\input texline \def\bu{$\bullet$} \headline{\sl \TeXline\ 9 \hss 36} \article{Some meetings} \bu The 10th annual TUG meeting, {\sl Ten Years of \TeX\ and \MFsl}, will be held at Stanford University, August 20--23, 1989. Details elsewhere in \TeXline. \medskip\noindent \bu \TeX89, the 4th European \TeX\ Conference, will take place at Karlsruhe University, FRG, from Monday, September 11th to Wednesday, September 13th, 1989, Details elsewhere in \TeXline. \medskip\noindent \bu {\sl Protext V Conference}, the Fifth International Conference on Computer Aided Text Processing and its Applications, will be held on October 4--6th, 1989 at MIT, Cambridge, Massachusetts. It will be preceded by `Tutorial Short Courses'. Contact: {\obeylines\parindent0pt {\sc protext} Conference INCA PO Box 2 D\'un Laoghaire Ireland tel: 353 1 797655/808025 } \medskip\noindent \bu \ukTuG\ -- {\sl Fonts: how they are created; how they can be used}, at Aston University on October 11th. Details elsewhere in \TeXline. \medskip\noindent \bu{\sc dante} will hold the 8th ({\it sic}) Annual Meeting of German \TeX\ Users at the Catholic University of Eichstaett on Wednesday 11th October--Friday 13th October, 1989. Since the notification was distributed over various electronic networks, we can safely assume that non-German \TeX\ users may attend too, but the meeting will be conducted exclusively in German. There is a general meeting on the Wednesday afternoon, tutorials on the Thursday, and papers and discussion groups on the Thursday and Friday. Busy, busy (as we Bokonists say). No fees were mentioned, nor arrangements for accomodation. Contact Joachim Lammarsch, or {\obeylines\parindent0pt Wolfgang A Slaby Catholic University Eichstaett Computing Centre Ostenstra\ss e 24 D-8078 Eichstaett, FRG tel: 08421 20 214 email: {\tt slaby@urz.ku-eichstaett.dbp.de} } \medskip \noindent \bu{\sl RIDT'89 -- Raster Imaging and Digital Typography, an international workshop}, will be conducted at Ecole Polytechnique F\'ed\'erale, Lausanne, on October 12--13, 1989. ``It is the aim of the workshop to bring together people from various scientific, industrial and artistic backgrounds. It will provide a unique opportunity for information and discussion on advanced techniques in the domain of Raster Imaging and Digital Typography.'' Participants include Richard Southall, Chuck Bigelow, Rick Beach, Crispin Goswell, Theo Pavlidis, Jacques Andr\'e and David Brailsford. The meeting costs 380.-- Swiss francs. Find your own accomodation. Contact: {\obeylines\parindent0pt Marie-Jos\'e Pallaud RUDT'89 Conference EPSL-LSP Avenue de Cour 37 CH-1007 Lausanne Switzerland tel: 41 21 693 2641 } \medskip\noindent \bu {\sl CALS in Europe} was held at the British Standards Institute in London on July 14th. It was planned to inaugurate a Special Interest Group on CALS in Europe. CALS -- Computer-aided Acquisition and Logistic Support -- is a strategy developed by the US DoD. CALS compliance is required for contract bids to the DoD. It is a strategy rather than a standard, but embraces four current standards -- {\sc iges}, \sgml, Group 4 fax and {\sc cgm}. A readable (short) account of CALS and its implications was published in {\sl Desktop Publishing Today}, 4(5), 1989, pp.40--41. Contact: {\obeylines\parindent0pt David L Williams, CALS in Europe SIG Technical Publications Product Support Department Westland Aerospace Ltd East Cowes IoW PO32 6RH tel: 0983 294101 } \medskip\noindent \bu The Royal College of Art is holding {\sl Effective Desktop Publishing Courses}. They include a two-day seminar aimed at managers and a three-day workshop aimed towards `users of dtp systems'. Although very \wysiwyg\ and Macintosh biassed they mention stylesheets and templates. The seminar is \quid600; the workshop \quid580, or \quid300 to academics. Contact: {\obeylines\parindent0pt Elizabeth Keay RCA Kensington Gore London SW7 2EU tel: 01 584 5020 ext 290 } \author{Malcolm Clark} \article{\TeX\kern-0.1emlion}\hfuzz10pt \input small.leo \hbox to3.1truein{\hfill\box\lion\kern-0.5in\raise0.5truein\box\C\hfill} \author{Malcolm Clark (\& Sir John Tenniel)} \end