix various crashes when running against a debug Python 3.7 build. + overrides: - Allow calling GObject.Binding.unbind() multiple times with GLib 2.58+. - Gio.ListStore overrides use splice() when adding/removing many items with GLib 2.58+. + Work around pylint reporting bogus warnings regarding a missing self argument for normal functions. + Add override for GdkPixbuf.Pixbuf.new_from_data() to wrap new_from_bytes() to work around a use after free.- Update to version 3.29.2: + Gtk.Template: Allow marking children as "internal-child". + Gio.Settings: implement __iter__. + Release the GIL when emitting a signal. + Don't wrap GValue in GValue when creating GValueArray. + Don't crash on multiple calls to GObject.Value.__del__. + Various fixes. + Various fixes/improvements for PyPy. + Issues fixed: glgo#GNOME/pygobject#115, glgo#GNOME/pygobject#134, glgo#GNOME/pygobject#130, glgo#GNOME/pygobject#45, glgo#GNOME/pygobject#200, glgo#GNOME/pygobject#29, glgo#GNOME/pygobject#213, glgo#GNOME/pygobject#219, glgo#GNOME/pygobject#193. + Updated documentation.- Update to version 3.29.1: + Support for `PyPy `__ and PyPy3. (glgo#GNOME/pygobject#180). + Cairo: support :class:`cairo.Matrix` conversion. (glgo#GNOME/pygobject#16). + Speed up repeated closure creation by caching the closure cache in the argument cache (glgo#GNOME/pygobject#103). + Overrides: Make :meth:`Gtk.ListStore.insert_before`, :meth:`Gtk.ListStore.insert_after`, :meth:`Gtk.TreeStore.\ insert_before` and :meth:`Gtk.TreeStore.insert_after` atomic. + Make :class:`GLib.Error` picklable (glgo#GNOME/pygobject#45). + Add basic support for template based widgets through ``Gtk.Template`` (glgo#GNOME/pygobject#52). + Avoid truncating value returned from g_value_info_get_value. + Various documentation improvements. - Drop: + gnome-common BuildRequires and autoreconf call, and replace configure/make_build/make_install macros with python_build and python_install, following upstream drop of Autotools. + pycompile-searchpath.patch: it is no longer needed.- Update to version 3.28.3: + Fix Gio.Application leak in case no signal handler is set before. + Squash critical warning when using array as hash value.- Update to version 3.28.2: + Fix: - __str__ return type of Gtk.TreePath with depth == 0 (glgo#GNOME/pygobject#143); - A crash when setting a str property with a value containing surrogates (glgo#GNOME/pygobject#169). + Tests: Fix a potential crash during tests.- Update to version 3.28.1: + Fix a GValue leak (regression) (glgo#GNOME/pygobject#176). + Various fixes for Python 3.7 (glgo#GNOME/pygobject#170).- Update to version 3.28.0: + GLib.Variant: Fix creation of guchar arrays from bytes.- Update to version 3.27.5: + Re-revert transfer-none boxed copy changes. Now with more fixes and tests. + Add caching for boxed type lookup and try to avoid the import lock.- Modernize spec-file by calling spec-cleaner- Update to version 3.27.4: + tests: Fix tests under Wayland (glgo#GNOME/pygobject#163). + tests: Make it possible to use pytest directly. + Reverted transfer-none boxed copy changes due to regressions in gnome-music (glgo#GNOME/pygobject#164).- Update to version 3.27.3: + Fix a 3.27.2 regression where functions return invalid boxed values. + tests: - Make tests run without Gtk/Gdk installed. - Remove dependency on ``localedef``. - Require/Use pytest.- Update to version 3.27.2: + - Add a "quality" command which is equal to "make check.quality". - Add a "test" command which is equal to "make check". - Install pkg-config and header files. - Improve pycairo header lookup with pycairo >=1.16. + autotools: "make check.quality" now requires flake8. + overrides: - Fix ``Gtk.Adjustment.__init__()`` overrides not setting "value" sometimes. :issue:`151` :mr:`3` - ``GLib.Variant``: add support to create maybe types. + Make it possible to resolve ambiguous vmethod names. Ambiguities can be resolved by implementing methods named "do_$namespaced_base_class_name_$vfunc_name". + Fix setting a property installed in Python from C in some cases. + pygobject-object: fix memory corruption around list of closures. + Don't copy the boxed if we are the sole owner of the wrapper after a closure. + Only copy transfer-none boxed values in closures once the closure exists. This allows modifying the passed boxed while allowing to keep the wrapper around after the closure is done. - Drop pkgconfig(libffi) BuildRequires: no longer needed.- Update to version 3.27.1: + - Rework pycairo discovery to not use pkg-config. - Remove various classifiers and the download-url which aren't accepted by pypi. + Add sphinx based documentation (bgo#791448). + PKG-INFO: Revert name back to PyGObject. - Remove the executable bit from example scripts as an extra sanity/security measure.- Update to version 3.27.0: + Demo: - pep8 fixes. - Add new Gtk.FlowBox example (bgo#735918). - Use HeaderBar for main app window (bgo#735918). + Fix potential: - Uninitialized memory access during GC (bgo#786872). - Potential overflow when marshalling flags from py interface (bgo#786948). + Error out in case autoconf-archive isn't installed (bgo#784428). + Move into tools. + Drop: - Python 3.3 support (bgo#790787). - pygobject-3.0-uninstalled.pc file. + Tests: - Some more C locale fixes. - Make the test suite pass with the C locale. + Fixes: bgo#622084, bgo#622084, bgo#731501, bgo#788890, bgo#788894, bgo#777719, bgo#786948, bgo#786948, bgo#735918, bgo#735918, bgo#790346, bgo#735918, bgo#735918. - Switch libffi-devel BuildRequires by its pkgconfig module counterpart once configure only looks for its module. - Adopt the use of %make_build macro instead of raw make command, following best practices.- Update to version 3.26.1: + Pygobject-object: Fix Python GC collecting a ref cycle too early (bgo#731501). + Fix potential uninitialized memory access during GC (bgo#786872). + Test: revert parts of the previous test as it's broken on 32 bit builds (bgo#786948). + Flags: Add testcase for bug 786948 (bgo#786948). + Fix potential overflow when marshalling flags from py interface (bgo#786948). + to_py_array: Properly handle enum array items (bgo#788890). + Closure: Fix unaligned and out-of-bounds access (bgo#788894). + Build: Fix not installing .egg-info file (bgo#777719). - Run spec-cleaner -p to get respectives pkgconfig(*): gio-2.0, glib-2.0 and gobject-introspection-1.0.- Update to version 3.26.0: + Closure: silence a new compiler warning. + Make sure version information passed to require_version is a string (bgo#781582). + Test fixes.- Update package summaries. Fix RPM groups and do not run fdupes across hardlink partitions.- Update to version 3.25.1: + Bugs fixed: bgo#663068, bgo#667959, bgo#686835, bgo#698548, bgo#699440, bgo#707196, bgo#712197, bgo#726484, bgo#730908, bgo#735076, bgo#735206, bgo#744690, bgo#746564, bgo#759009, bgo#759276, bgo#762176, bgo#769789, bgo#772896, bgo#772949, bgo#773394, bgo#773803, bgo#777713, bgo#777719, bgo#780396, bgo#780409, bgo#780591, bgo#780652, bgo#780768, bgo#780812.- Once again filter typelib(Gtk) dependency out of python2-gobject: it's not possible to use multiple __requires_exclude_from statements in the specfile, thus change the filter to be valid for python2 and python3 at the same time.- Update to version 3.24.1: + pygi-info: initialize GIArgument before passing it to g_constant_info_get_value (bgo#772949).- Switch to single-spec version. - Add python version-dependent wrapper packages to pull in necessary dependencies. - Include all dependencies in -devel packages. - Rebase .changes file to include changes in -devel package.- Update to version 3.24.0: + overrides: Update for Gdk-4.0 and Gtk+-4.0 (bgo#773315, bgo#777680). + Disable -Werror=missing-prototypes (bgo#777534). + Fix new PEP8 errors (bgo#776009). + Move pep8/pyflakes tests from 'make check' to 'make check.quality' (bgo#764087). + Handle exception unreffing Variant at exit (bgo#776092). + Handle multiple deinit of callable cache (bgo#776092). - Drop python-gobject-missing-prototypes.patch: fixed upstream.- Provide python2- versions of packages to ease transition to python single-spec macros.- Move Pango overrides to -Gdk package: the main pygobject package is supposed to be installable without a dependency on X (boo#1025819).- Add python-gobject-missing-prototypes.patch: Disable - Werror=missing-prototypes (bgo#777534). - Add gnome-common BuildRequires and call autoreconf, as above patch touches the build system.- Update to version 3.22.0: + Version bump only, no changes.- Update to version 3.21.92: + Handle nullable filename parameters (bgo#770821). + Fix list/hashtable enum <-> hash conversion on 64-bit big endian (bgo#770608). + Allow passing sockets to io_add_watch on win32 (bgo#766396). + Tests: Use dbus-run-session instead of dbus-launch to run tests (bgo#770798).- Update to version 3.21.91: + Allow installing with pip (bgo#767988). + Skip a test with older glib (bgo#740301). + Fix a test with Python 3.1/3.2 (bgo#740324). + tests: Use places kwarg for assertAlmostEqual (bgo#740337). + Print exception if marshalling a signal argument fails (bgo#748198). + overrides: allow treemodel sequence shorthands (bgo#766580). + Remove pygobject-external.h (bgo#767084). + Remove pygobject-private.h and rename pygobject.c to pygobject-object.c (bgo#767084). + Merge pyglib-private.h into pyglib.h (bgo#767084). + Remove pygi.h and pygi-private.h (bgo#767084).- Do not consider for automatic dependency generation: this file is filled with large comments section but in fact not with dependencies (parsing it happens to add a typelib(Gtk) = 3.0 dependency).- Update to version 3.21.0: + gi: Add require_versions() function (bgo#761141). + build: Do not enable code coverage based on lcov (bgo#764075).- Move gi/overrides/keysyms.* also to the -Gdk subpackage: Keysyms is mapped to Gdk symbols and is only usable in GUI apps.- Update to version 3.20.1: + test_gerror_novalue: Don't assign the error to a variable (bgo#764165).- Do not package GIMarshallingTests: it's only used by the test suite and is useless on an installed system (the corresponding typelibs and libraries are also not installed).- Update to GNOME 3.20 Fate#318572- Split out a python[3]-gobject-Gdk subpackage: do not forcibly pull in the entire X-stack for CLI tools requiring python-gobject for dbus bindings for example. - The new package supplements python-gobject together with libgdk.- Update to version 3.20.0: + No changes.- Update to version 3.19.92: + No changes.- Update to version 3.19.91: + Fix marshaling of GError stored in GValue (bgo#761592). + Fix marshaling or GError from Python to C from function calls (bgo#685197). + Error handling/reporting fixes (bgo#751956). + Fix crash due to GVariant implemented as PyGBoxed not PyGIStruct (bgo#751956). + Fix crash with GValueArray stored in GValue (bgo#754359).- Update to version 3.19.90: + tests: - Set the active style context state before retrieving values. - Fix crash with empty drag source icon names (bgo#762392). + Try to import GdkX11 in Gdk overrides (bgo#673396). + Fix import warnings pointing to the wrong code with CPython 3.3/3.5 (bgo#757184).- Update to version 3.19.2: + tests: Fix failure due to new GTK+ warning regarding size_allocate(). + Fix build warnings regarding _POSIX_C_SOURCE redefinition. + Drop -std=c90 for now. - Changes from version 3.19.1: + Use a named tuple for returning multiple values (bgo#727374). + enum/flags: use gir info for type names and __repr__ instead of the gtype name (bgo#657915). + Improve and unify __repr__ format for PyGObject, PyGBoxed and PyGIStruct (bgo#657915). + Don't leak internal RepositoryError on import (bgo#756033). + Import dependencies when importing typelibs from gi.repository (bgo#656314). + Don't import inspect at module level. + invoke state: add a free memory cache for PyGIInvokeArgState (bgo#750658). + invoke/closure: reduce g_slice_alloc usage (bgo#750658). + Bump g-i dependency to latest stable. + Avoid calling g_slist_length() during invoke. + Simplify closure_convert_arguments(). + Remove a level of indentation in convert_ffi_arguments(). + Prevent passing the user data multiple times to callbacks (bgo#750347). + Support throwing exceptions in closures (bgo#710671).- Update to version 3.18.2: + Reroll of tarball to correct the previous one. - Changes from version 3.18.1: + Fix Gdk.rectangle_intersect/rectangle_union missing with GTK+ 3.18 (bgo#756364). + pep8: ignore new errors reported by pep8 1.6. + Don't emit require_version warning if namespace was loaded previously using g_irepository_require (bgo#754491).- Explicitly define python build version. Fixes incorrect autodetection in some situations (such as devel:languages:python3 right now).- Update to version 3.18.0: + Stable release, no changes.- Update to version 3.17.90: + Allow passing unicode lists to GStrv properties on Python 2 (bgo#744745). + Avoid a silent long to int truncation (bgo#749698). + Handle gtype marshalling (bgo#749696). + pygi-foreign-cairo.c: fix include for py3cairo.h (bgo#746742). + tests: Silence various error messages and warnings (bgo#751156). + Fix test regression when xdg-user-dirs is not installed (bgo#751299). + Explicitly check if an override exists instead of ImportError (bgo#749532).- Update to version 3.17.1: + Add gi.PyGIWarning used when import version is not specified (bgo#727379). + Remove Gdk.Rectangle alias with newer gobject-introspection and GTK+ (bgo#749625). + Field setters: Remove unneeded type/range checks and unused code (bgo#746985). + pygi-argument: Remove unused imports/includes (bgo#746985). + Improve test coverage for field setters/getters (bgo#746985).- Update to version 3.16.2: + overrides: Provide _overrides_module attribute (bgo#736678).- Update to version 3.16.1: + overrides: Conditionalize touch override support in Gdk (bgo#747717).- Update to version 3.16.0: + Stable release, no changes since 3.15.91.- Update to version 3.15.91: + Add GLib.MINFLOAT etc. and mark GObject.G_MINFLOAT etc. deprecated (bgo#743514). + Emit PyGIDeprecationWarning when accessing deprecated override attributes (bgo#743514). + Add namespace and container name to all warnings/error messages (bgo#743468). + Avoid duping filenames when marshalling from Python to C (bgo#744719). + test: - Don't use deprecated override attributes (bgo#743514). - Add test for GIRepository.UnionInfo.get_size() (bgo#745362).- Update to version 3.15.0: + Avoid copying bytearrays from Python to C when transfer nothing (bgo#743278). + Allows passing arguments to opaque Boxed types (bgo#743214). + Emit ImportWarning when gi.require_version() is not used (bgo#727379). + Refactor overrides import/modules (bgo#736678). + Replace statically bound GLib.Variant.new_tuple() with GI (bgo#735199). + overrides: Add Gdk.EventTouch union discrimination (bgo#736380). + PyGObjectFlags: Remove a trailing comma on the enum. + Remove redefinitions of function and vfunc cache typedefs.ibs-power9-11 1719910988 3.44.1-150400. -grecord-gcc-switches -O2 -Wall -D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2 -fstack-protector-strong -funwind-tables -fasynchronous-unwind-tables -fstack-clash-protection -gobs:// script, ASCII text executable  RRRRRR R R R RR RR R RRR RRR RRRRRRRRRRRRRR joD3 Yqutf-8368d81e95705ac9f13eb89159c3162041794a0e3388b4e1467d10178a4889091? 7zXZ !t/]"k%a Jn"sLH8a.u^rWf&ɯ=V>G>b,-xwHRrzl-}ӣk9ś\{OS\HEóQ_:┳=t 3AB7mizΛ)G Q&[>/ԖX}y*W3 3C{!\v 3;_#PSs#52g߼эT%Z+Ibt9bAG> kD.ce)5uanpލ 9lBj,3GDOyjzr D@{V5H]&w3>ʍk,h"LT1Q""5:Ү-Ȣ[kA"/,PTY5 I^.îYߦ[PCQCHTg9 UƳPE{SIq۫W7׳v D7`(gY1>n",TzuWۯV^^:_ڿq~ux*|NF"X-bdIS,`\y!RsҍҖ|˗X4 D;i'>zB24°toܣBmSK_|du߶EDo̞yМK~ZDw([٫d˝Y.KsvŪs01AꔛT3 S4 j%IjY3tV=;wSnEVVbchuc^*[Nk +H9t*2E4m זÍ낀kNyJSw c1]

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