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INT_MAXPKIX1.pkcs-7-ContentInfoCould not create ASN.1 structure for PKCS#7 data: %sError decoding PKCS#7 message DER: %scontentTypeError reading PKCS#7 content type: %sUnexpected content type in PKCS#7 message: OID %sPKCS#7 message contentcontent2.16.840. counting number of extensions: %s../../grub-core/commands/appendedsig/x509.cInsufficient number of extensions for certificate, need at least 2, got %dtbsCertificate.extensions.?%d.extnIDError reading extension OID: %stbsCertificate.extensions.?%d.criticalError reading extension criticality: %stbsCertificate.extensions.?%d.extnValuecertificate extension valuePKIX1.KeyUsageCould not create ASN.1 structure for key usageError parsing DER for Key Usage: %sError reading Key Usage value: %sKey Usage (0x%x) missing Digital Signature usagePKIX1.BasicConstraintsCould not create ASN.1 structure for Basic ConstraintsError parsing DER for Basic Constraints: %scAError reading Basic Constraints cA value: %sFALSEUnexpected CA value: %sPKIX1.ExtKeyUsageSyntaxCould not create ASN.1 structure for Extended Key UsageError parsing DER for Extended Key Usage: %sError counting number of Extended Key Usages: %sUnexpected number of Extended Key Usages: %d, 1 expected?1Error reading Extended Key Usage: %sUnexpected Extended Key Usage OID, got: %sTRUEUnhandled critical x509 extension with OID %sUnexpected number of Key Usage extensions - expected 1, got %dUnexpected number of basic constraints extensions - expected 1, got %dUnexpected number of Extended Key Usage extensions - expected 0 or 1, got %dCannot parse a certificate where data size > INT_MAXPKIX1.CertificateCould not create ASN.1 structure for certificate: %sCould not parse DER for certificate: %stbsCertificate.versionError reading certificate versionInvalid x509 certificate version, expected v3 (0x02), got 0x%02xcertificate serial numbertbsCertificate.serialNumbertbsCertificate.subject%s.rdnSequenceCould not allocate memory for %s name parsing pathError counting name components: %s%s.?%dCould not allocate memory for %s name set parsing pathError counting name sub-components components (element %d): %s%s.?%d.?%d.typeCould not allocate memory for %s name component type pathError reading %s name component type: %s%s.?%d.?%d.valueCould not allocate memory for %s name component value pathPKIX1.DirectoryStringCould not parse DER for DirectoryString: %sDirectoryString choiceutf8StringError reading size of UTF-8 string: %sprintableStringOnly UTF-8 and printable DirectoryStrings are supported, got %sCannot allocate memory for DirectoryString contentsError reading out %s in DirectoryString: %stbsCertificate.subjectPublicKeyInfo.algorithm.algorithmError reading x509 public key algorithm: %sUnsupported x509 public key algorithm: %stbsCertificate.subjectPublicKeyInfo.algorithm.parametersError reading x509 public key parameters: %sInvalid x509 public key parameters: expected NULLtbsCertificate.subjectPublicKeyInfo.subjectPublicKeyError reading size of x509 public key: %sUnexpected ASN.1 type when reading x509 public key: %xOut of memory for x509 public keyError reading public key dataGNUTLS.RSAPublicKeyCannot create storage for public key ASN.1 dataCannot decode certificate public key DER: %sRSA modulusmodulusRSA public exponentpublicExponentError loading RSA modulus into MPI structure: %dError loading RSA exponent into MPI structure: %d1.  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