Title: inxi.tcz Description: Command line system information script for console Version: 3.1.00 Author: See top of /usr/local/bin with a text editor Original-site: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/smxi/inxi/master/inxi Copying-policy: GPL v3 Size: 248K Extension_by: aus9 Tags: hardware Comments: Online manual is here https://smxi.org/docs/inxi-man.htm inxi can show system hardware, CPU, drivers, Xorg, Desktop, --Kernel, gcc version(s), Processes, RAM usage, and a -----wide variety of other useful information. The following may be useful but its up to you to decide how much info to share on a forum or IRC dmidecode.tcz for bios info util-linux.tcz for blockdev info usb-utils.tcz for usb device info lm-sensors.tcs for sensor info upower.tcz for power/battery info libXrandr.tcz may be Xorg installed for graphic resolutions Change-log: 2012/09/27 v 1.8.17 on 32 bit Current: 2020/05/12 updated on 32/64 bit 11.1 3.1.00